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Making Yourself a Crease with Blue and Brown (Pic Heavy)


Well-known member
OMGGGGGG! get out of my head!!! I could have written that whole post!!! i too have a foldy/flap of loose skin posing as a 'crease'. its sooo hard watchiing tuts and the person has this perfectly defined crease. if i had a crease i would be on fire!! lol
great tut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you ever want to watch a tut with someone that just has a fold of heavy skin over their eye, check out my channel. YouTube - Coral & Dark Teal Look


I've just realised why everytime I follow a tutorial it never looks the same on me... I have exactly the same problem with the silly fold thing. Definitely going to give this a try and see what results I can get


Well-known member
Awesome, thankyou! I know what you mean abou the flat lids, I'm pretty much the same... it took me ages to find out where the crease of my eye was xD Love this look!