You are now a VIB ...............w No e lied sorry


Well-known member
This happened to me as well and yes, i'm in Canada. I was surprised to get the email that i was a VIB because i knew have not spent $350 at Sephora yet. They did send me the oppsss email which is ridiculous and embarrassing on their part and offered up a lousy 10% discount. We pay 13% tax here in Ontario. Nothing to rush to Sephora for!


I received the same email saying i was now a VIB member, but seeing as i don't shop at Sephora often and only spent maybe $100 in the store that year, i thought it was a mistake too good to be true. I was right when the next day/couple days later, i received an email saying they made a mistake. o well, not a huge loss.


Well-known member
I think the stupid 10% off was only good for a week or two. I held onto mine for so long and just checked the expiry date and it said "good thru Jan.28" but now i just looked at my previous post and i made it on Feb. 3rd so is there an expiry date? Am i reading it all wrong or good thru means it starts on Jan. 28th because that was my first impression.

And i went to 2 damn Sephoras on Saturday to get my free birthday gift and none of them had stock but they will be honoring it for awhile they said!


Well-known member
That means it expired January 28th

You could always try to convince them to honor it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HOTasFCUK
This happened to me as well and yes, i'm in Canada. I was surprised to get the email that i was a VIB because i knew have not spent $350 at Sephora yet. They did send me the oppsss email which is ridiculous and embarrassing on their part and offered up a lousy 10% discount. We pay 13% tax here in Ontario. Nothing to rush to Sephora for!

The thing is i have spent over $350 and they did this to me. I sent them an email and they didn't even respond. And again i had 856 points i log onto my account and now i have 756. And i didn't even use my points. Im so frustrated with them and i mean they didn't even answer my email about the whole thing and this happened 2 months ago. And yeah 10% big deal
. I agree though how embarrasing on their part .... Mac would never do such a thing like this.. Sephora should get rid of their VIB program its obviously to difficult for them to manage.

oh yeah i resent them the same email just now and i wrote in big bold black letters that im sending it again because they ignored me ...


Well-known member
Same thing happened to me as well and I sent emails to Sephora customer service, but the reply was something to the effect of the number of returns I had in 2009 reduced the dollars actually spent so I didn't re-qualify for VIB status which makes NO SENSE because if that were the case I would have never qualified in the first place, and the policy states that when you qualify you have VIB status for the next year, in which you have to qualify again, so theoretically everyone should still have VIB status since the program was just set up last year and we all qualified last year. Whatever, I'm over it.


Active member
what do you get as a VIB other then the 10% off coupon when you qualify? I don't really understand the difference from just being a beauty insider.


Well-known member
^Sometimes they offer products only for VIB's to buy before everyone else can buy them. And i think they did a 20-25% off shopping event for VIB's only around the fall/Christmas. There's a few other things but i forget now! Its on their website but its not anything that would make me want to run out and spend more at Sephora LOL


Well-known member
they offer a 20% off for VIBs in novemberish. You get the 10% off when you first joing. They send out e-mail blasts for free packaged samples of products yet to hit the shelves.