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When u only have 3 eyeshadows =O


Well-known member
Great tutorial... you should definetly do more.. I love how you only used three eyeshadows... I have quite a decent amount of makeup but sometimes you just dont have enough to do some of the looks on here... but yours was terrific! Bravo!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizz
what a nice tut very detailed~ Please do more!
btw are they the 'diamond' contacts you have on

Please mind my ignorance,

But what the heck are DIAMOND contacts?




Well-known member
I so happy you posted this. It is really helpful and not so intimidating to recreate. Such detail and you took great time and patience to help. Thanks so much for you!


Well-known member
Great tutorial! I don't have a lot of shadows (2-3), so this is great for me to try and copy!! You look so cute too!


New member
Hi Pei,

I'm new to specktra. I love this tutorial you did!! The contact lenses make soo much difference. Can you tell me what kind of contact those are??

Thanks so much!!!!