How did you guys first discover MAC??


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Re: How you discovered MAC!

I have been a big Macy's shopper and there is a counter there. It always looked so fun but i never had a reason to buy makeup. Last october i decided to drag and every queen i talked to said go to MAC, and i did. Ive been addicted ever since, at least its not drugs!


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

I worked across the street from the original and only Mac store In NYC on Christopher street. Yup, that's how long ago.


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

It was back in 1998 and I was hanging out with my friend Jennifer. She said she had to stop by the MAC counter to pick up some stuff. I had no idea what she was talking about but agree to go. We walk into Nordstrom and all I saw was a sea of colors.
There was beautiful make up everywhere. Lashes as far as the eye can see. It was a saturday and now I know them to be theme days. Jennifer looked at me like, "You don't know what MAC is?" I was like no but I think I've found heaven. LMAO I purchased Delish lipstick, chestnut liner (remember when the packaging for liners was silver???), clear gloss, bronze and shroom shadow. LOL

Even when I worked for Clinique, I would still wear Chestnut and tell people it was Clinique's Chocolate Chip liner.

And now look at me, I work for the company and love it. And Jennifer, she's a counter manager now. LMAO!!!!


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

six years ago i was in london with my sister, we went into selfridges and there was a little MAC section in there. my sister was busy with the MA buying make up for her wedding. Four years ago it opened in a mall 15 minutes away from me. My first purchase was studio fix foundation (i was always into getting the basics first). 8 months ago i found specktra, last month is when i REALLY got obsessed with MAC.
thank you specktra!


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

I always saw MAC at Marshall Fields, but I was so intimidated. I made my first purchase June 2005 with a gift card from my Fiance to Marshall Fields.Shimmermint SS and Teddy EL.


Active member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

i've haven't been very much into makeup until let's say two years ago... don't ask me why!
then i began, more or less out of the blue, to use some makeup, but since i wasn't used to doing it i didn't know many things and i was very unsure, so i began searching the internet for tips and tricks and found a beautiful italian forum... and there is where i first "heard" about mac: some of the girls were going crazy for those strange pigments, so i decided to try them, and bought some samples on ebay.... and fell in love!
luckily for me (but not for my wallet) there is a mac store in my city!


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

Originally Posted by Ernie
I worked across the street from the original and only Mac store In NYC on Christopher street.

you mean the first MAC store in the US, right?



New member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

In 1999 I took a class in college called "Makeup for Theatre and Film." My professor loved MAC and had 3 large traincases full for her students to use. I made myself up one day in class ( Twig l/s is the only color I remember) I recall looking in the mirror and thinking that makeup had never made me look like that before, I was lovely. I looked up a counter in the area and the rest is history. My first trip to a mac counter, I was in utter awe of the vibrant fun colors. For my birthday that year I got MAC makeup. Motif e/s, Purr l/g, and spice l/l (funny thing is I don't wear any of those colors now). Fast forward nearly ten years later and my collection takes up two entire drawers in my bathroom. I don't really wear any other brand,(if I do buy from somewhere else I feel kinda like I'm cheating or something) I own more MAC makeup then I could ever use up in a lifetime, but it is so fun to play. . .


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

I discovered MAC around June of this year. I was looking for a nice, pretty new lip gloss to buy when I came across the MAC Prrr lipglass. Once I bought it, I immediately became a die hard fan of anything MAC related, especially of the lip glosses and eye shadows!

And this is how MAC and I fell in love and are continuing a healthy relationship indefinitely.


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

I discovered Mac in 2002, when I was working at Nordstrom. Some of my coworkers wore it and they looked so gorgeous so I asked them about it. After that I would always go up to the counter and play with the products and I was hooked ever since.


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

I discovered MAC in high school. Some of my friends used to buy make-up from there, but I did not wear make-up except for lipstick at that time. In 2000, I got married and purchased my first MAC l/s, Chintz. In January 2005, I am started wearing eye shadow and I have been a full-on addict ever since.


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

I was admiring my Bellydance teacher's beautiful glitter liner during a road trip to Chicago to see Michelle L'Amour perform. As soon as i asked what it was, she and all the girls we were with started talking about how much they loved MAC. I went to the store the following week and have been hooked ever since.


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

Didn't remember when or which one but, I first read about it in a magazine back in the early 90s. Because of where I live, it was 98 or 99 before I was able to find a store to purchase my goodies. That was before I started internet shopping.


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

i hated makeup, like hated it. i never even went though that awkward embarrasing phase of random frosty drugstore eyeshadows and your moms lipstick. makeup never interested me.

my best friend, who is a boy, begged me to wear makeup. but he always said "if you were makeup, it has to be mac"

i never would. but, last summer i was visiting family in new england. my stepfather had given me a lot of money and i had one hundred dollars left over and was leaving the next day. my cousins and i were at the mall and all they wanted to do was go to abercrombie so i walked around by myself and saw a mac store.

i casually walked shortest time in a mac store...and bought bountiful brown liner, temping e/s, and swimming e/s. i never wore the things either....ever....i would just look at them...never wore them....i never got 'serious' about makeup until this summer...


