Search results

  1. n3crolust

    how do i make eyeshadow this visible?

    how can i make my eyeshadow stand out as much as this: i mean, i use UPPD, but my eyeshadow is NEVER that visible.
  2. n3crolust


  3. n3crolust


    so i was wondering if you knew of any... -going bannanas e/s [c-shock] -bang on blue e/s [c-shock] -moth brown e/s [barbie loves mac] ...duplications. pictures of comparisons would be nice. thank you verrrrrry much.
  4. n3crolust

    MES question;

    what are all the MES that have been out? aside from the ones that just came out with antiquitease. pictures would be nice too. also. why is it that they're able to be used wet as well as dry? two of the MAs told me, but they didn't tell me why. & me being the dork i am didn't ask. :x
  5. n3crolust

    do you ever redo the same look?

    do you ever redo the same looks with like a certain combination of clothes or something? or if for example you have uniform to school/work, do you wear the same color combos often? just wondering. if so, please list! i'd like to know. :]
  6. n3crolust

    red eotd;

    this look is none too special and i look pretty shitty cause i decided to stick to the first picture i took BUT...i feel like posting. //eyes; -udpp. -red from mi'lady mineralize eyeshadow. -carbon e/s. -knight e/s. -rondelle e/s. -engraved e/l. -zoomblack zoom lash.
  7. n3crolust

    what mac item(s) do you regret not buying?

    i so regret not getting most if not all of the mineralize flashtronic eyeshadows.
  8. n3crolust

    11/02 eotd;

    USED: -UPPD -earthly riches e/s duo -plum dressing e/s -shadowy lady e/s -electra e/s -silverwear e/s -hot topic red eye pencil -engraved e/l -zoom lash mascara
  9. n3crolust

    favorite eye primer;

    which is it?
  10. n3crolust

    tattoo removal;

    i'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question BUT... lets say i have a tattoo and i get it removed through laser surgery. will i be able to tattoo something over that skin again?
  11. n3crolust

    does makeup cause wrinkles?

    hey, i searched for this question & i couldn't seem to find it; so sorry if it's already been asked. :| does makeup really cause wrinkles? and if so, what can be done before or after applying makeup to prevent it?
  12. n3crolust

    blue/grey eotd;

    constructive criticism appreciated. :] btw; i know i have to do my eyebrows. they will be done today or tomorrow hopefully. :x
  13. n3crolust

    blue/grey fotd;

    constructive criticism appreciated. :] btw; i know i have to do my eyebrows. they will be done today or tomorrow hopefully. :x