Skinny Jeans--Yay or nay?


Active member
The idea that curvy girls can't wear these jeans is awfully dumb. Curvy girls look the sexiest in skinny jeans to me! I'm a size 8/10, depending on the brand, and I always get compliments when I wear mine.

Screw the haters, if you love your skinny jeans and you feel hot in them then don't let other people's bad attitudes keep you from rocking them!


Well-known member
im a curvy girl and i love skinny jeans. unfortunately i have strong man calves and it just looks gross on me. im with team bootcut jeans


Well-known member
Thats all I wear! I feel weird in bootcut. Im trying to find some nice regular jeans, no luck yet. But my faves are skinny for sure.


Well-known member
I have a total soft spot for skinny jeans. I have the one pair and I love them
However I would say they do not do the best for my figure. They look good mind you BUT they do emphasize my curvy figure. I have a bum (for an asian girl) and also my legs are not long. I always make sure I wear heels with them or it tends to make me look stumpy. But they are like a guilty pleasure I love trying them on!!
I love them on skinny girls with mile long legs they can wear any kind of shoes with them.


Well-known member
The tapered fit of skinnies make waif type figures more curvy. However, because they are generically designed to fit that straightish 'boy' figure, females with more cury figures have slightly more trouble finding a perfect pair to house their own legs in.

I fit into smaller sized skinnies really easily...until I get to buttoning them up.. then its just .OMGLOLOLOLOL.

I've bought a lovely pair from Europe two years ago and I have yet to find a similar pair that suits me so well. I wish I bought two or seven...


Well-known member
Although skinny jeans look good on me, I don't really wear them much. I prefer a thin straight legged jean. On me they are more comfortable and they look almost the same!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
Although skinny jeans look good on me, I don't really wear them much. I prefer a thin straight legged jean. On me they are more comfortable and they look almost the same!

Ditto. I really like Levis 504s. Think skinny with the slightest flare at the ankle.

(Plus they're usually on sale.)

Honestly, I do like skinny jeans, even the tapered ones. I have a thick waist and narrow hips, so I'm just happy to find jeans that simultaneously fit my waist and butt. I have to "girl up" what I'm wearing on top, though or I risk looking like a boy.


Well-known member
I like 'em a lot! Used to think that only skinny girls can wear them, but I find that they're flattering on a lot of sizes. It just comes down to how well-endowed you are in the butt/hips area (relative to the rest of your body). Since I inherited the "no butt" gene from my mother, so I've got, well, no butt and almost no hips, skinny jeans are sleek on me and make my legs look longer. I'm not the skinniest girl either so that further prevented me from trying skinny jeans, but now I'm a convert.


Well-known member
yay, i like them on me. i tend to only like skinnies if they fit well though, ill fitting ones look abismal. my favourites are levi 603's.


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Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
haha i call mine horse legs.. cuz they are just that... muscular ugly short legs. haha

Me too...well not muscular but tree trunks is what I have. Even when I lost 20lbs after my hysterectomy I still had heavy legs. My knees are really chunky and I have a hard time even getting into regular jeans. The hips...that's a whole other problem! Thunder Thighs and tree trunk legs


Well-known member
I hate jeans, or skinny jeans, but I LOVE the cross in between jeans and leggings, the b*stardized version of skinny jeans I guess... jeggings, or treggings, or whatever they are, they're freakin' awesome and they make my legs look 6 ft long! I always wear heels too, so that helps ;D

I've only just discovered them, until now I don't think I've worn a pair or trousers/jeans/et cetera in about 3 years.


Well-known member
im not a huge fan of skinny jeans cuz they take me back to my childhood when i had to wear straits and high water jeans