MAC Mineralize Glass, Mineralize Rich Lipstick Collection ( March 6, 2014)


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Crosswires BaL LaP

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
ALL fuchsia lovers check this out!!!!! I want three of these


Well-known member
I really really love it! I wore it out today and several people commented on how good it looked (random strangers) haha! Quite frankly it's gorgeous and an all around steller lipstick--especially as it is quite moisturizing. Definitely worth every penny!

So amazing to hear about Good Taste! Will for sure get it when I make a trip to MAC soon.
Quote: Originally Posted by burghchick

I do the same thing! I pick out things and add them to my cart and leave them there until I can afford to buy them. I'm so glad that MAC doesn't remove them if you don't buy it right away.
Yes! I love that MAC keeps your items in your cart for a long time until you want to purchase them.


Well-known member
the pink/fuchsia lip glasses in this collection are gorge! Going to start grabbing them one at a time plus backups. They feel nice too. I felt like they were pigmented and even enough. Really beautiful.


Well-known member
Just picked up Be a Lady and it is a very beautiful coral!
It pulls pink on my lips (rather than orange) and really reminds me of Force of Love or Watch me Simmer, both of which I love, but it is nice to have a formula that is so moisturizing and smooth! Definitely a fabulous lipstick, especially for all of you coral lovers out there!


Well-known member
Just picked up Be a Lady and it is a very beautiful coral! :eyelove: It pulls pink on my lips (rather than orange) and really reminds me of Force of Love or Watch me Simmer, both of which I love, but it is nice to have a formula that is so moisturizing and smooth! Definitely a fabulous lipstick, especially for all of you coral lovers out there!
I need it.


Well-known member
Do any of these match the fashion set glosses we got last year? They are a little to bright for me and would love to see those colors in this formula.


Well-known member
I just realized I never came in here to list what I got:

For the lipsticks, I bought Pure Pout, Be Fabulous, Be a Lady and Good Taste. I had reserved So Good too, but passed on it at the last moment because as a pinker Love Goddess, which is already very pink on me, I don't honestly need it right now. Good Taste is another color I would normally skip, but my MA pointed out how much it brought out my eyes and you know, he was absolutely right, in a way that I wouldn't have noticed as easily. Sometimes you have to take another person's opinion, since they are looking at you in a way you don't always naturally see yourself. Bold Spring is lovely, but again, I can deal with it later, since I haven't been much of a pink person lately and have plenty of similar colors. It's not like I don't have shades like Pure Pout and Be Fabulous, but these are at the top of the heap quality-wise, so I'm perfectly fine with it. Be a Lady is just super fun and wearable for that kind of bright coral, so it was a no brainer for me.

For the glosses I was having a very tough time. I honestly would have been happy with every single one of them. I wanted to hold out until I hauled Patentpolishes, though, so I cut my list way down and only got the colors that would be absolute daily use for me: Tender ( I just finished my Fashion Scoop csg, which this one is very similar to, but better), Modest (I loved all 3 of the nude peaches of these glosses, and will probably get them all eventually), and Cheerful, which really is just like Exxxhibitionist, another all-time favorite lip product. 100% grab and go for all three of these. Fashion Perk, Ray of Sunshine and maybe Vibrant Vibe or Got Style! will be the next up, especially RoS and FP (for when I run out of my beloved Color Saturation csg).