Yearning for Autumn!


Well-known member
Absolutely beautiful! You did a great job and it definitely makes me want autumn to be here =)


Well-known member
That eye look is totally Cult of Cherry-esque! So pretty.

I love Spice it Up! - great shade and looks lovely on you.

The only thing missing (for me) is a pic of your eyes open so we can see the total look! ;-)


Well-known member
I like how you used Mulch in the crease with AL and Cranberry! This is totally a nice look for September, when it's a little bit fall, a little bit summer!


Active member
Originally Posted by Emilith
I *love* the colours! You have such pretty skin. Everything you did looks really pretty!!!

Oh my gosh, hahaha, thank you! I have pretty awful skin in my opinion, so that's a pretty big compliment!!

Originally Posted by Sanayhs
If this is what autumn will look like, bring it on!

Hahaha, thank you!!! I say hell yeah, come on autumn!!

Originally Posted by LP_x
So pretty. A perfect look for autumn!

Thank you very much! It can't come fast enough for me.
I'm sure I'll be sorry I said that when it's cold and rainy for weeks at a time, though. XD

Originally Posted by whittt8
Absolutely beautiful! You did a great job and it definitely makes me want autumn to be here =)

Eep, thank you so much!
I'm really glad you like it!

Originally Posted by kimmy
oi, i love that lip colour. love love looovoeee!

Thanks a bunch! It's nice, isn't it? I like walking into MAC and just saying "Pick me out a lippie that would look nice!" and I buy it. Hahaha, it's always a nice surprise for the next day when I put it on.

Originally Posted by MzzRach
That eye look is totally Cult of Cherry-esque! So pretty.

I love Spice it Up! - great shade and looks lovely on you.

The only thing missing (for me) is a pic of your eyes open so we can see the total look! ;-)

Heehee, I think I took a couple of open-eye photos, and I was like "No one wants to see what I look like!" I'll have to take some next time, though.

Thanks so much for your compliments! I'm really liking Spice It Up, too!

Originally Posted by ktdetails
I just B2M'd for Spice it up!! I hardly ever hear anyone talk about it - I love it!

That is SO funny, because I B2M'ed for it too!!! Like, just a week or two ago! I'm so glad I did, though, because I'm really liking it too!

Originally Posted by abbyquack
I like how you used Mulch in the crease with AL and Cranberry! This is totally a nice look for September, when it's a little bit fall, a little bit summer!

Thank you so much! That's totally the look I was going for, I'm glad I seem to have pulled it off, at least in your eyes!

glassy girl

Well-known member
Which lip liner did u use i gonna buy the lipstick and i want the liner too it looks perrrfect on u !!!!!!


Active member
Originally Posted by glassy girl
Which lip liner did u use i gonna buy the lipstick and i want the liner too it looks perrrfect on u !!!!!!

Sorry it took me so long to reply! I used Revlon ColorStay lip liner in Pink/Rose, which is actually an old color. Now they have a Pink one and a Rose one - I think the Rose would probably go better with the Spice It Up lipstick.

Originally Posted by Heiaken
You really rock those colours!

Yay, thanks so much!