Skinny Jeans--Yay or nay?


Well-known member
I wore mine out last night and I'm in love <3 I'm going to stop by JCPenny's and see if they have anymore $5 pairs in my size left


Well-known member
I like skinny jeans and jeggings. You can wear skinny jeans with heels, ballet flats, or high top kicks. I loove the way they look on me


Well-known member
Nay for me! My body simply does not do skinny jeans.
I'm too curvy and I have no fashion sense.
It's not that I don't like them though, I sometimes envy those that can pull them off. They're just definitely not for me.


Well-known member

Now that I've started wearing skinny jeans I can't wear anything else (straight leg is okay). Skinny jeans elongate my legs whereas I feel like everything else makes my legs look stumpy, and my legs are the biggest part of my body too.


Well-known member
Yay if u wear the correct size and don't look like ur about to bust them open because their so tight lol.

Their the best with cute heels/shoes because they don't cover them up.


Well-known member
I will only wear skinny jeans when they're tucked into boots - I like that look. But otherwise - my short legs and not size 0 figure do not look flattering in skinny jeans - yucky yuck they make my look like a hippo! I was so disappointed when skinny jeans first came back into style - everyone used to make fun of skinny jeans so bad when I was a teen!


Well-known member
I love skinny jeans! I'm not particularly fond of my legs (though I don't think they're fat or anything, I just don't like them as much as the rest of my body) but I do like the way they look in skinny jeans. I only own three pairs, but seem to wear them more often than any of my other jeans too. I really ought to pick up a few more pairs.