Boys In Make-Up...opinions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cruella
I'm convinced that any man (it is usually a man) who will attack a feminine looking male is actually a closet fag who is secretly attracted to the other person and can't accept it.

There is actually some evidence which supports this theory.

Researchers at Georgia University took two groups of "heterosexual" men; one homophobic and one nonhomophobic. They measured their sexual arousal in response to heterosexual and homosexual pornography and discovered a significant difference between the groups. The homophobic group exhibited far greater arousal in response to the homosexual pornography than did the nonhomophobic group. Anyone interested in reading the full article from the American Psychological Association's Journal of Abnormal Psychology; Volume 105, No. 3 pages 440-445 can do so here (it's a PDF file)


Eh... being a "Boy in makeup" or transgendered for that matter, while being primarily attracted to females has it's difficulties. It's been split pretty evenly over the years between girls/women who were disgusted with the idea to begin with, to those who were totally cool with it, to those who were totally cool with it until they realized I was presenting more feminine than they were.

Eh. I won't further drag the discussion into space with gender (or anti-gender) politics, but I do wish that WE ALL would have more freedom in how we present ourselves and act. It's totally idealist to wish that the barriers that separate us could be erased, but many people, often without having ever thought about it, have a vested interest in maintaining these barriers.

Also, I'm hungry. Argh.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by aloyisus
Eh. I won't further drag the discussion into space with gender (or anti-gender) politics, but I do wish that WE ALL would have more freedom in how we present ourselves and act. It's totally idealist to wish that the barriers that separate us could be erased, but many people, often without having ever thought about it, have a vested interest in maintaining these barriers.

Maybe there needs to be another thread about gender issues which isn't specifically about makeup.

Originally Posted by aloyisus
Also, I'm hungry. Argh.

assuming you actually made it to Sunnyvale, try Taverna Bistro, 133 S. Murphy Street - I've always had great meals there

For a quicker fix, Bean Scene works too (I'm probably one of the few people to order a grande quadruple shot latte there


Well-known member
Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

I'm 15 and I wear make-up daily. I just wanted to hear everyone's different opinions on the subject.

Regardless of whether you feel make-up is strictly a woman's world every man would look a hell of a lot better if he just made use of a little concealer or mascara in the morning. Well that is a dream, but just because I am a guy and I love to look gorgeous everyday when i step out of the house does that mean I need to constantly be reminded that I shouldn't wear make-up. My confidence has slowly dwindled since I've started wearing make-up when I was 13. I know how to apply make-up better than most girls in my school simply because they only know of what they see around them and what they see is not how to use a white eyeliner to open up your eyes or how to properly apply bronzer so they don't look like an bottle or orange juice. You get the point. There are somedays I will look in the mirror and feel 100% better about myself only to have my father or mother tell me that I look like shit and that I'm a boy and boys dont wear makeup unless they are faggots. Followed by the question "Are You A Faggot?" (I have not come out to them, but they have prob guessed. I just dont care to get into yet another fight with them over it) So I walk out the door to school feeling like shit where I am harrassed constantly either about my weight or my effeminacy. (Don't worry I've learned to deal with that.) I am not a drag queen or a tranny and i don't plan to become one. I just like looking good beautiful everyday.

P.s. I forgot to add this in.

People constantly tell me that they would like me better or stop harrassing me if I wasn't so effiminate or I didn't wear makeup. Everyone around me desperately wants me to succumb to this. I just don't get why. It is hard to put up with the shit that I do. But it would kill me to have to hide who truly am day after day, ust so people will accept me.

Thats my story/rant. I just want to know your opinions on the subject. Whether you have experianced this or know someone who has.


Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

I'm sure all men who wear make-up have the very same issue that you do. I think I can speak for everyone on this forum when I say that at one point we've all been ridiculed for the way we choose to present ourselves. Its sad that so many people have such hatred against freedom of choice and creativity. I'm sorry to hear that people put you through that type of crap. I know I get looks all the time when I wear bright creative makeup, but it's because it's my style. I think its great when use make-up to reflect their personality or to boost confidence. You just have to remember that those people who ridicule you are insecure. Insecurity is why people ridicule others. You're strong enough to present yourself in a way that you know will be ridiculed by those who do not understand - but it doesn't stop you from doing it, and for that you have a strength that those who ridicule you will never posses.


Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

I see men all the time who wear makeup...It's so common now I don't even give it a second glance ....I personally think it is no different than girls who dress like boys...To each their own. I was in the CCO last week swapping stories with this guy that was shopping with his Mom...his makeup was gorgeous. I don't think I ever thought wow, he's a boy..I just immediately went into asking him questions on how he got his liner so precise....and his application of the glitter on his waterline. I wouldn't take it personal...people talk about people for all sorts of reasons...Weight, haircolor, etc...
If they don't like how you look in makeup they should stop looking...Wear what you like and how you like are the only person that has to make "YOU" happy.

