MAC and Iris Aphel Discussion


Well-known member
I don't know if this is relevant or not, but this site apparently has Party Parrot, Flamingo, Pink Pigeon, and a bunch of other lipsticks for sale. However, I couldn't find feedback about the site to know whether it's good or bogus.


Well-known member
I don't know if this is relevant or not, but this site apparently has Party Parrot, Flamingo, Pink Pigeon, and a bunch of other lipsticks for sale. However, I couldn't find feedback about the site to know whether it's good or bogus.
mmmm..i would also want feedback before ordering from such a website. i googled it, but didn't find anything.


Well-known member
I don't know if this is relevant or not, but this site apparently has Party Parrot, Flamingo, Pink Pigeon, and a bunch of other lipsticks for sale. However, I couldn't find feedback about the site to know whether it's good or bogus.
I would be willing to chance it since they offer purchase thru Paypal and that would allow for financial recompensation in case the item was not authentic...wonder if they have Moxie...

I am currently broke as a joke, but after payday, I may give them a whirl (strictly for research purposes for the good of Specktra-kind) and of course report back here.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Hm, they also claim to have Ripe Peach, Marine Life and Stereo Rose. I'm sceptical, don't think I would try to shop there, I see I can't order from Germany anyway.

There's also a l/s called Innocence, isn't that from Glamour Daze?


Well-known member
Hi everyone! Was just at my local MAC and mentioned to an SA my love for Party Parrot and said it would be coming back in December (OMG) !!! Dont know if its 100% or not, since I havent seen any updated collection info for Dec/Jan. If anyone has more information please share!! :D


Well-known member
Dear MAC gods, please please please please pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase let this be true!!!!


Well-known member
Really?! I hope it's true. They already brought back Scarlet Ibis. Now they just need to bring back Pink Pigeon and Flamingo.


Well-known member
I passed the Iris Apfel collection but yesterday I purchased Scarlet Ibis from the Marilyn collection waouh what a beautiful colour ! I hope M.A.C will repromote the others too !


Well-known member
^ I hope so too. Scarlet Ibis is a lovely color and so are the other lipsticks from the Iris Apfel collection. I hope Party Parrot gets re-promoted because I would buy that one in a heartbeat.


Well-known member
I love Party Parrot! It would be great if others would get a change to get it too. I have one BU already, but if it would come back I might get one more.


Well-known member
Hey CartoonChic, you know what's great with Flamingo lipstick? A Chanel glossimer #165 (Volupte). See if you can find it at a counter or online. It's just a flat, light coral color. They're so gorgeous together.


Well-known member
I missed out on all the lipsticks from this collection. I remember going to the Mac counter at 10:30 and they were all sold out :( I was only able to get toco toucan nail polish...( which I love). hoping they repromote some of the shades especially pink pigeon n flamingo!


Well-known member
I just thought I would mention that Robin's Egg is available on right now for 9 bucks, in case anyone missed out on that one. Carbonized is there, too.