All Things Sephora


Well-known member
I'm really sorry to hear about the allergic reaction. You really loved that foundation. I hope it works out for you. Because of your enthusiasm I decided to give the HD Ultra a try. I recently bought 1993 and it's amazing. Like you said it was what I was hoping my Lolita would look like. I got the brown one.
Thanks a lot. I'm trying to have a sense of humor about it, but it's painful and it sucks. At least it's not on my face, though. I have to cover up with a cardigan when I go out because my arms are hideous right now. :eek:hboy: I love those foundations so I hope when this passes it'll turn out alright. 1993 looks way better in person than it does in any pictures I've seen. I was still tempted to buy it, but some good sense kicked in. :haha: I also played with the UD brow pencil, the new one. It seems pretty nice. I'm low on my Anastasia pencil, so I might give UD a go to compare.


Well-known member
I'm beyond disgusted. Doing this since midnite EST. I haven't done a damn thing all day but this really. This is ridiculous. After spending thousands, this is quite a reward ( all sarcasm and shade totally meant)
This is what I mean, it feels more like a raffle than a "perk" !


Well-known member
1993 looks way better in person than it does in any pictures I've seen. I was still tempted to buy it, but some good sense kicked in.
I also played with the UD brow pencil, the new one. It seems pretty nice. I'm low on my Anastasia pencil, so I might give UD a go to compare.


Well-known member
I'm having a horrible, horrible allergic reaction on my body and I've noticed that the last few times I've worn makeup, my face feels tingly. I'm wondering if that's all in my mind because I'm dealing with this allergy or what. Looking at the ingredients on the box of the MUFE Ultra HD liquid and stick there's Bismuth Oxychloride. That's an irritant for me, but any other time, the reaction on my face is more severe. There's no physical signs of allergy, just tingling. I have to wait for the rest of my body to clear up before I decide if what I'm feeling on my face is real or not. If MUFE is using BO in their foundations now it's the end of the world for me.
Everybody has been talking about this Bite perk, but I haven't seen it anywhere. Is it a BI perk or one of the samples or is there a code?


Well-known member
Thanks ladies! I'm all set then, guhhhhhh so anxious lol
You do need to buy something though.. if you arent needing anything - you can buy some $3 nail stickers from the sale section.. or an eyeliner sharpener ( like $2-3)..


Well-known member
You do need to buy something though.. if you arent needing anything - you can buy some $3 nail stickers from the sale section.. or an eyeliner sharpener ( like $2-3)..
I have a Nars shadow in my cart from the Fall line


Well-known member
Everybody has been talking about this Bite perk, but I haven't seen it anywhere. Is it a BI perk or one of the samples or is there a code?
It's a BI perk. It's popping up in stores. If I'm not mistaken, I think Bite will have a different one for the next 3 months or so. There's so much information about what's coming up, I may have it mixed up, but I think that's the case.


Well-known member


[h=5][/h] Denise Cobb BraunerSephora
2 mins ·

The ultimate irony: the only reason I have enough points to even attempt to participate in Epic Fail Day is that Sephora gave me 750 free points to placate me the last time they screwed the pooch!"
Hilarious. A lot of the comments on there are a good time. Then you get someone high and mighty saying "it's just makeup, get over it," and things really get fun!


Well-known member
I have a $5 Sephora eye mask! LOL
The day before they announced the epic rewards were coming out I just placed an order for refills on my every day items, I always have such impeccable timing with Sephora

I'm also really hoping that once these launch and we check out nothing gets removed from our carts due to a sell out at the last second. I want the Nars shadow anyway but I would wait on it if I didn't want the Givenchy set, I just hope its not like "Sorry, that sold out but your purchase went through!" lol I can see this happening


Well-known member
Next time sephora pulls this "during business hours" release BS they should at least supply a days ration of pizza and a cathater so we dont have to move from our computer!

This is crazy....I havent had breakfast or lunch yet (Im on EST) and I am grumpy AF! Sephora needs to quit playing games w us!


Well-known member
Again from FB:

[h=5][/h] Heather ChristmasSephora
1 min ·

Sephora finally tweeted me back but all they have to say is that the epic rewards will defiantly be released today they just don't have a specific time. "

The day before they announced the epic rewards were coming out I just placed an order for refills on my every day items, I always have such impeccable timing with Sephora

I'm also really hoping that once these launch and we check out nothing gets removed from our carts due to a sell out at the last second. I want the Nars shadow anyway but I would wait on it if I didn't want the Givenchy set, I just hope its not like "Sorry, that sold out but your purchase went through!" lol I can see this happening
Isn't that how it always happens?


Well-known member
Next time sephora pulls this "during business hours" release BS they should at least supply a days ration of pizza and a cathater so we dont have to move from our computer!

This is crazy....I havent had breakfast or lunch yet (Im on EST) and I am grumpy AF! Sephora needs to quit playing games w us!