MAC Fix Plus Spray ?


Well-known member

How can I use the Fix+, before or after the mu?? Is it for make the face make up last longer??


New member
You can use it both before and after. It is used to help set your makeup. It also is a refresher for the skin and can help rejuvenate your skin with vitamins.


Well-known member
There's another similar thread somewhere which might help! Search function will also help.

It can help make your makeup look less powdery and also be used a eyeshadow/pigment medium.


Well-known member
How many of you use Fix+ spray?

Just wondering...


Well-known member
yeah, well actually I keep forgetting to reach for it.. I should reach it more often, it's so nice and refreshing!


Well-known member
I bought this yesterday on a whim...not sure if I should have since I have oily skin...will it make it worse?


Well-known member
i have oily skin and i love my fix +. it sets your makeup in place when you're done.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by asnbrb
i have oily skin and i love my fix +. it sets your makeup in place when you're done.



Active member
ive been loving my Fix+ too. it really does help my oily skin.
i use that before foundation, then BE ME, then spray again. and an occasional blot powder all over. I used to have to use Blot Powder a couple times a day, now, ONCE... if that!


New member
I love Fix+, it really gives an added depth to Lustre shadows & MSF when you spray it on after application. I'm oily and it has never given me a breakout.


Well-known member
I LOOOOVE mine. Especially with my mineral foundation, powder blush, MSF, and occasional dusting of blot powder, I NEED it to keep me from looking like a powder puff! It makes you all dewy and gorge!


Well-known member
Fix +

i bought this because a kept coming across it on here... so what's the big deal that everyone loves it so much?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chelly
i bought this because a kept coming across it on here... so what's the big deal that everyone loves it so much?

Hey Chelly. If you use the search function, you will find the thread that will answer some of your questions. It also assists in keeping the Forum tidy by preventing a number of duplicate posts from being started. Here is a link for you...


Well-known member
I love it after my Studio Fix and before my MSF. Without, I can't get the MSf to adhere to the Studio Fix, powder on top of powder, it just slides right off and I rub my MSF into oblivion just trying to get it on. A little Fix+ and I look dewy and gorgeous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan
Okay...I've been wanting to buy a bottle bc Risa is always posting her FOTDs and saying she used an MSF plus Fix+ or a pigment and Fix+, etc... Do you put the MSF on first, them spray, or spray your cheek, then quickly buff on the MSF, or wet the brush slightly then put it in the MSF, then on your face??

I like to spray the brush and then use the MSF. Stays on all day long!


Well-known member
MAC fix+ and pigments?


What happens when you mix the fix+ w. pigments or pearlizers? I still don't have fix+ and I have been wanting it. Should I get it?? I like the sounds of mixing it with the pigments..PLmk thx