rachel nd daniel are definately the worst 2 left in the competition yet im kinda glad laura went i jst cant stand her voice! like when she was in the sing off when she started its just this big OTT warble... not loving it AT all
diana was ill but i think its unfair that she just automatically gets to go through to next week :| her voice i think is quite similar to lauras so she could of easily been out aswell.
anyone watch the xtra factor after the results? it showed that diana was out on bonfire night with the rest of them shouting and screaming hmmm
bit odd i think
i think the theme nights are daft cos a lot of them just wont suit say like a mariah song cos u automatically compare it to mariah and they sound so much better when they get to pick their own genre
mariah carey was also v odd she just seems so FAKE which is no suprise lol
just watchin a bit ive missed and the diana bit showed her in bed with a full face of makeup erm if im properly ill the last thing i wanna do is put make up on :|
nd as much as i like cheryl she was talkin rubbish when she said she has flu.. erm no u dont lol u dont even have a cold :|
i like JLS, ruth, alexandra
but i dont think any of them are 'winners'