Eyeliners : What Stays On!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by subsandwich
WAIT. REVLON COLORSTAY, the pencils, have amazing staying power. I almost gave up on pencils and moved to liquid and gel liners, but I liked how easy it was with pencil liners because liquid is TRICKY, and gel liners are really bulky to carry around. When I picked this up I was amazed. It DEFINITELY stays and it smudges only veeeeeery slightly.

I have watery eyes too, so that's sayin a LOT. You should check these out for real though, lol!

Thanks so much for the info...I've always had problems with liners, so bad I got the perm ones but they arent as thick as I'd like. My eyes water too and blink alot due to a dog attack to my right eye/face when I was young. Even the jels would smear and the liquid (but not as bad)I'm going to try these, maybe I'll finally find the right one
, if not it doesnt hurt to try
Is Revlon Colorstay the whole name? Eyeliner has always been the major makeup product that really pulled my face together and make my eyes stand out.


Well-known member
GOSH eyeliners are the shiznit! They're pretty hard to put on, but once they're there, nothing will get rid of them - NOTHING!!


Well-known member
The best liquid e/l I've found is L'Oreal Carbon Black Lineur Intense. It's a nice rich black color & dries with a little shine to it. It's so easy to use. I'd given up on liquid liners until this one. It's a felt tip, so it makes it easier to control. Love it!


Well-known member
I love Maybelline UnStoppable liners...they do just what their name says,......they seriously stay put....awesome...i have 4 of them!


Well-known member
I got my Loreal HIP in and so far I love it!! I love the way it goes on, to me it's easier to apply then fluid line. I've only tried it once but so far so good. I love the colors and texture so now I need to see if it smudges. I couldnt tell yesterday cause I watched a sad movie and ended up crying, lol.


Well-known member
I have moved away from liquid liners and always use gel liners now adays
they stay on way longer and it looks alot nicer imo
I use the Bobbi Brown long wear gel liner and they're perfect.
if you need something that stays on through everything, defnitely recommend the bobbi browns

I think the MAC fluidliners are also good

if you want something cheap, i recommend getting the coastal scents gel liners. they're only $6.75 or something and work surprisingly well


Well-known member
I love using the L'Oreal H.I.P. Color Truth Cream Liner since it stays on all day and I apply the L'Oreal H.I.P. Pencil Liner in Black on my water line. I say line your eyes with a pencil liner first and then apply liquid liner over it and it will stay on.


Active member
I can't find HIP Gel liners anywhere...
I've tried Lawtons, Shoppers and Wal-Mart.

Where are they?!

Good idea GlamQueen!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by raen
I can't find HIP Gel liners anywhere...
I've tried Lawtons, Shoppers and Wal-Mart.

Where are they?!

Good idea GlamQueen!

I got some of mine on EBAY and some at Walgreens. I love the colors and they have the best staying power. My liner always smudges bad due to a dog bite when I was young on the right side of my face. It causes my eye to blink often at times so I've always had problems with liner smudging. This stuff is GREAT and is so smooth to apply.
This is coming from a MAC addict, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by raen
We don't have Walgreens. haha.
Thanks though

lol, lol,....did you try and do a on-line search to see if any of the store chains in your area shows up? Thats how I found the stores around me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by raen
We don't have Walgreens. haha.
Thanks though

Do you have any Targets? It shows on-line they have them...hope that helps


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaloresxcierre
i say hip gel liners. i use them on my waterline and they work perfectly

I double that, the one's I got a few weeks ago are great! For the first time my liner isnt smudging at all, I love them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kittykit
The only drugstore eyeliners I've bought are Gosh Velvet Touch. They're awesome!

I've heard the Gosh are good but havent tried it. It would be interesting to see if it's as good as the HIPS. Has anyone tried both brands?


Active member
One of the bazillion Shoppers here has GOSH, I'm going to try their Velvet Touch and Extreme Art liners next. I've heard they're excellent.


Well-known member
OMG i just want to rave - Annabelle's smoothliner... stays on better than UD 24/7! And they're just $5 a pop!

Sexy Sadie

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Heiaken
I really like Gosh eyeliners. The Velvet Touch's glide on really smooth, don't smudge and are waterproof and cheaper than, let's say MAC

Love those liners and they are not easily washed out!