Search results

  1. HappyHannah

    I am sooo upset!

    On the 19th I had placed an online order that was over $70 of Culturebloom items. Yesterday I was at my counter getting a lipstick with my B2M's and I asked them if they had any Culturebloom DVD's. As the new girl was about to hand me one an MA that has worked there ever since I started my...
  2. HappyHannah

    I'm loving the Thunder Quad FOTD

    This is my 4th attempt at copying the A Rose look from MAC's website, I think this is the best so far. After the whole cover-up and foundation routine I used Bare Canvas as a base, put Lucky Jade Shadestick on the outer and inner 3rd of the lid then filled in the center with Beige-ing shadestick...
  3. HappyHannah

    Contacting MAC about new MSF ideas

    After seeing all the beautiful ideas for new MSF's I contacted MAC through the live chat to ask them about how I would go about getting the ideas to headquarters. I figure that if they get enough emails or phone calls about our ideas then we might hopefully see them produced in the future. So...
  4. HappyHannah

    Haul FOTD (First FOTD!!)

    While I was doing my little Haul today I ventured out and asked the MA if she could put Plumage on me. I have never tried a color even close to Plumage so I've been kind of on a little high of how neat it turned out! She used Plumage, Expensive Pink, I think it was Naked Lunch that she used...
  5. HappyHannah

    First rude comment about my love of makeup :(

    So I've heard stories on here where people have had people say rude things to them about not needing makeup to cover up their flaws and Sunday evening some one said something that just made my heart drop. I was at movie night w/ my youth group and I had brought my eyeshadow pallete and a few...
  6. HappyHannah

    Jonathan Water Purifyer?

    Has anyone tried or heard anything about the Jonathan Product Beauty Shower Purification System? Here's the link to it on Sephora's website:$sessionid$HWF1UXRDK0MZLLAUCK5BXCQ ;jsessionid=HWF1UXRDK0MZLLAUCK5BXCQ?id=P121807&cat egoryId=B70 TIA!
  7. HappyHannah

    Oregon anyone?

    Anybody from Oregon out there?
  8. HappyHannah

    Hi everyone!! I'm so happy I finaly am here!

    Hi everybody! I first started using MAC only a few months ago and I am now a full blown addict. I've been browsing this website 4 a few months now and i decided it was time 2 get an account. I hope I'll be able 2 reconnect w/ a few friends off of myspace becouse I've kinda given up hope 4 that...