MAC Fix Plus Spray ?


Well-known member
I use fix + on my brush before dipping it into the pigments, the colours look much brighter that way.


Well-known member
It does. You can use it with eyeshadows too, either by wetting the brush or by actually mixing the products. And it smells good. Lol.
Fix + I'm a MAC newbie....and I hear wonders about Fix +....please ladies (and gents) teach me the benefits/uses of this product.
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
merged with another Fix+ thread... hope this one helps!

Thanks for moving it and yes this did help!!! I will have to buy some on my next outing to


Well-known member
Originally Posted by martygreene
there actually aren't any fixative agents in fix+, as it isn't really a makeup fixative, as much as a spray form skin hydrator.

I think people get confused by the name. I've seen some weird uses for Fix+, and rarely used for it's real purpose!


Active member
fix+ ?

i don't know if this is the right forum or whatever but.. ineed help with my new fix+ spray since everyone seems to love it!
i know you spray it on your face before/after you apply makeup but idk how to explain it.. it feels like it's not working or something?
here are a few questions i have--
how many sprays are you suppose to spray?
& do you have to re-apply during the day?
& after i spray it on do i have to go over it with a facebrush?
thanks guys! :]


Well-known member
This part of the forum is actually for people to post questions or suggestions about Specktra, rather than MAC products. This shoudl maybe be in Recommendations or MAC Chat, but I am sure one of the modd will move it.

Fix+ can be used after make up to "fix" it in place or adjust the finish of your make up e.g. reduce the matte/powdery finish and make it look more natural. It can also be used in between steps i.e. moisturise, founation, fix+, blush, fix+, eye make up, fix+ etc. to keep it in place while applying the next step.

Also you can use it to refresh or touch up your skin and/or makeup during the day. You don't need to use a brush, you can just spray and go.



Well-known member many sprays are you suppose to spray? you have to re-apply during the day?
3.after i spray it on do i have to go over it with a facebrush?
-actually 2 and sometimes 3/4 or only 1. when i have dry skin or skin fells to matte I spray 3/4 times
-that's not good because you destroy your make-up...that's my experience
When you think it does nothing for you maybe you should spray more times or one time more.


Well-known member
I just got it myself... I spritz it on my 187 after I've picked up some Studio Fix powder to smooth out application. Someone else in another thread suggestion spritzing some onto a brush after picking up e/s that has fallout to prevent fallout from happening (for me, that's lustres and the new mineral e/s). If you're skin's dry, you can spray it on your face after foundation to take off the potential cakey look (with some buffing too). HTH some!


Well-known member
I use it in different ways. When I feel really oily, I use it before my makeup to add a little moiture without reaching for cream & wake up my skin. I use it all the time after makeup to help blend & set it. I use it during the day sometimes to refresh my makeup. You can also spray it on your brush to aplly things that need help sticking (pigments, glittery shadows). I even sometimes set my brows with it. Hope this helps!


Well-known member
I also use it the morning after a night of hearty partying to rehydrate my face, it does wake up the skin...


Well-known member
Yeh I use fix+ when putting on my foundation, it seems to give me a more even application with a little extra moisture. I also mist my face after I've buffed in my powder to help everything set. I also use it when applying shadows wet.

Plus it just smells good lol...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mjalomo
I use it in different ways. When I feel really oily, I use it before my makeup to add a little moiture without reaching for cream & wake up my skin. I use it all the time after makeup to help blend & set it. I use it during the day sometimes to refresh my makeup.

under foundation - does it help it stick better throughout the day?
over foundation & powder - do you have to go back with your brush and buff it all out again?

I'm so curious about this haha sorry
sounds like a super exciting product that I must get!


Well-known member
I use it before and after applying m/u. Before, to help make my skin have some moisutre w/o having to use cream (my face isn't exactly dry), and after to set everything and make it look more natural.


Well-known member
I use a sponge to apply foundation and I like to sheer it out. I spritz the sponge with Fix + twice then use the sponge to blend out my foundation. It makes the foundation look much more natural and less "foundationy".

I have also had a MAC MA use it on my by spritzing it on a foundation brush and then using the foundtion brush to apply the foundation. Worked great.