Recent content by dangerous missa

  1. dangerous missa

    Rainbow eyes

    I've always wanted to do a rainbow eye, but I was afraid of looking clownish. Since there is no place I have to go today, I thought now was as good of time as any to try it. Comments and suggestions are welcome!
  2. dangerous missa

    Green and Blue FOTD

    Since I did neutrals yesterday, I thought some color would be nice for today. Especially with no sunlight and hours of freezing rain here in Michigan, I'm really in the mood for some color! Lots of pictures and descriptions under the cut. Comments and suggestions are appreciated...
  3. dangerous missa

    Next at Nordstrom in Michigan

    Anybody going to the Next at Nordstrom at the Somerset Collection in Michigan? I can't decide if I should go or not....
  4. dangerous missa

    First ever FOTD

    After receiving my new Nikon D50 for Christmas, I figured I should stop lurking and actually contribute something to the community! I've been doing pink and purple looks since lingerie came out and today, I thought I'd try something different. Constructive criticism is welcome, compliments and...