For anyone who has had a baby


Well-known member
i didnt poop with my baby girl but i sure did pee lol all i heard was "We need a catheter" lolol...but i did end up with a damn "roid tho ughhhh


No...they really mean it when they say the second one is much faster. I only pushed 4 times! I barely made it to the hospital in time. It's pretty common too. Even my peds wife almost had the second in the car. The second is so much easier, don't worry


Well-known member
Originally Posted by baci
they give you the enema so that you can poop before pushing, or during? i've never heard of that in the US

Before, when you get to the delivery room in the early stages of labour.


Well-known member
I ended up having a c-section and was so scared by the ordeal that my bowels went crazy. It was actually a good thing though because then I didn't have to get out of bed after surgery to go to the bathroom until the next day. They used to give women enemas in the US, but not anymore from what I hear. I also hear Drs and nurses are so used to seeing women crap themselves on the delivery table that they don't even take a second thought to it, just get it out of the way and go on with business as usual.


Well-known member
I had a scheduled c-section with my first and am having a scheduled c-section with this one...but it's pretty common for a woman to poop while she's doing all that pushing. I know a few women who have pooped while giving birth. One was absolutely horrified when her husband told her and she actually apologized to her OBGYN when she had a follow up visit, lol. He just told her it happens in more than half of vaginal births. It's just one of those things ya can't control at that time.

Giving birth isn't pretty. I think I'd be more concerned with ripping than pooping on myself.

I threw up all over my anesthesiologists shoes when I was having a c-section. Something they gave me made me really ill. I was so embarrassed because he was so damn hot. I remember saying, "OMG, I can't believe I just puked all over your shoes!" He laughed it off and told me it happens. The next day he came to my room to make fun of me about it. He was a super nice guy.


Well-known member
I did. I agree with the above statement- more worried about ripping/tearing. I don't think my sisters did tho...idk. Just a natural thing. Doctors and nurses have seen much worst. Tell your husband to look away then if he's scared to see u poop and then he can feel bad when he missed his child's first seconds in this world because he was scared of seeing a bunch of crap- literally. LOL Anyway, I think that seeing the stuff that's all over the baby is much worst than seeing the poop.

PS- Congrats!


Well-known member
Not at all...and I've had 3. I threw up with the first one but that was about as dramatic as it got


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC'sMyBF
sick...this makes me not wanna have kids.

There is a lot more poop involved in the actual child rearing process.


Well-known member
I know the poll is closed but just adding in my experience for future readers...

I did, and my daughter did on the way out too. I thought it was highly amusing and wasn't embarrased at all, especially considering the pushing stage only took 15 minutes (first baby). Hubby wasn't fussed by it at all, he actually watched most of the time when she was coming out.


Well-known member
lol...just as an update...i had my baby 3 weeks ago, and didnt! lol..granted i only had to push for 4 minutes, i don't think i had time to poop!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LC
lol...just as an update...i had my baby 3 weeks ago, and didnt! lol..granted i only had to push for 4 minutes, i don't think i had time to poop!

I hope you and the little one are doing well.

I had my first child in March of 1983 and it was standard then to give you an enema during "prep", they also shaved you. So when my second child was born in December of 1988 it was quite nice they did not do either of these. But I didn't poo either so all was well.


Well-known member
Im pretty sure I didnt, but my BFF is an L&D nurse and said alot of times they wont even tell you and you wont know, they just clean it up and go about their business


Well-known member
I know you've already had the baby
but I asked my mother (who has delivered quite a few babies) and she said it's common --- but that many of the people who poo while giving birth don't notice because if they're pushing hard enough to poo, they're pretty involved in what they're doing.

As MelissaAnn said, some ladies probably don't know they've done it. I can't really see a nurse/doctor deciding to point it out in the middle of childbirth. "Okay... good! Push.. push... you just pooped... push..." It would be distracting and there's really no point.


Well-known member
I didn't hahaha, but I DID throw up all over myself! And I had a catheter as well. It was gross and not even covered. So everyone who came to visit me that day had to stare at this enormous bag of pee ahahahahaha!

My step mom did with my little bro. She kept asking my dad (mid-push), "Did I just poop?! Did I poop?! Omg, I pooped didn't I?!". And he was like, "No, you didn't *lying*. She was like, "Liar! I can smell my shit!"


But yeah, the doctors are soooo used to it. They're super fast at wrapping it up in the multiple sheets they have under and around you, they scoop it up and shove it out of the way. Have you even seen the laundry bin after you give birth?! Its FILLED with sheets, blankets and gowns.

There are a lot more gross things that come out other than poop. My bf was traumatized! Haha. I asked what birth looked like and his only answer was "Colourful".

He explained later that the nurse totally inserted her whole hand in there and scooped out all the "goo" to clean me out. Yuck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
I didn't hahaha, but I DID throw up all over myself! And I had a catheter as well. It was gross and not even covered. So everyone who came to visit me that day had to stare at this enormous bag of pee ahahahahaha!

My step mom did with my little bro. She kept asking my dad (mid-push), "Did I just poop?! Did I poop?! Omg, I pooped didn't I?!". And he was like, "No, you didn't *lying*. She was like, "Liar! I can smell my shit!"


But yeah, the doctors are soooo used to it. They're super fast at wrapping it up in the multiple sheets they have under and around you, they scoop it up and shove it out of the way. Have you even seen the laundry bin after you give birth?! Its FILLED with sheets, blankets and gowns.

There are a lot more gross things that come out other than poop. My bf was traumatized! Haha. I asked what birth looked like and his only answer was "Colourful".

He explained later that the nurse totally inserted her whole hand in there and scooped out all the "goo" to clean me out. Yuck.

OMG about the inserting her hand!!

my husband took everything surprisingly well, he said he actually enjoyed everything, but then again, he's a sensitive guy and thinks i can do no wrong