MAC Mineralize Glass, Mineralize Rich Lipstick Collection ( March 6, 2014)


Well-known member
Since you're asking for a Team Low Buy opinion, I'd ask what you're hoping to accomplish this year. Meet a certain maximum number of items purchased or budget goal? Shrink your collection? Only you can say whether purchasing a couple of these would fit in with your goals. Seven seems like a lot to me given the size of your stash, but I don't know how quickly you go through them. Gloss is the item that I've had go off on me more than any other; I'm lucky to get two years out of it. If you've already got 80, how many of them are still good? How many do you really like? Would buying more cause you to not reach for the ones you have? Are you ok with tossing out glosses that are still good because you've found something you like better? Are these really so much better that it's worth tossing out the money you've spent? Personally, I'd skip given what you have. There's a reason you wanted to be on a no-buy. New products are launched all the time and you will be continuously tempted by the latest and greatest. If you really don't want to buy more gloss, I'd suggest not setting yourself up by trying them on. That's almost certain to trigger you to purchase. Could you be satisfied buying one? Some people are, but others just want more when they get a taste. If you can just enjoy one, get the one you like best. If having one will just make you want the other six, then walk away. There's no shortage of collections and formulas coming and you have heaps to get through. :)
This was great advice! I'm not sure I want to be on a low-buy team for MAC yet, but you can use this advice for a lot of things. I bought 3 of these, which is unusual for me. They're a little sheer for my taste.


Well-known member
I lectured in Good Taste today---loved it, and so did my students! Haha! Gotta love a bright new lipstick!
Thats so cute! You must look lovely in it
You have me so excited to get this today!


Well-known member
Since you're asking for a Team Low Buy opinion, I'd ask what you're hoping to accomplish this year. Meet a certain maximum number of items purchased or budget goal? Shrink your collection? Only you can say whether purchasing a couple of these would fit in with your goals.

Seven seems like a lot to me given the size of your stash, but I don't know how quickly you go through them. Gloss is the item that I've had go off on me more than any other; I'm lucky to get two years out of it. If you've already got 80, how many of them are still good? How many do you really like? Would buying more cause you to not reach for the ones you have? Are you ok with tossing out glosses that are still good because you've found something you like better? Are these really so much better that it's worth tossing out the money you've spent?

Personally, I'd skip given what you have. There's a reason you wanted to be on a no-buy. New products are launched all the time and you will be continuously tempted by the latest and greatest. If you really don't want to buy more gloss, I'd suggest not setting yourself up by trying them on. That's almost certain to trigger you to purchase.

Could you be satisfied buying one? Some people are, but others just want more when they get a taste. If you can just enjoy one, get the one you like best. If having one will just make you want the other six, then walk away. There's no shortage of collections and formulas coming and you have heaps to get through. :)
Hmmm I wouldn't say my goal is to shrink my collection so much as to keep it from growing quite so fast. I actually did a purge of glosses a few months ago. Ithink I counted 96 glosses at the time and got rid of 16 of them because they were smelling a little funky. I've had some of my glosses for more years than I care to admit. I tend to hang onto them until they start smelling weird or the doefoot applicator starts to change color (sometimes when they're really old, the sponge starts to look a little yellow, which is so gross and an instant 'time to toss this' moment). And I still have a few that sit in the back of my lipgloss bin that rarely get worn. I really think once I found glosses with a more pleasing texture, I unwittingly got turned off to my lipglasses. Pretty sure this makes hubsters happy since I don't stick to him when I kiss him anymore, haha. Anyway, I think I could be satisfied buying just one of these without it being a gateway gloss. And they're permanent, aren't they? So I can take my time deciding (and see how many of my years-old glosses go bad and have to get tossed in that time).

Thank you for such a thorough and thought-provoking response!!


Well-known member
Wow that is beautiful! Lighter than Chanel Rayonnante????
Completely different than Rayonannte. Ray is way more berry toned. GT is more pink fuchsia with just a tinge of berry that keeps it from screaming bright fuchsia pink. Its fabulous on the lips.



Well-known member
Went to my mac counter today & picked up 2 of the lippies!! So Good & Be A Lady! They are both beautiful colors but I will be taking back SG because it's the same as love goddess from the Marilyn Monroe collection!


Well-known member
Completely different than Rayonannte. Ray is way more berry toned. GT is more pink fuchsia with just a tinge of berry that keeps it from screaming bright fuchsia pink. Its fabulous on the lips.

Bet it's fab on you...the color is right up your alley


Well-known member
Went to my mac counter today & picked up 2 of the lippies!! So Good & Be A Lady! They are both beautiful colors but I will be taking back SG because it's the same as love goddess from the Marilyn Monroe collection!

Good to know...thank you!!!