Does it bother you when other girls stare at you?


Well-known member
It makes me uncomfortable for some reason. I usually wonder why, like, if there is something on my face or what could possibly make them stare so intently and for so long.

Does anybody else feel slightly uncomfortable when another girl whom you have never even seen before is staring you down and you have no idea why?


Active member
Lol, it never makes me feel uncomfortable. I just tell myself they are staring because they are trying to figure out what I have that they don't. It's all a big competition, you just have to remember that.


Well-known member
Nah - you can usually tell by the look on their faces if they're hatin' or admiring you. Depending on my mood I either roll my eyes, smile or ignore them. Blatant staring is just rude IMO - open your mouth and say what you're gonna say instead of giving the recipient a complex!

I'm more bothered by the disrespect some girls show when they're staring in my boyf's face whilst I'm holding his hand but that's another thread.


Well-known member
I hate it when people just stare, it makes me uncomfortable. I think a lot of people just haven't been taught that it's rude.


Well-known member
It bothered me for a long time, but now i stare back at them and they usually look down after that!


Well-known member
we all stare sometimes unknowingly but the problem I have with it is that if you have been caught staring at someone for the love of God look away and dont stare again. I hate it when after making eye contact with my starer i look at the person again and shes still staring at me and i am like WTF


Well-known member
I hate whn ppl stare in general, I usually just give them the finger or say 'hi' depending on how I feel that day
But I know what u mean about chics staring, it's like "wtf are u looking at?"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
Nah - you can usually tell by the look on their faces if they're hatin' or admiring you. Depending on my mood I either roll my eyes, smile or ignore them. Blatant staring is just rude IMO - open your mouth and say what you're gonna say instead of giving the recipient a complex!

I'm more bothered by the disrespect some girls show when they're staring in my boyf's face whilst I'm holding his hand but that's another thread.

I don't get why other women do that, I'm holding his hand for a reason

I used to be really insecure when other women looked at me and would carry a mirror around with me to see what they found really horrible about my face but over time I've gotten over that and now when they stare at me I just stare back and then they stop looking. Like you say, if you've got something to say then say it, looking won't get you anywhere.

I get started at mostly by Indian girls but I have to say that that is the standard with most Indian girls, they have the inbuilt stare-ometre.

Quite often I ask people what they're staring at because I think it's rude, I'd never stare at you.


Well-known member
It irritates the hell out of me. I don't go about staring at other people and don't appreciate it when people stare at me. But then I'm quite paranoid at the best of times. It's okay if it is a sort of vacant daydreaming, not really staring at you but in you're direction sort of way (if you know what i mean), but when they do it knowingly... I stare back, usually at their eyes then the middle of their foreheads (quite often their hand go up the point I'm staring at or they look away)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
I hate whn ppl stare in general, I usually just give them the finger or say 'hi' depending on how I feel that day
But I know what u mean about chics staring, it's like "wtf are u looking at?"

They might keep on staring at you if you do that and many other people could start staring too, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shoegal-fr
They might keep on staring at you if you do that and many other people could start staring too, lol.

LOL someties I have to do it though, like when I'm on the train or something and a random guy would just keep looking at me, or looking over my shoulder to read what I'm reading: I hate that, so just giving them the finger turns them away, for a couple of minutes at least hee heee
I get looked at more if I decided to say 'hi' they look at me like I'm crazy


Well-known member
^^ True, but still, in America we don't stare
but IDK I would like to know when a person is staring at someone, nd they get a dirty look or something, why cotinue?


Well-known member
I hate when people stare. For me its the most uncomfortable feeling... its like.. what do you do? What do you want from me? Get some manners! I try to stare back or cross my eyes at them and make a strange face. I really and truly hate it.


Well-known member
I admire girls all the time. But when other girls stare it me, it makes me totally uncomfortable. I give them the "what the fuck are you looking at?" face, i cant help it.


Well-known member
i don't get stared at too often but when i do i just stare on back!! but sometimes if it's a good stare i just smile. i can usualy tell what's a good one and what's a bad one!


Well-known member
Not at all.. it's mammal select.
Good stare- shine back.
Bad stare- stare back until they are defeated.

Yeah I'm like that, dominant type and I learned the hard way.

Confidence is everything in the public world.


Well-known member
I just think they are in awe of my beauty...for like half a sec...then i there a booger in my nose or something ????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Retropinuplady
I like stareing back,see if they look away first lol x


Nope. Not anymore. I used to get insecure back in the day when i was *aghum* younger

Now i just stare back smile.. if it looks like they are hatting, i'll just ignore them or give them a smile aswell. That always surprices them