All Things Sephora


Well-known member
I got the E&J set. I had my eye on it since I saw the rewards. I agree, the regular rewards should be much much better. I usually get excited for the 1000 point perks that they release with the full size MJ products, but I think the 500 point perks should be full sized items.
That makes you and another Specktrette that got the E&J one so we know they had at least 2 of those! Fingers crossed you get your shipping notice soon! That MJ 1,000 point reward was such a good one! And that hung around for a while if I recall. Sephora's greater brand house has so many brands that I don't think they have an excuse for offering us the crap that they do so regularly. Between MJ, KVD, Formula X, the Sephora brand, MUFE etc. they could offer us better rewards. I'm sure LVMH has no lack for money!


Well-known member
Ugh, of course they wouldn't give any info, figures. I'm all for the letter idea, I'm not even mad about missing out, I'm just shocked to find out how infinitesimal the whole promotion really was. With all their amping it up I would expect more people to have gotten perks than miss out. With Mac people always miss out but I feel like the people who stalk as hard as people did for these usually get what's on their lists
^^This, that's why it's annoying.


Well-known member
well i just got off the phone with someone after a 20 minute wait. I asked if she or anyone else knew when it was released and the quantities for each. She said she didnt know. I asked if a supervisor would know and she said they didnt know either. I finally asked "does anyone know anything about this" and she told me they werent given any information about specific release times and the quantities that were released. Finally I said "this is information i would like to know as a customer and would appreciate you putting me in touch with someone that could help me get answers" and she said (again this was a very circular conversation) she didnt know who could answer my questions. I said "well who puts this promotion together" and she said "our marketing team" so i sarcastically said "ah ha, so you do know something. can you put me in touch with a specific person in that department?" and she flat out said no. so i told her there are many upset customers that waited up all night for this and no information was provided and they were unwilling to share information. could she perhaps help me in addressing my concern to get more information and she finally said to email [email protected] which as you all know, will be nothing more than a series of canned replies by CSRs making $10/hour with little to no interest in helping us get answers. At that point I gave up as I had the urge to do multiple face palms after she answered each of my questions with "I dont know"

I plan to personally write to their corporate office and address a letter to their marketing department. I wonder if there's a way for many of us to address our complaints in one letter (kind of like the white house petitions can get signatures from many people for a specific cause) because this was poorly organized and the customer service was lacking to the point of frustration.

Im more upset by the fact that they refuse to share information about the release time and the quantities they released as opposed to it selling out if that makes any sense. I like transparency and this entire promotion was one big vague mess.
You are SO getting NOTES!!!!
Welcome to my world


Well-known member
I tweeted both Sephora and Mr. CEO. People are favoriting my Sephora one, probably don't realize who Calvin_Sephora is, lolll.


Well-known member
I got the E&J set. I had my eye on it since I saw the rewards. I agree, the regular rewards should be much much better. I usually get excited for the 1000 point perks that they release with the full size MJ products, but I think the 500 point perks should be full sized items.
OMGosh girl
Congrats hun!


Well-known member
It's okay ladies. For all our complaints, Sephora will probably give us 500 free points so we can fail to redeem them at the next failed Epic Awards lol


Well-known member
The worst!  I always get hairs growing in 2 inches from my brows but never in the sparse spots actually IN my brows.  And I've been plucking my unibrow for years, still grows back.  Accidentally pluck a hair I need in my brow and I look like Vanilla Ice for the rest of my life.
LMAO that is me!!! I have a spot from overplucking as a teen that has never filled back in. Tears!
Like the 300 Spartans this isn't a game for us. :fight: LMAO!
I'd like to go spartan on Sephora right about now!!!
Add me! Twiggy Spadafora
Lmao I may have seen you post on FB too but decided I was creepy enough for one day, thanks to that stalker comment from [@]Shars[/@] :haha: I'll send you a request!


Well-known member
This thread has been on FIRE!!! Going to catch up. Can't wait to read about those who were able to snag some goodies!


Well-known member
I'm not a lawyer but I love playing one. I'm pretty sure that there are laws that state for any type of contest, there must be an explanation of rules & quantities of prizes clearly written out for all participants.


Well-known member
I'm not a lawyer but I love playing one. I'm pretty sure that there are laws that state for any type of contest, there must be an explanation of rules & quantities of prizes clearly written out for all participants.

This is what I want to know.

I want to know how it's legal to not offer the item to everyone eligible (for many of us even though we were refreshing at the right time, the perks never came up.).


Well-known member
I'm not a lawyer but I love playing one. I'm pretty sure that there are laws that state for any type of contest, there must be an explanation of rules & quantities of prizes clearly written out for all participants.
I'm sure there are but I'm sure Sephora will try to find a way to say it's not a contest. When UD did their Ultimate Hookup promotion where they sent all persons who made an order a scratchcard, the card clearly stated the amounts of prizes for each category.


Well-known member
This is what I want to know.

I want to know how it's legal to not offer the item to everyone eligible (for many of us even though we were refreshing at the right time, the perks never came up.).
Just off the top of my gut feeling, I'm kinda thinking there could be a legal issue here.


Well-known member
I'm sure there are but I'm sure Sephora will try to find a way to say it's not a contest. When UD did their Ultimate Hookup promotion where they sent all persons who made an order a scratchcard, the card clearly stated the amounts of prizes for each category.
Hmm, what did Sephora specifically claim that this was? I'm still pretty sure that they have violated something because it was so ridiculous in it's very nature of offerings to the public.


Well-known member
Based on the smaller print wording in white, I'm thinking Sephora thinks this is a joke!
Idk they have now standard responses for all the tweets and other social media comments!! A recorded message regarding the same in their CS line and also updated the website!! Pretty much don't ask us any More about this


Well-known member
Based on the smaller print wording in white, I'm thinking Sephora thinks this is a joke!
Oh poo all the good stuff is gone but I'm so glad the in some cases not even a legit sample size items are still around! Thank you for reminding me sephora! I'm off to blow my points! ️ ()