i have a confession to make....i HATE and HATE and HATE....


Well-known member
lol, I agree that lipglass makes your hair stick to your mouth


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shoppingisme

it's sooo sticky and thick and makes your hair get stuck to your mouth and is like a fly trap.

actually, a little bug flew into my lips the other day and did get stuck in the lipglass! it was pretty gross. haha.


Well-known member
I'm a MAC newbie but are they the same formula as the Lustre Glasses?. I got one in the spring, and just ran out, I love the stuff but I kind dig the super slickness off it, I was skeptical when I tested it on my hand, but with lipconditioner before hand i could just stare at my lips for ever . Course I'm not dating anyone, but I can see where the kissing issue would be. Clear lip balm might be more appropriate if I had someone to smooch, i'm not huge on lip products to begin with I'm more of a hilight the eyes sort of gal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
I'm a MAC newbie but are they the same formula as the Lustre Glasses?. I got one in the spring, and just ran out, I love the stuff but I kind dig the super slickness off it, I was skeptical when I tested it on my hand, but with lipconditioner before hand i could just stare at my lips for ever . Course I'm not dating anyone, but I can see where the kissing issue would be. Clear lip balm might be more appropriate if I had someone to smooch, i'm not huge on lip products to begin with I'm more of a hilight the eyes sort of gal.

maybe someone else can tell u the difference, i can't really tell between these, lustreglass, plushglass, etc. but pretty much they're all in the same ball park. my husband won't kiss me when i wear lip shiz because it's sticky haha.


Well-known member
I've found the lustreglasses less sticky that the lipglasses. I'm sure they are not that fun to kiss (although I don't have anyone kissing me at the moment) but men sure do love how my lips LOOK in a lustreglass. I went on a date Saturday and dude couldn't stop staring at them.

I haven't bought the lip conditioner yet, but I did try it in the store under Love Nectar and wanted to DIE!!! My lips looked GORGEOUS!!! That will be my next purchase for sure!