Working out alone


Well-known member
Hey guys
So I loveee exercise and going to the gym, but I can never bring myself to go alone. I feel like I would be so self conscious and unmotivated if i went to workout without a partner or something. I do have someone who I go with normally but I like to go about 100x more then she does, so it's kind of a problem

Do any of you guys have a similar problem? or am I alone in this one :c

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I like working out alone.

Is there an option for classes at the gym you go to? You'd be alone but everyone would be doing the same thing so you wouldn't feel so self concious and you'd get to meet people with the same interests.


Well-known member
Yeah, take classes. That's a great idea.

I get what you mean about workout buddies. I have a friend who loves to run. Me? not so much. But we run together and I always try to catch up with her and we make games out of it and have fun.


Well-known member
Yeah i've never been to the gym alone for the same reasons. But maybe try it just once...with your ipod. My friend said going alone is kind of daunting, but he ends up concentrating more. He just decides what he's gonna do and for how long before he gets there.
I gave up on the gym when I got a pilates dvd (and stopped having money) lmao. Lame as hell, but it works!


Well-known member
I definately 100% need a workout partner. Why because im lazy and unmotivated, but if someone comes with me to the gym or out jogging i feel a little more pumped lol.

I think i'm with someone i tend to workout longer than if i were to go by myself, and its a lot more fun

your definately not alone!


Well-known member
Yeah they kind of push you along
I know what you mean about the gym - I always feel like everyone's looking at me and that I must be running funny @_@


Well-known member
I would a hundred times rather work out alone. When someone goes with me I worry about making conversation and being in competition with that person which I know is stupid. The only person I go to the gym with is my husband sometimes and we split up once we get there and do our own thing anyway.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkorchid
Yeah they kind of push you along
I know what you mean about the gym - I always feel like everyone's looking at me and that I must be running funny @_@

ROFL. You know whats funny? There are a lot of good looking guys and girls [between 20-30 years old] at the 24 fitness where i live. And the guys like to show off their muscles and how strong they are when a girl passes by, and they start grunting and lifting 250 pound weights trying to show off. LOL its hilarious. But a lot of women feel intimidated by that.


Well-known member
Man, I hate working out in the gym, I just can't get into the right mental state. So I do pilates and stuff on my own, from a DVD.


Well-known member
I took a pilates class so I know all kindsa pilates which I can do at home, but i loveee the gym atmosphere so much. I just feel so inadequate because I am a skinny little boy with all these like RAWR I EAT LAMB HEAD bodybuilders XD


Well-known member
I'd rather work out alone.
I don't really care for the beta other people offer.

Maybe do some research and come up w/something that works on your own terms, and take weekly progress pics?


Well-known member
I'm a loner, too. I like the going with someone "buddy-system" approach, but when I'm there, I like to be left to my own devices. I love doing classes though...change things up a bit.


Well-known member
I work out alone & with someone.
Use your ipod. When working out by yourself, motivate youself by thinking of how you want your body to look. visualizing is the key to any workout.


Well-known member
yes I have the same issue....I hate going alone.....I just bought me the wii fit and I am hoping that will help me get motivated at home


Well-known member
I agree with taking classes. If you have the opportunity to take BodyPump, BodyAttack, or BodyJam classes DO IT!!! They are only one hour classes and because of the intensity, you'll never even notice that you're not there with your friends. I met some of my best gym rat buddies in those classes. You'll thank me later

Also, if you want more info, visit Les Mills - Les Mills Midwest
Can you tell I like these classes? LOL

Dr. Girlfriend


Well-known member
i agree.. sorta. i cant go to the gym alone, bc im not that motivated to go. usually my boyfriend goes with me. but wen he does we get in the door, get our membership cards scanned, and part ways.
i like the feeling that im not alone. but then again im not pressured to compete or slow down my workout for that person.


Well-known member
I just started back going to the gym....alone. LOL!! I'm new to my area so I don't really know anybody to go with but I love to work out. At first I use to feel crazy but now I take my Mp3 player and I ride out with my music. Just try it a couple of times you will get use to it and you might find it better to work out alone vs. with somebody. Good Luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
yes I have the same issue....I hate going alone.....I just bought me the wii fit and I am hoping that will help me get motivated at home

OMG that stuff is good!!! My girlfriend lost 10 pounds playing that game O_O. I havent seen the game yet, but it sounds like she was on it all day.


Well-known member
Ich... I can totally sympathize... I find working out with weights and treadmills completely boring and I become instantly unmotivated if I'm working out alone. I just WON'T GO!

However, when I took high intensity step classes and weight training classes with other motivated people, it was SO FUN. It didn't matter that I didn't have an actual friend that I really knew; they were so fun and high energy, and just being with the same people every week was motivation enough. You might want to check something like that out and see if you enjoy it.