Does it bother you when other girls stare at you?


Well-known member
No. But, because I'm typically oblivious to what is going on around me at all times. I'm always super focused on what I'm doing (in an odd way). Even if it is eating an m&m.

If a chick spit on me or something, I'd be pissed.


Well-known member
Sometimes I'll see someone on the bus or something who is really beautiful, has awesome makeup, or is wearing a really sweet outfit. If I really enjoy it, I will try and sneak looks. Sometimes I will outright stare, and if they make eye contact I'll smile at them. I always love it when people smile at me. So I really don't care if someone is staring at me. I try to assume that they are admiring something, but either way it really doesn't affect the rest of my day unless I get a smile, which makes me happier.

Why does everyone have to assume that other people have the worst possible motives? If there are a few options for reasons why someone is doing something, why not assume the best one is true? I try to, and it makes my life a lot happier.


Well-known member
I never really notice. I am oblivious to everything around me, the only time I notice people paying attention to me is when I get honked at or something, which is a rarity. Even if I am getting stared at, I don't think that I would care that much unless they were giving my some nasty dirty look, and then I would probalby return the favor. It's just how I am hahaha.


Well-known member
I hate for people to just stare, male or female. It's just weird to me. Like Blushbaby said, just say what's on your mind. I do wonder what's on their mind though. You can't always tell. Although I will say that a lot of the time girls stare because they have a question about my brows - what do I fill them in with, who does them, where do I get them done, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shoegal-fr
It bothered me for a long time, but now i stare back at them and they usually look down after that!

LOL...I've done that but they never look down or look away. We just get in an awkward staring contest which I always lose.


Well-known member
I get stared at a lot! I think it's because I'm so tall though, and built a bit like a line backer. If it's a nice stare and I catch the person they usually smile at me, and I smile back, if a girl is hating she usually looks away as soon as I notice her...I guess I am intimidating. I don't really get dirty looks from men, they either look at me with interest, or they notice they aren't interested and look away.
Some days it bothers me, but mostly it doesn't. I don't like it when people read over my shoulder though...that's freaking annoying!


Well-known member
I admit that it usually bothers me but when I see these freaking girls hating on me I just ignore them completely because it's not even worth it. I usually ask my husband what they're staring at and he says, "they wanna be you right now. They're just jealous." I've actually have had girls give me an admiring look like they want me. LOL
Hmm come to think of it those are the looks that I never catch because I would've been like, "I know you want me but you can't have me."
I know I'm crazy like that but hey that's Ginny for ya.


Well-known member
No it doesnt bother me.

When I look at other women I am actually usually admiring something about them, whether it be their fashion sense, hair, makeup, etc... not staring them down in a negative way.


Well-known member
Yeah I stare at beautiful women all the time....Not excessively...But I normally comment or compliment them while I am staring....


Well-known member
It used to bother me when I was younger and more insecure. I know better now. If I catch someone staring at me I will either check to make sure my fly isn't down or check if I have toilet paper sticking on my shoe etc

If I have a zit or something I might get self conscious, lol, but I brush it off.

Otherwise, no it doesn't bother me because I usually just find it "sad"/pitiful that people are so preoccupied with making personal judgments against people they don't know...or trying to "size" someone up by their clothes/make up/shoes. To me that's more of a negative personality feature than anything else...people who are so bent on making others feel bad/making themselves out to be superior in some way.

I can say that when I look at other women for more than a couple of seconds it's usually because I love their hair/makeup/clothes/personality....or the guy they're with is gorgeous


Well-known member
haha this is a funny thread i just was in a jet skiing accident and had a compression fracture on my t9 and i have to wear a back brace at work its not like metal or anything but its obvious and im a waitress and people stare at me all the time prob thinking "why the fuck is she waitressing if her back is fucked up" (answer: im broke i have to) or "how did a girl that young fuck up her back like that" (apparently my injury usually only happens to people with osteoparosis but is semi common on jetskis/snowmobiles) but anyway i always forget im wearing it and am like why are all these people staring at me did i forget to drop their check etc etc i freak myself out haha but its just bc im currently a cripple... ok random rant but its been driving me crazy lately!!


Well-known member
OMG this is such a good thread! This is a huge pet peeve of mine & I deal with it on a daily basis. When I catch a chick staring at me I usually give her the "WTF are you looking at?" face. But, what kills me is that even after that they keep on staring! Okay I have caught you ogling me, now have the common sense to look away! I also get the dirty looks when I am walking hand in hand with my Husband. Yeah I have a good man & I am happy! Maybe if you hating ass hoes worried about yourselves, instead of other people you could get a good man too! Sorry, I had to get a little ghetto there lol!


Well-known member
Oh God, when other girls stare at me I always think it's for some negative reason, yeah you could say I lack confidence lol needless to say it does make me uncomfortable and I try to stare back at them or just simply ignore them and go about my business.


Well-known member
Honestly, I don't care. But I do wonder if they are lesbian if they do it. lol

Also, I don't like looking at people for a long time, but if I do on rare occasion , I am only looking at their makeup! haha.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
it doesn't bother me. I'm used to it since it happens a lot, lol! I'm pretty tall, always wear heels, my face is always done and wear tones of colours. I guess that makes me stand out


Well-known member
for some reason i get stared at quite a bit in general, but when i was in puerto rico the staring was just crazy.. i suppose you dont see many pale skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed girls over there but i thought it was a bit excessive haha it was men women and children.. made me feel very uncomfortable. i admit though that i cant help but stare at some people if theyre really gorgeous or really strange looking haha! but i dont make it obvious and i look away if they see me, cause i know what it feels like lol!


Well-known member
Ha, it really doesn't bother me! If anything its a confidence booster. I did get one chic that was walking in my complex and I drove by her and she just laughed.
I just had to laugh back, who cares!
Like Tish, I do love to look at gorgeous women...I also make it known that I think they're gorgeous.

All my single guy friends always want me to talk to girls for them! I feel like a actual pimp when I do it!

I do hate when guys "eye-fuck"....the excessive rude staring! I just feel like blurting out CAN I HELP YOU!?!


Well-known member
I don't mind people staring at all. I like to steal glaces at attractive women and men maybe sometimes I look too long or do too many double/triple/quadruple takes but I certainly hope I'm not coming across as being rude so when people stare it doesn't bother me. Now if it's followed by a snarl, rude hand gesture or lip smacking then I'll get my wtf-you-looking-at- got-a-problem on for sure.


Well-known member
LOL I don't mind so much if it's one of those "wow I really love her eyeshadow/lipstick/hair/top, etc" kind of stares...but if it feels like it's a bit snotty, I'll either give her a dirty look in return, or blow a little kiss to her...depends on what mood I'm in. Hehe.


Well-known member
Doesn't really bother me..I find it a form of silent complimenting

I do however dislike when they just bluntly STARE at you..mouth opened and all. Depending on my mood, that dictates what my response will be.