Who here has a tattoo?

pale blue

Well-known member
I'm getting my 4th tatt in two weeks! The new addition will be a ryukin goldfish on my left wrist


Well-known member
I have three....a lotus on my chest, Tibetan script on my upper back, and a triple moon on my lower back. The only pictures I have are old and in black and white, so I'll try to get some new ones!


Well-known member
I have 3 tattoos (Winnie the Pooh on my right ankle, a star design on my left ankle which I'd like to eventually cover up and the Kanji character for "beautiful" on the inside of my left wrist) and 12 piercings.


Well-known member
I have 4 small ones:

a sunflower with a yin yang in the middle on my left outer ankle - this is the oldest; I think it's almost 10 years old. You can see where I jumped while the guy did the outline and I would at some point like to try to get it covered with something else.

a heart with some little sparkly bits on it on my right outer ankle - I think this one is about 9 years old. People can never figure out what it is.

a blue flower with some tribal linework on the back of my left shoulder - I like this one and at some point, I want to add to it.

and then my favorite, which is the symbol for Virgo on the back of my neck. It's just a simple black linework tattoo and I chose it because it was something that would never change.

At some point, I want to get a couple more. The coverup work as noted above, which, if it will work, will be a lotus and, if not as a coverup, the lotus will find another spot on me. Then possibly an Amy Brown fairy, as I've wanted one for several years. Oh and the add-on work to my blue flower.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasper17
Then possibly an Amy Brown fairy, as I've wanted one for several years. Oh and the add-on work to my blue flower.

Word of caution: if you get an Amy Brown fairy, make sure that your artist is VERY VERY good-- my stepsister got a fairly large one on her shoulder and he completely messed up the fairy's face, to the point that she's just ugly. And it wasn't the outline (the one they put on before they start) that was messed up, he just couldn't do it. I felt so bad for her, because it's such a small head, that there's not really much you can do to fix it...

So please get someone who will do them justice! lol


Well-known member
I have a Group of Stars (1 large one, with several around it) on the outside of my right ankle... designed it myself on the computer at work!!! LOL!!!


Well-known member
I have a kitty cat that say "Cathy" and a red dragon (all red) on my right thigh. My brother has the blue dragon on his right arm.


Well-known member
i have three: one on the back of my neck of my last name encircled in a tribal sun. one on my right ankle of two koi fish, yin yang style. and an angel blowing my first name surrounded by fairy dust. i have plans for 4 more but i've been put on hold by my boyfriend. once he gets his first tattoo, it's on... like donkey kong hahaha.
few piercings too, but soon retiring most of them.


This is my tattoo on my lower back in the center:

The number 3 because my dad's racing number was 3, and now I race, and it's my number now. The styling of the number is based on Dale Earnhardts. I idolize my dad, and Dale Earnhardt.
The reason behind getting it on my lower back is simple. It's easily hidden, if I don't feel the need for everyone to see it.


Well-known member
Fake Calvin Klein Ad .. hahah

Originally Posted by AllINeedIsMac
I have a kitty cat that say "Cathy" and a red dragon (all red) on my right thigh. My brother has the blue dragon on his right arm.

Here's a picture of one:


This is my sexy Calvin Klein-ish picture...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ambriel
I don't have any pictures of my tats! Can you believe it? If I can get my sister to take some with her digital for me, I'll post them. Sorry everyone!

What piercings do you have? I'm more interested in those. 30?!?!


Well-known member
well, let's start!!!
Hope I don't offend anyone! LOL

~ navel
~ both nipples
~ both nostrils
~ septum
~ tongue {stretched to 8 guage}
~ labret
~ hood {stretched to 10 guage}
~ many, many in my ears including tragus, industrial, rook, conch, a rook to helix piercing {rook ~ an anti-helix piercing ~ passes through the upper inner carilage fold...helix ~ placed through the outer rim of the ear cartilage; both piercings joined by one piece of jewelry}
~ my lobes are stretched to 00 guage
~ I also had a Medusa piercing but I retired it.

Originally Posted by SonRisa
What piercings do you have? I'm more interested in those. 30?!?!


Well-known member
i have 5 technically, but one of those goes from the top of my shoulders to the very bottom of my butt. they are all pretty much water themed. i have a lotus with a sanskirt character and some tibetan style waves in each armpit, a band of hibiscus around my left ankle, a band of chrysanthemums and japanese finger waves around my right calf, and then my back piece is an under water scene that finishes off with sort of yin yang-like (a rather dark and protected and a really bright and open) mermaid on each side of my butt. they are super well done and all, but if i could give any one a piece of advice or if i could do it all again, i would say don't without hesitation; there is just something so beautiful about unmarred skin imo.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ambriel
well, let's start!!!
Hope I don't offend anyone! LOL

~ hood {stretched to 10 guage}

~ I also had a Medusa piercing but I retired it.

OMG. You stretched your hood?!? Isn't that dangerous as the skin in that region is already "thin"

What's a Medusa?


Well-known member
It's not dangerous if you let a real professional do it. I have the most amazing piercer. She's also my aromatherapist and one of my best friends! We stretched it one size at a time. Actually going from the 14 to 12 wasn't even a stretch, the jewelry just went in without a stretch and the next step was about the same. The piercing is "deep" enough (wrong word, maybe "wide" would be better) that it was no problem at all.

She says I am built for piercing. I even heal in record time. All my piercings always heal in about a week instead of the usual 6 weeks. and when I pierce cartlidge, which on me is very thick and hard, it doesn't even make the usual "popping" noise.

I find it rather addicting!!! and have plans for a few more on my ears...I still have a little space to fill!

Originally Posted by SonRisa
OMG. You stretched your hood?!? Isn't that dangerous as the skin in that region is already "thin"

What's a Medusa?



Well-known member
oops, forgot about Medusa!
A Medusa is sort of like an upside down labret ~ it's a labret placed centrally on the upper lip. I've attached an old picture from the day she pierced me. I'm on the left. My piercer, Lina, is the lovely Portuguese lady!
You can barely see the jewelry, but it's located just below my septum ring.

Originally Posted by SonRisa
OMG. You stretched your hood?!? Isn't that dangerous as the skin in that region is already "thin"

What's a Medusa?



Well-known member
my hood is stretched to an 8 and it's not been a problem at all. each time i went up though, i went in and got my piercer to stretch for me just like ambriel and i think that's the key. i bought a crescent and tried to stretch from 10 to 8 myself but the pain factor just wasn't worth it.