What does your man think of the makeup you wear?


Well-known member
The man I was mad upon... hated makeup.
The man who loves me well, it's the opposite he loves bright red or pink lipsticks with a pale complexion or light blushes. He never pays attention to my eye makeup, I never wear any eyeliner so it's soft and hidden by glasses !


Well-known member
My bf likes me natural, if not prefers me that way, but appreciates the skill and creativity it takes to apply "awesome" makeup as he calls it. He also tells me that he scrutinizes other girls makeup very closely now because of me, probably because I talk about it in detail with him sometimes. I appreciate that he notices!


Well-known member
My bf likes me natural, if not prefers me that way, but appreciates the skill and creativity it takes to apply "awesome" makeup as he calls it. He also tells me that he scrutinizes other girls makeup very closely now because of me, probably because I talk about it in detail with him sometimes. I appreciate that he notices!
My hubby is exactly the same! He always says that I'm most beautiful when I first wake up in the morning (sweet, but I think it's a load of crap, haha), but whenever I put on makeup, he's impressed by the looks I create. He likes to paint, so I sometimes ask for his thoughts on different color combinations and such when I can't decide what I like best. I think if it was up to him though, I'd barely wear any makeup at all. Luckily, he respects my love for makeup!

That being said, I have to say I completely agree that makeup should be something you do for you. I feel makeup is supposed to be fun, and when it comes to creating a look, you should always do something that enhances your personal beauty and makes you feel amazing...regardless of what anyone else thinks!


Well-known member
same here girls, my current BF says he likes me the most without makeup but he really enjoys when i have a sultry smokey eye and he really likes red lips on me

i wear makeup for myself as well but it's nice when your other half appreciates the colours, the skills and the final result. when i was younger (and i started getting into makeup, or more like when i became an addict) my then BF didn't like makeup at all... i still wore it but it sucked not being able to share my excitement with him... so it's really cool that now i'm able to ask my partner: "shall i wear blue or green eyeshadow tonight?" it's fun!


Well-known member
same here girls, my current BF says he likes me the most without makeup but he really enjoys when i have a sultry smokey eye and he really likes red lips on me

i wear makeup for myself as well but it's nice when your other half appreciates the colours, the skills and the final result. when i was younger (and i started getting into makeup, or more like when i became an addict) my then BF didn't like makeup at all... i still wore it but it sucked not being able to share my excitement with him... so it's really cool that now i'm able to ask my partner: "shall i wear blue or green eyeshadow tonight?" it's fun!


Well-known member
I'm single.

However regardless, I wear make-up for me - not to impress any man or woman. If someone doesn't like my make-up, I don't care.

I don't wear it for others to like or to attract people, I wear it because it's fun, I enjoy it and it's my "me" time in the morning when I'm getting ready to start my day.
I agree a 100%. :)

Well, I don't have a relationship but most of my friends are guys and even though the majority don't seem to voice out an opinion about me wearing makeup, a few others do when it comes to lipstick. My best friend prefers the natural look and no bright lipstick. Another friend really liked a lipstick (Reel Sexy) that I wore to class because it looked like his favorite color and he also likes when I wear orange lipsticks because he says it brightens my face a lot (I still think it's because he likes orange.) There's another one who told me that red lipstick made me look intimidating, but that doesn't stop me from wearing it.


Well-known member
I wear makeup because i feel like it. I actually stopped wearing makeup for a few years because i started work at 6 amand i honeslty cared more about five more minutes of sleep versus waking up early to do my makeup. now that my hours have chaged and i start at 2pm, i get to stay up late (and go on Specktra and beauty blogs all night lol), sleep in and have time to do my makeup. I never stopped collecting tho, just wouldnt use it unless i was going out somewhere. My boyfriend and i usually go to the drive inns, so sometimes i get ready, sometimes i dont. He tella me im beautiful with or without makeup. He likes when i have my eye makeup on, and he likes all my different lipsticks. His only problem is that he knows he gets no lippy kisses when i got my lips on lol
recently he asked me who im trying to look good for i told him im wearing it because i want to not for anyone else. My mom and family would comment on my appearance and sak why i didnt "get ready" anymore. I guess i have made up for these last few years with all my purchases these past two months lol


Well-known member
I'm single.

However regardless, I wear make-up for me - not to impress any man or woman. If someone doesn't like my make-up, I don't care.

I don't wear it for others to like or to attract people, I wear it because it's fun, I enjoy it and it's my "me" time in the morning when I'm getting ready to start my day.
I agree. I am married but I wear makeup because I enjoy it, not for anyone else. I could care less what anyone else thinks.


Well-known member
hehe, my hubby and I have made it a habit that I show him my new looks every morning before I go to work :) When I asked him,he likes a smokey eye (with Typographic) the most as well as a blue-eye look with Deep Truth. So more the evening looks.

And as you guys mentioned his other favourite is no makeup in the morning... guys can be so sweet :D


Well-known member
for my boyfriend, he doesnt really care but i noticed he does like the light natural looking makeup for the day time, and the heavier stuff for the evenings or parties. i cant justify wearing heavy makeup and dark eyeshadows in the day time on myself so we have the same opinion on my makeup.


My boyfriend is 100% supportive of my makeup addiction, haha! He doesn't care what I wear because it's my face and he loves me for that! He is impressed by my makeup application usually, so that makes me feel really good
All in all, he loves whatever I end up putting on each day! I'm a lucky girl!


I think most guys I've dated are pretty indifferent. However, one of my guy friends recently told me that he likes when I wear brightly colored lipstick :)


Active member
My boyfriend actually likes when I'm bare faced. All natural! I guess because when we met in high school I used to wear NO makeup at all. :)


Well-known member
My hub says he thinks im better looking with no makeup.... im like yea right, you pay no attention to what i say...so, how can you know i look better with or without!
FYI, first thing in the morning is not a good look for me!


Well-known member
I never wore makeup and now just started getting into it and at first my husband was totally against it and now he likes it. He supports my new "hobby" as I call it.


Well-known member
he hates when i wear makeup :( especially face makeup and i'm really self concious about my skin