Working out alone


Well-known member
I PREFER to work out alone but I go with my mother for support.

Taking different classes is a really good idea, or maybe find a friend who wants to get fit as well?

I usually just bring an iPod or walkman and I feel less lonely.


Well-known member
I hate working out alone. And none of my girlfriends would go with me, they're not the working out type, so I don't really go. Previously, i would go with my dad or my two guy friends, but since we went to different schools... I've got no workout buddy.

That kinda sucks, i can just feel the little muscle I have melting into fat.


Well-known member
hey, yea i used to feel like that. but really no one is really paying any attention to other people. most people are paying attention to themselves. into their music, reps, etc.. surely some dudes look at the girls but not so much to make u uncomfortable. besides, if you are there working out, then your too busy to notice much around you. i like going alone better, i get to do what i want, when i want and not have someone slowing me down. also you get used to going alone.


Well-known member
Another one for working out alone! lol...I do like the company of my friends and the motivation to get me to the gym, but I find when I have my friends there, I spend more time gabbing and less time working out (or it takes longer)...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
I just feel so inadequate because I am a skinny little boy with all these like RAWR I EAT LAMB HEAD bodybuilders XD

Those beefcakes weren't always beefcakes- they must have started out skinny too!


Well-known member
I enjoy going alone, but I don't go if I don't want to, which is really bad !

Make a playlist on your ipod/mp3 player that's just for the gym with a lot of high energy songs on it that you like! That helps me a lot !


Well-known member
I know how you feel, I'd love to go to the gym (once my foot is healed) but I've never been by myself. I wanna ask my bro to come and show me around the weights but hes kind of unreliable, a typical 17yr. If something better was to come up he'd ditch me.