What kind of makeup turns you off and why?


Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

tell me about it! i politely said that maybe she shouldnt use the mascara because they say use them within 3-6 months idealy. but she insisted! i know so many stubborn people!!


Active member
lets hear it!!!

what annoys you? (try not to hurt anyones feelings by your comments)

night looks and day looks...that means nothing to me. i try not to go toooo black thats my only day time restriction.

don't match e/s color to your clothing...(which i normally don't do. i go for something on the opposite of the color wheel)...but sometimes it just happens!!! don't crucify me for it!

"you look tired"-when i dont put dark liner around my eyes

"did you poke your eye?"-when i wear pink e/s...both of these comments mainly come from MEN!


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

When someone who is clearly a certain undertone when it comes to face makeup wears the completely wrong foundation and like when its super noticeable . Like lets say someone who is really an NW wears an NC shade instead.

I get the whole, "are you high" thing whenever I don't have the whole shabam going on when it comes to eye makeup.

I do the whole match your e/s to what your wearing thing and honestly don't give a crap lol. What a rebel I am ;p


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

my biggest thing is eyebrows.
i hate it when they're too far apart.
or those tadpole/comma brows that are fat and rounded at the front and go immediately skinny at the tail.
and brows that are too arched or not arched enough for the persons face.


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

I have to really stick with the Black Sharpie look on brows and as lipliner.....so distracting and hard not to stare at!


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

-When girls have on really heavy eye makeup where they almost look drag-queenish

-light lipstick or gloss with dark lipliner

-clumpy, spiderlike eyelashes

And I agree with the eyebrow thing. Why would anyone pluck their eyebrows in the shape of sperm? Your arch is not suppose to be next to your nose!


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

Purple lips.
Lavender Whip =

Also... when people don't wear any base under their eyeshadow and by the end of the day it's totally creased & greasy looking.

I also agree with Kensie about too much space between eyebrows & weird brow shapes.


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

I agree with the whole brow thing, but also don't like when brows don't have enough space in between them. Some brows extend way too much over the eye. Also, too much facial hair. It's really distracting on a good makeup look.


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

Man I've worn the most repugnant makeup in my life so I shouldn't even be in this thread. And I am not commenting on brows because I know how much trouble mine have caused me.
Oh well, live and learn.

That said, I just don't see the value in the "porn star look" or how it could be glam or becoming at all.


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

Originally Posted by shimmyshimmyya
-When girls have on really heavy eye makeup where they almost look drag-queenish

You would HATE me, I went to get my HK make over and I told the mua when she asked me what look to go for "tranny whore" she was way more understated than I asked.
sometimes I want to look like a contestant on ru paul's show
it's make up it's supposed to be fun


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

The only thing which I fucking hate is sharing my make-up. WEith anyone damn it. I hate how my friends in college cant let me take a lipgloss out from make-up bag without using it. I stopped touching-up because of that.


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

Shiny, plastic looking skin that's dripping with highlighter. Matte skin always looks better IMO. That's it really, one persons trash is another persons treasure.


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

Smudges of any kind. That's why I don't even use pencil/cream/gel/liquid eyeliners because they will always smudge. And it has taken me literally years to find a mascara that doesn't smudge at all.

As for pet peeves on other people, I'd say super thick black liner (i.e. WAY past the fold and up into the crease, a solid black half-moon). Um, could you please blend that out so at least it looks like shadow (not that black shadow up to your crease is necessarily flattering)? Because right now you look like you got punched in the eye, srsly.


Well-known member
I don't like it when someone wears foundation that does not match their skin and/or does not blend it well so you can SEE the line across the chin/jaw bone.

I also don't like it when someone puts a wash on their lid and does not blend it up at all!

Also, I'm def not a fan of clumpy mascara or when someone wears 3256478574 coats of mascara.


Well-known member
I'm not here to offend anyone...

but there's ONE thing that drives me nuts...

when someone wears DARK lipliner and then puts on a LIGHT lipstick. Ugh. I wanna wipe off their lip MU lolz


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

Originally Posted by TISH1127
I have to really stick with the Black Sharpie look on brows and as lipliner.....so distracting and hard not to stare at!

This is what I was gonna say- I've seen way too many women with this look. It's really scary.


Well-known member
Re: makeup pet peeves....

Originally Posted by Lapis
You would HATE me, I went to get my HK make over and I told the mua when she asked me what look to go for "tranny whore" she was way more understated than I asked.
sometimes I want to look like a contestant on ru paul's show
it's make up it's supposed to be fun

Hahaha,that's EXACTLY how I am.