Great Minds Discuss Ideas; Average Minds Discuss Events; Small Minds Discuss People

Ignore the small minded people!


Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

You sound very mature for 15 and also strong in your convictions, which I applaud you for. All I can really say is to stay strong in what you believe because the people who seem to matter at 15 (people in school), probably won't be the people you associate yourself with in college, or afterwards. Keep true to yourself and you will *attract* friends that like you, for you. Then you will end up with the best kind of people in your life.
Getting people to like to on a false persona is no way to live. And by the way, I think a little eyeliner looks great on guys. I can't convince my hubby to try it though.


Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

Thank you guys! All your great perception of it has made me feel a little bit better about the situation.


Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

I'm sorry you have to go through this crap (especially from your parents!!
).. I wish people were more accepting of others no matter how they look or present themselves. But unfortunately, the world is full of closed-minded, petty people who feel the need to put others down, and it's pathetic.

I don't see anything wrong with guys wearing makeup.. to each his own. And the people who tell you that they'd like you more, or would treat you differently if you didn't... tell them to F- off...seriously! You don't need people like that in your life anyhow.

Also, we have several guys on here who do awesome makeup, I'm sure they could give you a better perspective on the whole situation


Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

Always walk with your head high and NEVER pay attention to what anyone tells you. You're still in school and everyone is dealing with their own insecurities in sometimes not the most admirable ways. You seem to be more mature than others so don't lose your creative spirit. Embrace it because it's what's going to get you ahead in life. Just relish in the fact that eventually, everyone will "catch" up to you and realize what a wonderful and unique person you truly are.

I'm disappointed that your parents don't support you more, however, I can understand that it's probably a difficult issue for them to deal with and perhaps think you're going through a "phase." If talking to them is a possibility, I definitely would. Coming out to them is your choice, whenever you're ready but I would ask and be firm in the need for their support.

Good Luck, keep your head up high and no matter what, you have all of us!


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Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

there are a lot of guys whose skills I would love to have. If a guy wants to wear it and rock it, go for it.


Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

Originally Posted by Robby_Raynebow
People constantly tell me that they would like me better or stop harrassing me if I wasn't so effiminate or I didn't wear makeup. i

Oh this is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Like you would want to become friends with a person like that anyway!
I say go for it, ignore it and be proud to know that you are probably one of the most courageous and unique people in your school.
Surround yourself with people that accept you for who you are and just let words run off you, but by know you're probably already pretty good at that.

Personally I have no problems with guys wearing makeup, from the more subtle concealer/bronzer to the more dramatic eyeshadow/mascara/gloss. I love makeup because it's fun and makes me feel good, so yay for guys who uses it for that reason aswell!
That said, I wouldn't want my boyfriend to wear makeup. Hypocritical I know, I just can't explain it. I already tell him I'm super jealous of his flawless skin and thick lashes. Oh and I don't want him touching my MAC


Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

i just dont understand why it bothers ppl so much? why is everyone so hateful. I don't see what the big deal is, we are all different and i dont see why ppl are so troubled over creativity and being unique. I think it's probably because they're so uncomfortable with themselves. I think as much as u get harassed about it, keep doing you ! don't let anyone bring you down or change who you are. Because you, unlike them aren't scared to be urself. much <3


Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

Have you ever sat and watched birds?

We are very much like them, as simple as most think they are, they are very socially discriminating, so much so that they will peck at something different. Often times til it's dead.

It is a sad world, pathetic really. But without differences we would get bored without having something to degrade to make our simple little freakin existence worthwhile. I say screw what they say, you are beautiful! You are intelligent and I could leave my boot up your parents ass but I like my shoes too much! Please try not to let it effect you so much, I know it is easier said then done, but you can find people who will like you... you can come to LA. We love talented spirits like yourself.


Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up


OMG Jenny you are????

I hate guys that are prettier than me!! j/k

I loves my Chad

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

People treat you that way, because they're shitty people, not because you wear makeup. Honestly, I don't care if males wear makeup and their reasons behind it. It doesn't really affect me, and if it makes you happy, life is too short to care that much about something trivial.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Re: Thoughts of guys wearing Make-up

You need to do what's healthy and makes YOU happy, and surround yourself with people who want you to live your life in that happiness. If your friends are telling you they'd bully you less if you changed yourself...THEY'RE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. Your family is a tougher situation, because you're stuck with them for the most part. Just be happy and secure in who you are and continue to show them the love and support that you require from them, don't tolerate disrespect, and hopefully...eventually...they'll just love you and accept you as you are.

Do not hide who you are for even a second, it'll make you sick. If wearing make up is what makes you feel good and beautiful, WORK THE SHIT OUT OF THAT MAKE UP, wear it proudly, and don't let others tear you down for doing so.