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

i had been into eye make up for a while but not mac and really got into make up after my wedding when i had it done for the big day.
A few months later I'd met my mum to go shopping and she told me my make up was horrid. We went to the department store and i picked the mac counter and had a make over. My mum forced me to buy all the stuff and its the best thing she ever did,i would have bought a couple of things but instead i got a monster haul!
Since then my collection has grown and since finding specktra probably doubled!
I now wonder how i lived without it, the idea of coming to work with no make up on horrifies me!


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

I was looking in a fashion magazine in 1999 and saw this orange lipstick that came from MAC. I asked my mother what this "MAC" was, as I hadn't seen it in the drugstore. (I was 14 and we live in a SMALL town) She told me the next time we went out of town she would take me to MAC. She already knew who they were and it was no big deal to her. I've been hooked ever since! Mikel (yes I remember the artists name) applied Studio Fix powder, Dusk CCB Chestnut Lip pencil and Oh Baby gloss. I was in heaven an have been ever since! My mother bought it all for me and now I"m an ADDICT for life. MAC rules!!


Well-known member
Re: How you discovered MAC!

In the early '90s I used to read a lot of UK and US magazines. In the make-up articles there were always recommandations for a brand called MAC. Products like Studio Fix powder foundation, Blot powder, Twig lipstick and the much hyped Spice lipliner always seem to get a lot of attention.

In december '95 I went X-mas shopping in London and I did some research on what stores to visit. When I found out that there was a MAC counter at Harvey Nichols I went crazy

I bought their Studio Fix, Blot powder, concealer, Prism blush, black mascara, Taupe and Twig lipstick and Spice lipliner, basically all the classics.

After a lot of waiting, hoping and praying, MAC finally opened a counter in Amsterdam and about 4 years ago my own dept. store finally got a MAC counter. Life has never been the same since 8)


Well-known member
Hi Everyone,

I was just curious how everyone discovered MAC makeup. I use different brands of makeup, but MAC remains my favorite out of the bunch.

I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to makeup. I only started really wearing makeup since July/August of this year. All my life (jr high, high school, college), my makeup staples were lip balm, lipgloss, mascara, and pressed powder. I never ever used foundation or concealers b/c I found it a headache trying to find the right shade! Plus I sufferred horrible acne and felt that makeup would clog my pores and make things worse! I was always too intimidated to try anything else makeup-wise like bright colors on my eyes or red lips. And I didn't even think about attempting eye makeup!

I never had anyone to teach me or show me how to apply makeup. My mom never wore makeup. I didn't have any sisters to teach me. And most of my friends didn't wear much makeup either (we went the "natural look").

I always remembered going to the various makeup counters- MAC, Clinique, Shiseido, Lancome, Estee Launder, etc- at my Macy's store in the mall. I always remembered felling so so intimidated. The makeup artists scared me. I didn't want to go up to any of them and ask questions since I thought I'd sound stupid.

But one day, my best friend gave me a MAC eyeshadow quad for a present. I had no idea how to put makeup on at all, let alone how to put eyeshadows on properly. So I finally gathered enough courage and went to my MAC counter at Macy's and asked the MUA to teach me/show me how to put makeup on. And now the rest is history! That day, I became a makeup addict, and nonetheless a MAC makeup addict for life!

Now I have to visit my MAC counter every 2 wks to a month to get my "MAC fix". If I don't I feel like I'm missing out. The weirdest thing now is I've gotten used to wearing different types of makeup looks and now everyone (all my friends and even complete strangers) are coming to me asking me to teach them how to put makeup on! LOL!

SO just wanted to ask how everyone here on this board discovered MAC!


Well-known member
That's a really great storey!

I used to be into Clinique MU mainly but I would see the MAC counters everytime I went into a department store. Then I started working at this media company who's clients were all the top MU brands including Estee Lauder and all the subsideraries so i got to see previews of stuff and started to get interested in the line.

When I went on a perfect powder foundation hunt I ended up with Studio Fix after trying nearly every other brand in existence.

I never really used any of the colour cosmetics back then because the SAs always seemed so pouty and full of themselves. Then about a year ago I started going to MU forums and websites more and finally swapped for some MAC and then purchased some and I've never looked back since.

I'm now doing an MUA course and always end up buying MAC for my assignments.


Well-known member
I first got introduced to MAC, because i remember my mom going there. She gets her foundation from there. So i remember going with her and LOVING this green eyeshadow. so that christmas i asked her for a couple eyeshadows for xmas. i have about 4 eyeshadows as of like ... i'd say the beginning of this year. then i logged back into this site for the first time in a while, and became much more advancely addicted, lol.