!!!!!Coastal Scents Controversy!!!!! PLEASE WATCH


Well-known member
People, this is getting ridiculous.

There have been many facts and opinions posted, let's please not resort to getting personal and tedious back-and-forths otherwise this thread will be closed. Please make sure you check all sources, and make an informed opinion, there's really no need for all this. This thread is to present the "controversy" and highlight the different issues involved, and clarify fact from fiction. Please remain civil or we'll be forced to lock this one down.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KristyVictoria
Have you missed the entire point of this thread? Silica used in cosmetic products is *not* hazardous!

I take it you haven't realized that I have been all over this thread and am being sarcastic for the late comers... did you not read the posts before this one. Yes i have been taking in EVERY single ounce of this thread, with an open mind. Some are not, this is what the girl in the video counted on and this is why she has the following of people backing her.

Sorry for your misunderstanding of my smiley, I will try and use a cheesier one for better effect next time.


Well-known member
I don't want to extend this thread, but I do want to give a big thanks to Caffn8me for her knowledgeable posts. I've learned a lot from them.

Also, if you get a minute, could you either PM me or tell me here what you think of the Skindeep database? It's not often I find someone who can answer questions like these.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ohnna-lee
I take it you haven't realized that I have been all over this thread and am being sarcastic for the late comers... did you not read the posts before this one. Yes i have been taking in EVERY single ounce of this thread, with an open mind. Some are not, this is what the girl in the video counted on and this is why she has the following of people backing her.

Sorry for your misunderstanding of my smiley, I will try and use a cheesier one for better effect next time.

LOL, sarcasm is difficult to express on the internet! Especially with so many other previous posts that *were* serious!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wifey806
i bet a lot of the people "concerned with silica" are some of the same people who use MAC Glitter on their eyes, and body-only Pigments on their lips. It's like REALLY?? What doesn't have a warning label these days?!

And drink and or smoke, don't forget those!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
And drink and or smoke, don't forget those!

or live in big cities, or by huge plants that billow out toxic smoke daily...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ohnna-lee

I have some bad news and some good news. Your Fushia is SAFE!!! woot!

Provence piggies have... talc and silica

I swear I saw some salt in those ingredients, so you probably shouldn't snort them... just to be safe.

It was an accident, I swear!

I was taking this photo and wasn't thinking and inhaled through my nose :p



Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
It was an accident, I swear!

I was taking this photo and wasn't thinking and inhaled through my nose :p

, that's what they all say

Bad MAC and all it's finely milled products


New member
One of the best orchestrated PR campaigns I have seen lately, using the full power of youtube. Kudos to all parties involved.


Well-known member
Reviews of 100% Silica Powder...

(not powders containing silica or pressed powders)

This is an FYI:

It seems like silica is a stubborn little sucker that sticks to human lung tissues quite well...provided the exposure limit info I've posted, and the lack of knowledge on its elimination half life & mechanism, it's better to stay away from it...yes dusting one's face every morning for 5mins may seem minute, but the toxic exposure is only 0.1mg-10mg/m3, the volume is only a cube of 1 meter edge, which is likely the volume that we get surround by the powder during application.

I also looked at the MSDS silica sheet from CS, and the exposure level that they've listed from OSHA, PEL & TLV (short for permissible, threshhold exposure levels) for a TWA (time weighted average, ~8hrs/day), is 6mg - 10mg/m3, while to cause silicosis via chronic expos. merely req. 0.1mg/m3. Given that little amount of silica in a volume of a cube with 1 meter edges, I would stay away from silica all together,

regardless of the brand.


Well-known member
I saw a post with this exact video on another forum. I am appalled. I know that coastal scents have sometimes been rude to customers. For example, one time on their site, they seemed annoyed at customers that kept emailing them about when their items will be in stock. In response, they said something like, "Please stop emailing us about when these items will be back in stock blabhlabha" and it was actually really rude. I don't remember what it said word for word but it was definitely unprofessional and rude. I also think they should get spell check for their site because it just makes them look bad when they can't spell easy words.

I have never had a problem ordering from them. They package their things nicely in bubble wrap and it gets here fairly quickly. The shipping is quite expensive but what can I expect if I live in CA and they are shipping from FL?

I doubt I'll be ordering from them just because they are so unprofessional. I sure hope they make an apology.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ

I sure hope they make an apology.

For what exactly?

The one star, or the description of ignorant /lack of knowledge... which fits!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ohnna-lee
For what exactly?

The one star, or the description of ignorant /lack of knowledge... which fits!

The rating was outrageous, I hope she sues them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Septemba
The rating was outrageous, I hope she sues them.

Puts one shiny silver sticker on head at five years old and wonders why everyone else has five

I'm tellin mommie!