WOC: Hey, Sailor!


Well-known member
I didn't see a thread for this and with the international release before the US I wanted to find swatches for WOC. So far my list includes:
Handforged eyepencil
Jaunty e/s
Barefoot e/s
Red Racer l/s
Sail La Vie l/s

I am still debating Fleet Fast blush and Orange Tempura l/g until I see swatches on WOC.

What are you guys thinking about getting from this collection?


Well-known member
I'm pretty particular about packaging so I'll be skipping this collection.


Well-known member
In the main thread someone around NC42 posted a pic of her wearing Fast Fleet. It was super gorgeous and instantly added to my list! For now my list is:

-Feeling Fresh e/s
-Jaunty e/s
-Red Racer (?) maybe I have so many reds, but its so pretty and bright to skip.
-To catch a sailor l/s (?) I want to see more swatches on WOC
-Fleet Fast blush
-sea mist or au rose suntint


Well-known member
In the main thread someone around NC42 posted a pic of her wearing Fast Fleet. It was super gorgeous and instantly added to my list! For now my list is:

-Feeling Fresh e/s
-Jaunty e/s
-Red Racer (?) maybe I have so many reds, but its so pretty and bright to skip.
-To catch a sailor l/s (?) I want to see more swatches on WOC
-Fleet Fast blush
-sea mist or au rose suntint
I saw her swatch and it definitely made me add it to my list thanx!


Well-known member
I went back to the main thread too and Fleet Fast is no on my short list. The only other items I'm considering are Sun Dipped and possibly Sail la Vie after I saw this swatch ~> http://blushhappy.blogspot.com/2012/05/macs-hey-sailor-collection-sail-la-vie.html


Well-known member
I love the packaging in this collection!! Here's my list:

Jaunty e/s
Au Rose s/t
Gone Sailing Tote and or Makeup bag


Well-known member
So far my list is as follows:

Sail La Vie L/S
Fleet Flash Blush

I am interested in the new blush....other than that I am on an E/s and L/g no buy!


Well-known member
when it comes out online before stores I am ordering:

-Crew highlighter
-To catch a sailor lipstick.

The rest of the things ill just go to the store and see how they look on me.
Its a shame that even though it came out early in other countries theres still not a lot of swatches on dark skin


Well-known member
when it comes out online before stores I am ordering:

-Crew highlighter
-To catch a sailor lipstick.

The rest of the things ill just go to the store and see how they look on me.
Its a shame that even though it came out early in other countries theres still not a lot of swatches on dark skin
My thoughts exactly...i have been searching all over to see the blushes and highlight powder on darker skin.


Well-known member
when it comes out online before stores I am ordering:

-Crew highlighter
-To catch a sailor lipstick.

The rest of the things ill just go to the store and see how they look on me.
Its a shame that even though it came out early in other countries theres still not a lot of swatches on dark skin
Yea I really wish one of the darker skinned international ladies would post swatches.


Well-known member
skipping this collex. trying to save for heavenly creature and the NARS andy warhol collex, as well as the MAC marilyn monroe collex.


Well-known member
apprently this collection is finally up on pro.... im praying we get to see more swatches on darker skin so that I know for sure what i'm getting


Well-known member
apprently this collection is finally up on pro.... im praying we get to see more swatches on darker skin so that I know for sure what i'm getting
Me too oddly enough after seeing some of the swatches on lighter skin I took fleet fast off my list I'm ordering the lipsticks online the rest I'll wait on swatches for the rest.


Well-known member
I actually didnt think about that possibility. darn it. i hope not either.
The only thing I've really seen as far as WOC swatches are Sail la Vie and Red Racer. I saw a swatch of Fleet Fast but I don't want to spend $20 on a ok blush just because its LE.


Well-known member
OMG...Sail La Vie was not originally on my radar, but now I want it. My List:
Red Racer l/s
Sail La Vie l/s

'tis all!


lol....it's true...but maybe they're all going in to the store, swatching and skipping...
(hope not)
Ive been looking for a nice blush so hopefully this is not the case. Even though my wallet would appreciate it considering i went a little crazy with the Fashion Sets collection. ......and still not done.