Fur - hot or not?


Well-known member
Seeing huge fur coats and stuff is so gross and it can look really tacky.. I am suprised i still see some runway shows with fur.
I mean.. if you can do something where you can shave the animal and it wouldn't hurt them at all... then whatever.. but I still wouldn't wear it.


Well-known member
Though I don't own any, I don't have a problem with fur. I think it can look quite attractive, actually. I do have a problem with the way animals are treated in fur farms though.

jw, is there such a thing as a fur farm that slaughters the animals in a less... torturous way than what is normally depicted?


Well-known member
Real fur is sooo hot . . . . ON ANIMALS! I have an old fur from a thrift store but Idk if its real or not. I kind of doubt it. I have a super super cute fake fur jacket I got at Target at most people really like it.

I don't know how someone can do something as barbaric and disgusting as hunt, but then not wear fur! Thats beyond ridiculous. How would you like it if I came in our house, trying to kill you and your family, when you have absolutely nothing to defend yourself? Would that be fun to you?

I do not like the idea of leather but its nowhere near as bad a fur.

If you like fur, you should watch these videos depicting how you get that fur and where it comes from.






Well-known member
NOT!!! Wearing real fur sucks, it belongs on the poor little animals so they can live their life happy and warm and ALIVE! I looooove the people who spray paint the tacky chicks wearing it- hilarious!


Well-known member
I hate, hate, hate faux fur... I don't like the way it feels at all /: But I love the way real fur feels and looks.

I don't mind using fur for clothing as long as it's from animals that are slaughtered for the meat. If we didn't use that fur/skin for clothing it would just get thrown out and that's just a wast


Well-known member
REAL fur is NOT hot.
The day we start peeling human skin to make jackets & other articles of clothing, is the day i'll be ok with wearing fur.

Fake fur all the way.


New member
Fur looks hot and sophisticated. We can still enjoy the "furness" without hurting animals. I think sometimes it will not hurt us if we wear fake material.. so try fake fur.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACLovin
I don't think it's hot, at all... I think it's kind of stupid, actually. No offense to anyone who wears it but there are plenty of fabrics you can make clothing out of. This isn't the year 1525 like you're some native american who has to make their clothes out of fur and hide.. please.

And like you said, the way the animals are slaughtered for their fur is horrendous and cruel. So why support something like that?

If you like the look that much, wear fake fur or something..

Well said, I cant agree more.