2014 MAC Collections Calendar


Well-known member
I think that's from TM....
I saw it when I was searching for info and it turned out to be from the TM1 Instagram and the info was already up here so I didn't want to bother. I also found the fake Simpsons (MAC x Specktra x Simpsons? lol) colour story I heard mention of :-}


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
It is, but the troll took it (and actually credited for a change) from another person is snatching info without crediting us.

I'm still blocked, but I'm in a german MAC FB group and they always post stuff from TM so I saw the list there.


Well-known member
I didn't mean for anyone to think I took this from you guys without crediting , I'm not in anyway claiming credit for that list . It's a personal iPad note that I made to remember about upcoming collections that I took a snapshot of and posted on Instagram ! I appreciate that you guys put stuff up here so people can know what's going on. Personally I never signed up bc I never have mac info to add to convo. And I don't like the drama that women tend to create on the internet ..so I'm usually not into forums. Gave credit on Image :cheers:


Well-known member
I didn't mean for anyone to think I took this from you guys without crediting , I'm not in anyway claiming credit for that list . It's a personal iPad note that I made to remember about upcoming collections that I took a snapshot of and posted on Instagram ! I appreciate that you guys put stuff up here so people can know what's going on. Personally I never signed up bc I never have mac info to add to convo. And I don't like the drama that women tend to create on the internet ..so I'm usually not into forums. Gave credit on Image :cheers:
That's all we ask for hun, is credit. Nothing wrong to posting the info as long as credit is given when/where it's due. Sadly there's a troll on IG who is notorious for stealing info from us and passing it off as her own, and we proven it many times. She's been banned from this site because of it, yet she continues to steal info from others.


Well-known member
Is there a tab/area for the new prep& prime bronze bb balms for summer? http://www.maccosmetics.com/whats_new/12920/New-Collections/Prep-Prime-Beauty-Balm/index.tmpl


AHH! So many awesome collections coming out! I'm personally excited about Rocky Horror, Novel Romance sounds promising, and of course The Simpsons! Mood Blooms didn't really excite me, but I am anxious to see the extension of the mineralize blushes as well! You ladies are the best! I would be totally in the dark if not for Specktra!!!


Well-known member
Thank you Erine for keeping us updated. And for the snark. You keep me rolling. I love the guessing game in the Simpsons thread. You make this even more interesting. ♡


Well-known member
Thank you Erine for keeping us updated. And for the snark. You keep me rolling. I love the guessing game in the Simpsons thread. You make this even more interesting. ♡
Any time love! :wink: Can't give away the goods for free anymore now can i!? :haha: