Best / Worst candidate for MAC ICON?


Well-known member
maybe this subject has already been covered, but since we kinda lost track, I just thought it'd be fun to discuss who would be the best and worst candidate for MAC ICON.

Now, I don't know what makes a MAC ICON, is it the glamour, the charisma, the character?
So I think the worst possible candidate for MAC ICON would be Divine :


I know he's a man but still, he was a drag, he's dead now. I think Dee Snider from Twisted Sister is another one banned from the list of candidates for MAC ICON :


ok he's also a man, but in my opinion, the worst female candidate for MAC ICON would be Christina Aguilera, because she kinda look like Dee Snider on this pic!


I know she was part of the Viva Glam campaign...

as for the BEST candidate, I'd go with Gwen Stefani :


because she's talented, she's got style, she's got attitude, she's great!

So who are your picks for best/worst candidate for MAC ICON?


Well-known member
I think Tina Turner would make a great icon. Madonna could be interesting. Gwen could be fab too. Potentially even Barbara Streisand.

I'd really love to see someone who experiments with lots of looks, regardless of the result, and who embodies the MAC spirit.

My worst choices would be someone like Anna Nicole Smith (falling apart) or Donatella Versace (screams radioactive orange)


Well-known member
Cher would be the GREATEST! I would LOVE to see a collection with her.
Now for the worst hmmmmm.......... maybe........I can't think of any right now I'll have to get back to you.


Well-known member
I totally agree on gwen stefani... but to me shes not really an "icon" (as in she hasnt been around for decades like liza and diana)... I definitley think she would be a great spokeswoman for viva glam though!


Well-known member
Even though I'm not a big fan, I think Cher would be a good one. Or Madonna.


Well-known member
Gwen would be awesome and in the music relm, I would add Tori Amos (but maybe I'm biased :p), of course she was great friends of Kevyn Aucoin and in all his she's definitely able to be an Icon...and she does great work with RAINN


Well-known member
I agree with Cher or Tina. They both rock. Btw Dee Snider is still alive and kicking. I think he is hording all the eyeliners I keep loosing!!


Well-known member
BEST: I think I'd like to see gwen stefani, she's fabolous!! WORST: DEF michael explanation needed


Well-known member
I'd love to see Cher, Tina, or Dolly!! Any of them could inspire some great collections!!

I'd also love to see Debbie Harry or Joan Jett; those collections would be rockin'!!


I agree that Gwen really shouldn't be considered an 'icon' quite yet... give her time!

I would like to see her in a VG campaign, tho.

I think Madonna would make a great ICON.

I also like the Debbie Harry & Joan Jett ideas...


Well-known member
madonna or tina turner would be awesome!!! cher too.. i agree that anna nicole smith would be horrible even tho she totally ROCKED when she was a guess girl.. gwen stefani DEFINITELY! in time she would be amazing! patti la belle would be good too.. mary j blige would be a good one too.. i just LOVE her..
on another note, my MAC ma told me the next viva glam campaign just added pamela anderson cos boy george dropped out..


Well-known member
Siouxsie or Debbie Harry would make me the most happy to see!

Tina would be a good choice as well.

Gwen, in time.. not yet.

Worst: Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey, Diana Ross was bad enough for hissy fitting diva types.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by leppy
Worst: Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey, Diana Ross was bad enough for hissy fitting diva types.

but realistically look at Liza and Diana...They are both hissy fit diva types..I think thats what being a Diva is all about lol..

I dont think that Christina Aguilara is a bad choice, shes got strong opinions and now that shes past the hoochie stage she actually looks nice.

I think Cher would love to do it, considering shes already a mac addict (have you seen the pics of her mac hauls?)

Whitney Houston is a Crack Head so shes the worst.

Tina Turner would be great ... shes been fabulous for 40+ years

If you really want to get into divas why not Patti Labelle or someone like


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MizMac
I agree with Cher or Tina. They both rock. Btw Dee Snider is still alive and kicking. I think he is hording all the eyeliners I keep loosing!!

I was talking about Divine when I said that he was dead, Dee Snider is indeed alive, but he's not wearing makeup anymore, my guess would be that he sold it all to Christina :p