Makeup We Once Wore...


Well-known member
I was a teenager in the 90s and my favorite perfume was Calvin Klein's - "ck one" i still love that perfume.Whenever i smell somebody wearing it it instantly brings me back to that time lol But whenever i couldn't afford "ck one" i wore "Vanilla Fields" by coty i think? Anyway it was a cheapy but smelled nice.And i think they actually still sell it lol

I love CK One. and actually got CK SUmmer this year..

LOL, remember "Designor Imposters"? UGH! Terrible!

Oh, and "Prince Matchabelli" perfume..


Well-known member
I love CK One. and actually got CK SUmmer this year..

LOL, remember "Designor Imposters"? UGH! Terrible!

Oh, and "Prince Matchabelli" perfume..[/quote]

HAHA thats funny i remember seeing the designer imposter's perfumes! And yeah i was really curious about CK summer but i never got around to testing it out.Is it nice? I dont remember the Prince Matchabelli though. But hey look at this little not so blast from the past lol



Well-known member
lmfao funny thread. I use to wear chola make up. Swear to God! I had the sharpie eyebrows. Maybelline Expert eyes eyeliner in Dark Brown and crazy darkish maroonish l/s I think every mexican girl goes thru this stage JK lol



Well-known member
I had the super super thin Pam Anderson eyebrows for awhile not because i was going for the look on purpose though.I had really full eyebrows and at 12 i got a hold of my first set of tweezers,grabbed my like 20x magnification mirror and ummm yeah i think you can guess the rest lol