Forum Pet Peeves

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Cara, I understand, I just want you to know that even if I don't comment, I do try to show you appreciation by 'thanking' you. Sometimes I'm really busy through the day and what's going on, all I can do is make sure everything is in line with the thread, hit thanks, and keep going.
I'm sorry if I've ever hurt your feelings.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
If I am going to be honest. I get annoyed when I get 5 replies to my FOTD but I see some FOTDs that I feel are good but not all that great get like 398767890 comments.

I take it personally and don't tell me not to,duh, it's my FACE no one seems to like.

so yeah I am my own pity party. I still love me.

I pop in and out of the forum in the midst of doing other things. I am sorry if I ever hurt your feelings as well. I think your looks are gorgeous Hon.


Well-known member
It doesn't happen here as much as it does other forums, but it really bothers me when people write mini-novels and don't bother to form new paragraphs!
Things are SO much easier to read when you break them up a bit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
If I am going to be honest. I get annoyed when I get 5 replies to my FOTD but I see some FOTDs that I feel are good but not all that great get like 398767890 comments.

I take it personally and don't tell me not to,duh, it's my FACE no one seems to like.

so yeah I am my own pity party. I still love me.

aww (hugs)
I love your looks! especially the one you posted today
you are gorgeous!

I get a bit annoyed when old thread (like a year or 2 years ago) is dugged up..this hapenns a lot in the reccomendations section! Look at the date the thread was made on, if it's old leave it! I'm sure the person who made it got what he/she wanted ages ago


Well-known member
Just got a new one. When someone says "Well I'm not sure if there is already a thread about this but..." Well why don't you find out????


Well-known member
Poor spelling, grammar, and punctuation in posts from native English speakers annoy me. I understand that a lot of people online speak English as their second language or use a translation program: the syntax errors and misspellings in these cases are obvious and don't bother me at all.

The occasional type-o aside, everyone else has no valid excuse. Most of the forums that I post to have auto spell check: if there are multiple words spelled incorrectly, it's because the person making the post just didn't care. And someone who regularly posts to internet forums presumably types well enough to use caps and punctuation.


Well-known member
I have to admit that my use of caps in forum posts varies... but tends to be more on the "i don't use them" side.

It stems from the days when I couldn't touch type.

It's weird though because at work i always use caps properly. it's the just the forums that cause me to lose them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JGmac
It doesn't happen here as much as it does other forums, but it really bothers me when people write mini-novels and don't bother to form new paragraphs!
Things are SO much easier to read when you break them up a bit.

YES! It gets so annoying that I stop reading...


Well-known member
I really get annoyed when I see people who quotes the first post, wich has 25 million pictures, and only to tell : wow its great! STOP DOING THAT!!!

Or people posting url's that extends the page

I use to go on a board, for like 4 years I've been on and off there. And there was always some guys who camed to insult people, got banned, came back and did it again. A friend showed me like, 3 weeks ago, a blog this guy made with pictures he took of people on the boards and made really hurting comments.

Because a lot of people meet from that board, its normal that some relations can start, people can also become couples and/or have fun together (if you know what I mean hehehe). But this guy made fun of it, made a list of who slept with who and such. I even found a list of people he thought was ugly and I was in it.

It's like, you never saw me irl, probably saw 1 or 2 pictures of me from gt's but that's it. Let it go boy, do something with your life. Imo, people like that have really low self-esteem...

I also dislike a lot when people write LiKe ThAt... or changes some words, write it another way, like they are text-messaging.

At my job, we have a board that I have to ''correct'' every week morning. Sometimes it can get really annoying. (My boss wants it to be professionnal, because a lot of people come for advices and such, it's about rv's and campgrounds).


Well-known member
when someone starts a thread and writes a LOT...

and then halfway down the page, someone QUOTES the effing thing!

yes, obviously you are replying to the OP! you don't need to quote them!!!! quoting is for responding to another response!!!!

the worst is when it's pictures. they have to reload all over again, and you have to scroll like a mofo.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I really get annoyed when I see people who quotes the first post, wich has 25 million pictures, and only to tell : wow its great! STOP DOING THAT!!!

