Working for Ulta


New member
I applied to ULTA for the stock position and was wondering if anyone can tell me a little bit more about the position than whats on the website? Also what time do stockers usually come in? THANKS in advance!!


New member
I worked with junefontaine at Ulta, and it's not the absolute worst, but not exactly the best either.

I was there about a year as a cashier and never made more than $9/hr. The hours were also really bad so I had a second job, which they were flexible at working around.
I originally applied to be in the prestige area, but they only needed cashiers at the time, but said I could cross train. I did a bit, but never got into prestige. I ended up leaving to go to cosmetology school and stayed at my other job which had more consistent hours. Our store was located in a mall complex so it did get quite busy during the holidays, but in general it was quiet most of the time.

I go in there now, a year later, and barely recognize a face, except a few managers. I think Ulta tends to have pretty high turnaround unless you've managed to wiggle your way into a comfy secure spot and can put up with everything else.

It's true about the clear bags though. We were provided with a small makeup bag sized clutch upon starting. annoying and tacky, but whatever. Our lockers also had clear doors on them.

Theft was common in our store because of 1. being horribly understaffed and 2. corporate either not being smart enough or not wanting to put in the money to display fragrance more securely. It's hard to care when there's nothing you can do and no motivation to change it.

Like it was mentioned before, it a great place to get exposure and learn about different lines and what they offer. Not a bad college job, the discounts are nice! But there just doesn't seem to be much motivation to stay there long term, nor do they really offer you any.


Well-known member
I have been prestige consultant in ulta for little over two years now... i dont recommend it to anybody. Hours are bad, even if you work really hard you will still get 15-20 (maybe not even that much) a week. They dont hire full timers (except mngrs), everybody is part time. Hourly wage is just little above minimum. they want you to look perfect even at 7am on saturday, dress code is strict too. Nobody ever appreciates hard work or recognizes potential. As prestige consultant you have to sell skincare, makeup, fragrance, be cashier, clean floors, clean bathroom,do load, sell haircare, flat irons... and other stupid stuff in the store. I love the girls that i work with in prestige team - that's only good thing about this job.
We have enough trainings, gratis is not bad (could be better).


New member
Hey ladies, i just got hired yesterday at ULTA for cashier and i was wondering about the dress code.. when you say all black bottoms does that mean only pants? or can we wear skirts or shorts? maybe with some nylons underneath? i have orientation tommorrow but i just thought it would be great to know now. And accessories, do they care if you wear any? For instance, a statement necklace?


Well-known member
You can wear skirts but not shorts. Nylons are fine under the skirts. You can also wear 3/4 pants (They have to be under the knee, not above).


New member
ah! thanks for the info! they explained it during orientation. and its also great cause us new employees get us complimentary cut and style! wahoooo!


Well-known member
Yes i think you have to be there at least one month to get free cut and style, but please check that in new employee handbook (a lot of managers dont know about this, or they are not sure how it works)


New member
so i applied at ulta today and four hours later i got a call asking me to come in on sunday morning for a group interview!!
do you girls (or guys) have any tips on how i should dress, or give me any advice..
also, what will some questions be like? and does anyone know how much the starting salary is?

anything will help! thanks :)


Well-known member
Wear all black, top and bottom. Or black bottom and white top.

Salary - minimum wage or little bit more than that.

what position did you apply for?


New member
Does anyone have any insight on the Merchandise Manager position? I have a phone interview tomorrow with a recruiter and i'm curious on some insight for the position. I don't know how I feel bout just "stocking" i'd want to be on the floor. I've worked for about 4 years as an assistant manager in a clothing store, so a change of the "selling culture" would be kind of nice, I just don't wanna be bored. Do you know if it's full time? I can't afford to take a part time job. Also, I asked for $10, do you think they'll pay more? I know other stores pay their merchandisers a little more, then say a sales consultant.


New member
So my phone interview was at 3:30, it's now 4 and I never heard from the lady I was supposed to interview with. I called and left her a message and everything, and nothing in return. Kind of makes me wonder. If she got caught up with something else I completely understand, but atleast call and let me know.


Well-known member
Merch manager spends half of her shift on the floor , doing diferent tasks . It's not all stocking. i think you should ask more than 10$ that is not enough
i know merch manager in my store, that girl works sooo hard.
it is full time, around 37 hours


New member
I just filled out an application for ULTA, and I was wondering do they pay every week? or every two weeks?


New member
Does anyone know anything about the Ulta in Ann Arbor, MI? I applied there like last Thursday and was thinking about calling them 2moro but idk much about this locations employees or store?


New member
I was hired by ULta Beauty in the fall where the Manager said I should get around 32 hours a wk at $10.00 an a makeup consultant. I was one of the many people
(maybe 50 or more) who helped set up the store and put out all new merchandise before the grand opening. I never worked so hard in my life, but at the same time I was
very excited about working for Ulta. We attended about 7 meetings with the vendors from companies, such as : Benefit, Bare Minerals, Exuviance, Philosophy and so on.
It made me even more excited to be working for this company once I learned about the many products they carry.My first check had about 50 hrs...Mutiply that by 10.00 an hr and you thing You've found a great way to make a living..!!! WRONG!!..Unfortunately, I didnt know
what I was in for. During the first 2 wks, 2 managers quit. I knew there was alot of drama going on and believe it's very unprofessional for the Managers getting into a heated discussion on
the clock. If I had done that, I would've been fired immediately. Ulta Beauty is famous for not giving hours and this particular company hired about 29 employees which is
way too many for that store in this particular town. I've gone several wks without getting any hours, along with several other employees..During the past month I've worked
a total of 5 hrs in one wk and that's IT!! I've also learned that our m anager seems to show favoritism to t he younger college kids. They get the hours..and I dont along
with 8-10 other employees.... First of all, we can'[t help it that we're not doing the unreachable goals set by Ulta Corporate which is somewhere near Chicago. Ulta does NOT advertise and
we're in much smaller town during a tough economy. Needless to say, my "dream Job" isn't happening and I'm very disappointed in the management and the whole company.
I've been in retail for many yrs ..when I work, I do quite well in sales enjoying every minute of helping a customer learn to apply Bare Minerals and the many other products
we carry.I know I give excellent c ustomer service and have sold quite well during the whopping 5 hr I get a month....This whole experience has left me frustrated, angry and very disappointed..So much for my dream job...THIS is a joke! Someone needs to let Corporate know th ere's favoritism and so on!!! Please t hink twice about working for Ulta Beauty...I've never seen a company operate this way. BTW, there are now 3 managers who have quit Ulta since opening...Gee, I wonder why???


Well-known member
I am sorry to hear that but trust me no one is happy to work there, everyone hates it.


New member
I would expect that opening a new store would be hard but if there is a strong leader they should control all of the chaos.
I have been looking at several positions in Ulta and had a phone interview and all went well. Just waiting for the date to have the face to face. I am sure that all stores have downfalls its retail right?

Are you still working there?