Make-up don'ts that you do!


Well-known member
At 40, you have a rule book. The rule book got thrown in the trash along with the midlife crisis.

I wear glitter in the day.

I wear vivid lipsticks with vivid e/s

I don't do the pale lips with colorful eyes. Well, that's not all the time true.

I basically do what I want with the makeup. I did the rules in my 20s & 30s. That got old. Now, I am a grown up at least by age. I am old enough to wear m/up the way I want to now, before it's too late.


Well-known member
I keep my makeup longer than recommended (unless I can tell it's bad, of course)
I wear glitter on my eyes even though it's not eye-safe.
I also wear pigments that aren't recommended for eyes on eyes, or not recommended for the lips on lips.


Well-known member
-I don't toss stuff because of a certain deadline. I only throw stuff away when it's turned.
-I need to wash my brushes more often
-I have fallen asleep without washing my face. I always regret it the next morning and scold myself.


Well-known member
I think I do almost everything mentioned except sleep in mine. And, that's only because I have to be comfortable when I sleep and I would probably freak out if I turned over and saw an eyelash strip on the pillow.

I don't follow rules. I just do what looks good. And sometimes looking good requires you to be a bit bad


Well-known member
I keep stuff longer than i should -why spend a fortune on something, use a tenth of it, then throw it out?!

I sleep in makeup.

I wear what i want -including thick black liquid eyeliner

I pluck my eyebrows to next to nothing and draw them on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
At 40, you have a rule book. The rule book got thrown in the trash along with the midlife crisis.

I basically do what I want with the makeup. I did the rules in my 20s & 30s. That got old. Now, I am a grown up at least by age. I am old enough to wear m/up the way I want to now, before it's too late.

SparklingWaves, I LIKE the way you think!

I'm over 40, too. I prefer matte eyeshadows in neutral colors but sometimes I like a little shimmer---or maybe a matte shadow in a color---even BLUE!

I love lip gloss and I especially love glittery lips---and not just at night.

I wear foundation on my forehead. Why not? I don't have wrinkles there.

I read the magazines but will buy and wear what I like---not what some expert tells me I "should" wear. "Color Me Beautiful" be damned!

And I don't always remember to wash my brushes.

This is an amazing thread!


Well-known member
I can't believe that some of these dont's are even dont's...Anyways the only "don'ts" that I do is wearing eye makeup colours that are the same as the ones in the outfit I am wearing and wearing dramatic eyes during the daytime. I do these most of the time and don't give a damn if they are dont's honestly

That's it really.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard
hahaha this is a funny thread.. i do many of these things tooo...

1.nails... i paint them and neglect them... my toes still have hot pink nail polish from 2 months ago.

2.i love clumpy lashes too!

3.on the rare occasion, i pass out with makeup on

4.i dont care about daytime/nighttime looks... i'll wear whatever glitters, sparkles, neons during the daytime if i want to eye makeup doesnt always match my outfit. i sometimes wear blue eyes with a pink shirt or something that really clashes

6.i don't throw out my makeup nearly as much as i should.. i have blush from 6 years ago and it is still quite usable... i dont see where it went bad

7.i tug on my eyes when removing makeup very unsanitary with my tub of vaseline. i dip my fingers and wipes and things in it... its a big tub too....

you and I must be twins.

when i'm up to it,i go to school lookin like a hard working drag queen on her way to a cher concert.(i don't even know what that means. drag queens like cher, right???)
but you're supposed to look simple at school and be focused on "learning". F*ck that!
I'm not too into the change your makeup within blah blah weeks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rocknroll_lies
- I use concealer on my lips.

That's not a bad thing to do, make up artist do that to tone down the color of the lip so lip colors apply more true to their color. I think MAC has a product called lip erase that's like concealer for lips.

-I love clumpy lashes too!
-Don't wash my brushes to often
-Share make up
-Have cream products over 5 years old
-Pick at my face and hair


Well-known member
Glad to know I'm not the only one breaking beauty "rules". I actually break a lot of them but the most common I do is sleep with my makeup on ( i'm lazy at times) and I use reflect glitter on my eyes event though they are not considered eye safe. Oh and I do a bold lip with dark eyes when ever I feel in the mood.


Well-known member
i wear coloured glitters on my face/lips/eyes/hair, concealer + powder on my lips, matte brown lipstick, black khol in my eyebrows on occasion, i love clumpy mascara, panda eyes, sepia tones, i wear brown blush on my eyelids sometimes, & i wear powder on bare skin.


Well-known member
- going to bed with makeup on. Like very often
I've got stained pillowcases because of this lol

-not washing brushes

-picking at zits


Well-known member
I don't believe in rules, just common sense. I don't follow trends in either fashion or makeup; instead I go with my distinct style and update with a little of this and that every year.

I'm 43 and don't believe that neutral colors are my only options. Sometimes I'll rock the bright/bold.

shudder, I'd never fall asleep with my makeup on but sometimes I'll fall asleep before I apply moisturizer.

I never curl my eyelashes.

I never use lip liner.

I still have a tube of mascara from a year ago and I still use it; it's nice and liquidy, doesn't smell bad and hey this sucker was expensive I'm not throwing it out until I absolutely have to! :LOL

I have a few eyeshadows that are 3 years old. No mold, odd smell so I still use them. Liquid products I tend to throw out more quickly.

Um...I have been known to go to the grocery store without makeup on


Active member
Originally Posted by amoona
I wear all black smokey eyes with dark lips or red lips.
I was also told not to always line my eyes with black khol liner, but I do every single day.
I USED to wear frost colors in my crease - no more though.

Is it a health reason or fashion reason that people say not to always line your eyes with black khol liner? I do the same thing.


Well-known member
I dont wear makeup to bed anymore but I a few years ago I used to wear EVERYTHING to bed including fake eyelashes so that I looked pretty when I slept at my boyfriends house lol... He told me to stop doing it after all his pillowcases were stained with black hahaha. He still teases me about it!

I wear shimmer on EVERYTHING, eyes, lips, face all at once.... I love sparkle

I use my eyelash curler after mascara too and heat up the curler.... my eyelashes are gunna fall out one day!

I am very diligent about throwing out mascara when Im supposed to BUT everything else stays until it starts to smell bad!

I wear tooo tooooo much makeup during the day and sometimes really bright colors or smokey eyes!

Not really makeup related but when I had blonde hair (its dyed dark brown now) It was PLATINUM and I would get spray tans and it would look soooo unnatural but I loved it anyways.


Well-known member
i sleep in my make-up, curl my lashes and put on as much mascara as i want, share my make-up with my friends and i don't wash my brushes as often as i should. i also stick my fingers in all my make-up, especially lip products. i like wearing concealer lips and lots of eyeliner.

and i haven't died yet, got any infections or had anything bad happen to me at all. i think it's all a bit overhyped.