That's my biggest peeve as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I really get annoyed when I see people who quotes the first post, wich has 25 million pictures, and only to tell : wow its great! STOP DOING THAT!!!

Or people posting url's that extends the page




Well-known member
Firstly... dont shoot me down for re-opening an old thread... lol

In defence of that as a pet peeve... I gotta say that for some ppl (like me) we havent been a part of Specktra for long and therefore will come across old threads (whilst searching) and still want to comment... i.e. like I am now!

I feel that surely its better to post something in an existing thread rather than creating a brand new one... is it ok to do that? Cos it annoys me when there are so many lil threads that have been asked/mentioned before and ppl dont search enough...

But one of my pet peeves is deffo the text talk and also quoting the whole thread to then only say yep! exactly! ITA!

Oh and finally ppl who are rude and totally misinterpret what you have written! Read it again with a cooler head before responding!!


Well-known member
i think the reopening of old threads more applies to ones where a person was asking for advice or something, more like in the moment?

but i don't think that applies to everything, ie this one, good timing as something has been bugging me lately! i think threads like this and ones about your fav products, etc its much better to bump the old one up. its such an annoyance to have a million of the SAME THREADs b/c someone doesn't want/know how to search

Okay my latest forum pet peeves?
1) Quoting someone's post (and its a long one, say with a lot of promo pics or face charts, etc) and saying thanks. like WTF maybe quote and delete the rest of the pics if there is one that you really like. it just unnecessarily lengthens the page with your useless post.

2) someone posting in the colour collections threads saying "I don't have time to read through all these pages, so its prob already been asked but does X look similar to Y?" GRRRR someone has probably already said it once, twice, or even more but because you are too lazy we are supposed to help you? once by accident, perhaps. but it happens far too often. I will deal. but I do sometimes feel the tension when many of us post "it was answered before...but here it is again". what i like is even when some say it was posted previously but not giving the answer.

the mods try their damndest to make this forum run smoothly, so at least a lot of this is cut down.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
This may be weird...but I don't like it when people don't give thanks when it has been deserved. haha ok ill shut up now

I agree! lol...

I totally agree with the whole "differing points of view" issue. That's what a forum is all about--for people to share their differing opinions or to offer their insight to particular situations. Not everyone is going to agree. It drives me nuts when someone posts their opinion, then stalks out the thread to jump on whoever disagrees with them. Even if it's something totally ridiculous they've posted. That's happened to me a few times, but I'm not going to stop being honest!
Or someone asks a question or posts something relating to a situation and you disagree or post something that the original poster totally doesn't agree with and they keep arguing with you...I guess thats kind of the same as what I said But then I end up lookin' like the bitch. I mean, damn. Don't ask a question or post a situation to get some insight if you're only looking for a "safe" answer that you agree with.

It's also funny when people totally don't respond well to constructive criticism, even though they've asked for it.


Well-known member
my pet peeve is quoting the original post and replying to it...happened a few times in the fotd section and chatter section..You are replying to that post so you don't need to quote it. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
my pet peeve is quoting the original post and replying to it...happened a few times in the fotd section and chatter section..You are replying to that post so you don't need to quote it. lol

haha! I'M GUILTY! The only times I've done that is when the thread gets totally off topic and people are having their own little conversations. Just to kinda send a little message to the people that start their own threads within a
I can't stand it when someone takes the time to post something or ask a question and start a new thread, then a few posts down, someone totally hijacks the whole thing and starts asking their own questions and people actually respond. Then the thread turns into something else entirely.


Well-known member
When people are sarcastically rude when they don't agree with you on an issue. You can disagree, that's ok, but don't be sarcastic and think we can't comprehend what your doing! ( you know who you are)


Well-known member
I cannot *effing* stand when people post FOTD's and they are videos.

I don't watch videos, I'm not going to watch your videos, I can't watch videos at work, etc. That stupid ploy to make me watch your YouTube videos isn't happening, and I'm not sorry.

So why don't you *effing* post a picture too?

Soooooooooo frustrating. Don't know how many I've clicked and it's just been videos. Sooooooo lame. I think they should only be allowed in the SHAMELESS promotion section.

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