How old were you when you started to wear makeup?

I was probably 14 or 15. I had my then step-dad take me to the store and I got some pressed powder. I'd never considered it until I noticed all the girls at school were pulling out their compacts and they would complain about girls that didn't wear makeup or shave their legs.

I immediately began to do both. My mom never taught me how to be feminine, so I had to learn it all on my own.


Well-known member
i was sneaky at first. in 6th grade i started to put on makeup at school.

Yeah....that's what we did....we put it on once we got to school

i think in 7th grade i started wearing makeup without hiding it from my parents, lol.

i think i was still hiding it then. lol... xx


Well-known member
i think i was 22-23 when i started wearing makeup. my parents were strict, but i bought my first lipstick with my mom
i still have it. . . when a relative gave me makeup for my sweet 16th, my mom didn't say anything. i actually remember trying to use the eyeliner (it was all estee lauder) and getting frustrated, then giving up completely! i totally wrecked that makeup kit! anyway... i used to buy this wet n' wild gloss which was pink with glittery chunks, which would disappear in literally 2 minutes. then when i was 21ish i began working at coach, which was right across from mac. sooo little by little i began caring about my "image." the very first makeup i bought was during a free gift at lancome- a juicy tube in candy corn, a brown eyeliner, to go with the gift which was autumnal gold and brown e/s- which i ended up never using! weird right? because now i am like addicted to mac and wear concealer, e/s, mascara, and l/s/l/g every day, but have begun perusing other lines, like make up forever.


Well-known member
I was 22 (lol only 23 now) when I started to wear it more religiously. I wore it to prom, and before that, when I was much younger there were those cheap-o huge eyeshadow compacts, I got them but never used them much. Lip Smackers were my thing growing up, thats about it. Parents weren't strict about it at all, I remember my mom wearing makeup when I was much younger (prob til about 7-8) but then she stopped so I guess it was never really around me. Then got interested in it last year and have LOVED every minute! (except for those times I try Parrot....still working on making it work with my blue!)


Well-known member
I was about 13 when I started wearing foundation. Wasn't much of an eye shadow person until like 16 and I only wore it when I was going out somewhere. Blush is something new for me (I'm 19) and I got into MAC last year.

I have a 9 year old sister who watches and imitates me...I saw her wearing dark, dark eye shadow out of the house the other day and made her wash it off
I guess 10 is ok for lipgloss, and like 13 for blush. I'd tell kids to stay away from foundation for as long as possible though


Well-known member
I bought like a couple of eyeliners, some cheap Cover Girl foundation, and maybe 1 or 2 lipsticks when I was like 13 or 14, but didn't wear makeup on a daily basis. I've only really started getting more into cosmetics and a religious skincare routine since I was about 20 or so. I started getting into MAC and other more high-end brands within the last 4 years or so.


Well-known member
I remember that I was about 10 (!!!) when I first started sneaking makeup. My mom would give me old makeup to play with when I was younger, but I really started wearing it when I was about 11-12ish and the full face at about 13.

Nailpolish (if that counts) has been since I was about 6 as an incentive to get me to stop biting my nails. And lipgloss more so in about 3rd grade, so about 9? I remember I had the sweetest Bonne Bell lipgloss--it was birthday cake flavored and was layered in blue, purple, and pink, but went on clear with just a hint of glitter/shimmer. *Sigh* That was some gooooooood lipgloss! lol


Well-known member
Starting playing with my moms around 12 or 13. Started wearing it to school around 14. I wish I didn't start so early
If I could go back in time I would start freshman year of highschool.


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I want to say 11/12. My mom is a licensed aesthetician so she always had makeup while I was growing up. At first I would wear these pastel cream Maybelline eyeshadows (still have some for memories sake ;P) that I'm sure were horribly unflattering, and maybe a little mascara. I didn't start wearing a full face of makeup until I was 16 I think, but then again my memory gets fuzzy trying to think back to that time so it could have been earlier, like 14. I only really got into experimenting and blending different colors of eyeshadow and eyeliner at around 16 though. :) And as for MAC, I've only been into it for about a year (I'm 19 now) and my obsession is still growing!


