Chanel Spring 2015


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]Oops!:haha: INSAISISSABLE just fell into my cart, and will soon be on its way to me.  I have a major problem.  I should have just pushes the Buy the Entire Collection button.[/COLOR]
Saks delivered it super quickly but I'm not collecting my packages until Jan ;-)


Well-known member
INSAISISSABLE just fell into my cart, and will soon be on its way to me. I have a major problem. I should have just pushed the Buy the Entire Collection button.


Well-known member
My Ardoise arrived overnight from Nordies. I always go with standard free shipping. I guess Nordies was just showing off!
I ordered from who had free overnight shipping. It's not a big deal, thankfully not a Christmas gift for anyone. I just hope I get it eventually without having the hassle of reporting it lost, etc.


Well-known member
Saks delivered it super quickly but I'm not collecting my packages until Jan ;-)
Hi AWS. You have the patience of JOB. I know I won't wear my goods until fate the new year. It worked out that I could wear Badine and Tissé Paris because we're on pink lipstick week. Tradition trumps theme challenge---I'm wearing Rouge Parade lipstick & lip gloss tomorrow.


Well-known member
I ordered from who had free overnight shipping. It's not a big deal, thankfully not a Christmas gift for anyone. I just hope I get it eventually without having the hassle of reporting it lost, etc.
Have you had prior issues with


Well-known member
   :wavey: [COLOR=0000FF]Hi AWS.  You have the patience of JOB.  I know I won't wear my goods until fate the new year.   It worked out that I could wear Badine and Tissé Paris because we're on pink lipstick week.  Tradition trumps theme challenge---I'm wearing Rouge Parade lipstick & lip gloss tomorrow.[/COLOR] :xmas: :haha:
:haha: I tend to wait for all my packages to arrive to get one delivery. It seems soo looong but I'm hanging in there lol


Well-known member
I just caught my breath from laughter. This whole time, I thought the "buy the entire collection" button was fictitious. Like just a joke for those who were buying everything. And then I see on Chanel... *the* button!! I feel so silly :haha: I got a good laugh from that one. One day I'll be pressing that button!


Well-known member
Sorry for two posts in a row, but I just saw on Chanel's site that the CF glossimer isn't LE!! :) good to know. I had thought that it was.


Well-known member
I just caught my breath from laughter. This whole time, I thought the "buy the entire collection" button was fictitious. Like just a joke for those who were buying everything. And then I see on Chanel... *the* button!! I feel so silly
I got a good laugh from that one. One day I'll be pressing that button!
I hope you can my dear!!!!


Well-known member
Got my goodies from the bf tonight :) I also got a Macy's gift card from his parents, so I went ahead and ordered Fleur d'eau glossimer and Etourdie RCS (along with MAC Lightscapade)


Well-known member
I feel like I haven't bought Chanel in forever. Nothing has caught my eye lately, but my parents gave me some gift cards to Macy's (why can't it ever be Nordstroms?) and I saw this collection at the Chanel counter. La Petillante called out to me. There was no refusing it. I would've bought more probably, but the saleslady was all over me. She was determined to make a sale and somehow thought that standing right over my shoulder was the way to do it. She was like 'let me know if you need anything' and then just never moved. I hate that! :crazy: I'll go back and look at some other Chanel stuff next week probably. I'm so giddy about La Petillante.


Well-known member
I feel like I haven't bought Chanel in forever. Nothing has caught my eye lately, but my parents gave me some gift cards to Macy's (why can't it ever be Nordstroms?) and I saw this collection at the Chanel counter. La Petillante called out to me. There was no refusing it. I would've bought more probably, but the saleslady was all over me. She was determined to make a sale and somehow thought that standing right over my shoulder was the way to do it. She was like 'let me know if you need anything' and then just never moved. I hate that!
I'll go back and look at some other Chanel stuff next week probably. I'm so giddy about La Petillante.
I'm glad you're loving "La pet"!! What else are you considering?

I definitely dislike hovercraft SAs. It really makes me uneasy. It truly makes me want to say "no thank you" and go order online! I like to browse by myself. SAs always try to push products or colors on me. I appreciate suggestions, but if I say no thanks, please understand! Haha. I once had an SA keep showing me different natural pink lipsticks. I said, "Well, they're pretty but I came over here to look at dark red ones" and she was all: "Oh. Well I guess if you must go with your taste.. Those are pretty vampy" And acted like she knew what was best for my face, and didn't want to consider my preferences. It really put me off, and I generally avoid that counter now. Luckily my mall has many Chanel counters. I feel like 2 or 3 of the big department stores have one.