Which collection is your favourite, or which collection lived up to the hype?


Well-known member
Lingerie and Flashtronic, no question. Those are my two favorite collections, even though I didn't bother with the MSFs from Flashtronic. The e/s is amazing, though.

Danse also deserves a mention, just because I love Swan Lake e/s so much.


Well-known member
Rushmetal has been my favourite this year, but I am also a pigment freak and I own next to nothing else in way of cosmetics, a few lippies and liners, mascara and thats it, everything else is piggies!! I bought all the Rushmetal piggies and the only one I hated was Quick Frost.....
I did like Icon Diana Ross and Madame B as well though, I got lippies from both collections and love them to bits! Next to that its probably Barbie and Strange Hybrid - again lipsticks form those collections only, but I love them both


Well-known member
Moonebathe hands down. For my eye color Blue , hair multi-Blond, and skintone Tan

Every single e/s works for me, I absolutly adore my two lipstick shades Sunmetal & Honey Moon + my one blush Afterdusk.

I use them so much, I bought many b/ups. I seriously couldn't be more pleased with MAC for this 'Gift'. I needed this collection.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenii
Danse also deserves a mention, just because I love Swan Lake e/s so much.

Yes, some of the lipsticks and glosses from Danse are really nice. Both pigments were nice, I love French Grey & Swan Lake, and the Corps de Colour Quad is amazing.


Well-known member
I just got into MAC this year as well, but I've found all but one of the Lure eyeshadows at a CCO and I really enjoy them.

I've also found myself coming back to Strange Hybrid - a lot of the colors are very wearable. And Showflower has been one of my favorite items yet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist

My favourite so far is the Lingerie Collection.

me too!!!the lipgelees were beautiful!

and Amuse.. Lure and Barbie

old ones i like are Pop mode Snow girl and playboy (just for the colours cos i think playboy is tacky!)

i was dissapointed with moonbathe too... too dull and dark for me x


Well-known member
My favorites are Lure, Danse, Barbie Loves MAC, and Flashtronic.

I'm really exicted about McQueen, Smoke Signals, and Blue Storm though!


Well-known member
Barbie was amazing!!

I absolutely LOVED Lingerie. However, I was very new to MAC and was not aware of things being limited edition and being discontinued. So I only had Sunday Best and I ran out of that quickly.


Well-known member
Barbie was my favourite collection... i bought all except one of the shadows, both the beauty powders, both the blushers, 3 lipsticks, 3 lipglosses..

this was the most i've ever spent on a single collection


Well-known member
I did like Barbie, Nocturnelle and Strange Hybrid....anything after that, I haven't been overjoyed by. Which is totally out of character for me because I normally buy every piece of each collection. Haven't done that since the collections I mentioned above. My favorite collections ever were Dolled Up and Lady Danger. BTW, if anyone knows where I can get the face charts for Dolled Up, please PM me.


Well-known member
I didn't get into MAC until this year. I'm not a makeup person at heart, and I rarely use more than a bit of eyeshadow and lipgloss on a daily basis. I don't enjoy foundation (I rarely use it), I really despise blush (sorry blush ladies but I'm just not comfortable with it), or even mascara (it sucks but it's difficult for me to wear because I wear contacts).

I was sick of using Clinique and Dior, and a friend of mine let me borrow a few MAC shadows, and I fell in love. I found MAC's general colour payoff was miles better than Clinique, had better staying-power than Dior, and what has to be the largest range of eyeshadows I'd ever come across. So when I asked about 'favourite' collections, I guess I was looking to see what I'd missed over the years - the ones in recent years that stood out among the rest. The first set of MAC makeup I bought was a set of 11 pigments for $200 on eBay, and after authenticating they were real, I realised that my absolute favourite colour was Goldenaire. It was the perfect colour. Pink Opal was the first I tried, and it came a close second. I did a bit of research and found that both were from the Lingerie collection, and after looking at other items from the collection, I found I was disappointed I'd missed out big time. The colour range is exactly what I prefer to use on a daily basis - a bit of a shimmer, glowy colours, easy to blend, etc.

I think I skipped Barbie because I didn't really like the colours, but I also have a grudge against Barbie. *ahem*
(Yes, I'm one of *those* girls.)

Looking through the Color Stories, I think I would've loved the Rockocco and Rococo range, the Rebelrock range, everything in the Gold Play range, and some of the now-discontinued shadesticks from Points of Hue. Maybe MAC will re-release some of them. Personally I'd love to own a Stereo Rose, and a Petticoat (but not for more than $50 each!).

*Edit* I should say I like using a bit of powder rather than foundation, just to control oil and to give a glow. Hence, I like the MSFs.


Well-known member
Since I've been "into" makeup and MAC in general, Lure is my favorite, hands down. I'm pretty sure I would have loved Salsabelle, though.


Well-known member
I think Barbie was probably the most hyped collection ever. When I first saw the pics and swatches, nothing impressed me but once I saw it in person I bought almost the entire collection so this definitely lived up to the hype! It is much more wearable that I thought.

My second fave collection is Moonbathe. I don't recall there being alot of hype around this but it is beautiful. Again, bought almost the entire collection.

The other collections have been disappointing ~ especially Flashtronic.


Well-known member
My favourite collections were Barbie, Strange Hybrid, and Flashtronic.

Barbie - all of the e/s are great and blushes were fab. I bought the entire collection and 5 backups of Moth Brown and one backup of Pearl Sunshine

Strange Hybrid - the e/s were brilliant. I love Rose Blanc, Fertile, and Moonbathe. Also the blushes were really nice. Lets not forget Orchidazzle. Such a pretty lippie

Flashtronic - Ether is my HG blue e/s. Also the MSFs are really great in this collection.

I think the collection I was most let down on was CShock. The e/s were very chalky and didn't have good texture. I was very disappointed. I bought all of them and was disappointed by every single e/s. I was so caught up in the rush because it was so limited that I went and bought everything right away. I will never do that again.

I think from the past collections... I would have loved Danse, Amuse, and Lingerie. They sound just like the colours that I love.


Well-known member
You guys really <3 Lingerie that much? It pretty much put me to sleep.

Sweetie Cake was the only collection I remember wanting everything from (except for those nasty lip gloss pot things)...ok, so it was just he pigments I loved....

I also really liked Balloonacy.....apparently I have a thing for the Prom collections-maybe it's my inner 16 year old coming out.

I didn't like Lure/Bait/Hooked when it came out, but this year I found myself continuously referencing it & wishing that Moonbathe was even half as cool.


Well-known member
Flashtronic lived upto the hype.
Northern Lights turned out to be popular and everyone seemed to love the MES
Probably 70% thought the lipglasses were boring, but personally I loved them!