Well-known member
I did not wear foundation till 2 years ago, not because I'm lazy, but because my skin did not need it (it doesn't need concealor, still). I'm not a minimalist person. It takes me a zillion products before I leave out the door-but they usually revolve around my lips (balms, pencils, plumpers, lipsticks, a gloss) and eyes (no cream-it makes eyes look puffy! Prep H gel, cream base, 5 shadows, lash curler, 5 coats mascara-and liner under the lower rim only because doing the whole eye just makes it appear smaller and severe).
When I was young it was always drugstore stuff-even into my early 40's it was primarily drugstore items because I lived in a rural area and would have to take an airplane to buy dept store cosmetics. I was relegated to whatever was in Kahalui Long's basically-and some MAC shadows and lipsticks from Queen K'a 'ahumanu center. Moving to Honolulu meant needing to keep up appearences because of so many international tourists were surrounding the area and we are looks conscious.

The first cosmetics I owned as a teenager were Love Bug Peppermint Pizza Lipgloss which I bought from the back of "American Girl" Magazine from the library without my parents knowledge- I taped a few quarters to a three by five card. I put it on and got beaten by my mom with her shoe. I was like 15. I eventually was allowed to wear lipsmackers by Bonne Bell and Cutex nailpolish. When I was a teenager, my goal in life was to wear Maybelline waterproof liquid liner like my Mom. Silly, yeah? I was allowed to wear lots of makeup in my mid teens when I was modeling. It was usually applied by an adult for a catalogue or a fashion show. I could not wait to wash it off, it felt creepy to me. I only really liked lip gloss because it tasted good, and I liked my mother's enormous cat eyes.....
Makeup was a heavy and unnatural affair in the 70's and eighties. In the 90's and beyond makeup suddenly could not just be for enhancement-it had to do something! It had to have antioxidants or be some sort of treatment. I had a cosmetology degree when I got out of high school and makeup back then was different than it is now....we expect more. More is paid for advertisements and promotion. ..and it has to "do" something. For instance make lashes look like false lashes or plump lips or smoothe skin for x amount of hours. I used to be happy with the "perfect colour" now it has to change my life or something...


Well-known member
I started wearing make up at 14 and this only consisted of Eyeliner. My mom is not much of a make up wearer apart from eyeliner and lipstick so I wasn't really that interested.

I started buying more make up when I was 18, I got a job at a deptartment store and recieved nice discounts so wandered over to the pretty beauty counters spending my monthly pay. I'm 21 now and really, I've only taken it seriously (mixing eyeshadows and experimenting)within the last 6 months or so since I've become addicted to MAC!

**I just wanted to add that kids are wearing make up younger and younger these days. My youngest sister who is 10 tells me how her friends are all wearing clear mascara and lip gloss to school. I think this is a little too young to be wearing make up. I think age 13/14 is ok...but I hate to see kids all caked up with foundation on their still so young skin!


Well-known member
I'd played with it as a teenager, and I went to 3 dances in high school that i had my makeup done for, but i didn't start wearing or purchasing my own makeup until my 18th birthday. to be honest, I didn't really care for it and most of the girls I knew who wore it looked really trampy, and I didn't wanna look like them.


Well-known member
ROFL ROFL When i was 12 i said i'd NEVER EVER wear make-up and i told my mom if i ever put makeup on my face i would have to pay her $500...Then i started wearing makeup a year later. oh boy.


Active member
When I was 14! What's funny is I started out with a fully made up face of foundation and then everything else, and then gradually decreased it to just powder, eyeliner and lip gloss.


Well-known member
Can you imagine a 15 y.o. with a black liquid eyeliner? It seems so easy to apply now, but then it was just a big ole mess. I'm glad i didn't wear it out.


Well-known member
Hehe, I started at 14. With Covergirl

I got into all kinds of beauty stuff at that time. I even experimented with bleaching my eyebrows and tweezing them (I accidentally turned them orange once


Active member
I started with Make Up with 12, powder, black kohl liner, silver/baby blue eyeshadow...
With 15/16 I wore a lot of browns on eyes and lips (today I know that brown lips do not suit me as I am too pale for that), I remember the Cindy Crawford ad for Revlon. Brown were so in!
I was so looking for a nice foundation with yellow undertones and finally got my first one from Bobbi Brown the foundationstick. The colour was not 100 % suitable but definitely better than my other ones.
Then I finally found a better colour at a Mac Counter, it came in a tube, it is discontinued now. I was so happy. I guess I was 18. I am still wearing Mac foundation, but I am always looking for an even better one...