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Making Yourself a Crease with Blue and Brown (Pic Heavy)


Well-known member
First, I loved this. And you look beautiful.

Second...I hate to say it, but when your eye is closed, even with no makeup on....I totally see your crease. I'm not trying to be difficult, I just see it plain as day. I get the feeling that some other folks looking at it do, too. Regardless, you've come up with a great way to create definition where you weren't seeing it before. : ) This'll help a lot of folks, regardless.

Thank you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by girlsaidwhat
First, I loved this. And you look beautiful.

Second...I hate to say it, but when your eye is closed, even with no makeup on....I totally see your crease. I'm not trying to be difficult, I just see it plain as day. I get the feeling that some other folks looking at it do, too. Regardless, you've come up with a great way to create definition where you weren't seeing it before. : ) This'll help a lot of folks, regardless.

Thank you!

Whether or not I have a slight crease is not the goal of this tutorial. The point is either making one if you don't have one, or emphasizing what you have. Maybe from certain angles it looks like I have a crease, but I've seen pictures of myself WITH make-up on where it looks like my eye has no depth whatsoever, it just sort of folds over whatever poor excuse of a crease I have. Maybe other people can see my crease, but I can't, so I was just trying to demonstrate how you could go about finding it if you were in the same situation as me. I had actually done a full face of make-up before doing this tutorial, and wiped off one eye so I could make the tutorial, and there was a little left-over eyeliner still on my eyelid. But yeah, like I said, this tutorial is more about enhancing what you have, or for the people who have no crease, making one.

But thanks for checking it out, and I'm glad you liked it.


What an amazing tutorial! Thank you so much for that! I was a little scared at first lol but it came out beautifully!


Well-known member
now i don't have t worry so much abt my crease


Well-known member
thx this was a great tut! I have the fold over thingy and I've just resorted to emphasizing my outer v for definition. I've tried this before after watching nireyana on yt....but thanks for the reminder and explaining it so well. ur eyes looked great...and so well defined, lol


Well-known member
This really helped, and I think I have a fairly good crease. I just needed a tut to teach me how to define it more. THANK YOUUUUU!


Well-known member
I have a defined crease but I LOVE your tut. It's great for anyone who also would like a more dramatic crease. I will totally do this look. Thank you for posting this.


Well-known member
OH MY GOODNESS. this is heaven hahah.
since i'm asian i don't have a very defined crease. while i don't have a monolid, my crease is just where it folds.

this is heaps of help. thanks!


i really liked this tutorial...i will definately try this way... i have really bad hooded eyes... can u do more tut like with more colours so that we can undrstand more