How long to get ready (on avg.)??


Well-known member
Wow I dunno how some people can do all their stuff in 40 minutes! That's crazy. If I shower thats like 15 minutes, drying my hair is like 25 minutes or half an hour, and makeup is like another 25. But I usually shower the night before and just do my makeup so it takes only like half an hour to get ready. On nights out probably like an hour and a half. I usually start getting ready really early because I like to make sure I am on time and not rushed and that if I am having problems or make a mistake that I can fix it.


Well-known member
It really matters for me, it can take from 30minutes to 2 hours for me to get ready to go. That's including a shower, hair, makeup and wardrobe. :/


Well-known member
I showered for half an hour, blow dry hair and stuff for another half an hour, get dressed and do my makeup for another hour. There you go, 2 hours with no break. I really don't know how to spend less time. But usually I shower at night so I only get up an hour before I have to go to class. But I mean, it works out fine for me. My bf doesn't care, if I have to spend more time getting ready then I have to start getting ready way before him


Well-known member
i have to get to school by 8 and i live an hour away from school which means that i have to leave by 7 so i usually wake up at 6.
6-6:20 shower (i brush my teeth&wash my face in the shower)
6:20-6:30 tone, moisturize, & prime my face
6:30-6:45 makeup (might take longer if i feel lazy)
6:45-6:50 pack (this step is usually taken out and replaced with more time with makeup because i tend to get everything ready the night before)
6:50 im out the door and to the train!


Well-known member
I'm always LATE to everything. Thank God I havent lost my job b/c of being late.

Get ready for work= 1.5 hours (makeup & hair isnt all that special).
Get ready for "going out"= 2 hours (makeup & hair is great).

Otherwise, if those times are not enough for whatever reason... I'm doing my hair or makeup in the car. And I've tired to wash my hair the evening before to cut down time the next morning, but midway in the day my hair starts to smell. Yuck! Even if I use baby powder, dry shampoo or loads of smell good hair products, my hair stills smells.


Well-known member
Omg, I love you guys, you make me feel normal. My friends think I am insane for taking so long...

It depends, though. For work (I'm a ballerina, so work is rehearsal and a warmup class) it takes me about 25 minutes. 10 mins to get my crazy friggin' curls into a neat bun all pinned up, then 15 to do my makeup. Since my work involves getting gross and sweaty I always (...usually) go with neutrals and soft colors that won't melt off weird. Once I was rushing and used the wrong pencil on my brows. So I ended up wiping off my eyebrow in the middle of rehearsal. SO embarrassing!!

If I'm going out, shopping, hanging out, that kind of thing, it takes more like 45 mins to an hour. 20 mins to shower (I LOVE showers!), then the remaining half hour to do makeup! :p Getting dressed only takes me a minute or two.


Well-known member
I am self employed and work from home but every time i need to leave the house, whether it be to go to the grocery store or just to buy food or do ANYTHING outside my house, 1.5-2 hours and that's excluding a shower, me being lazy and just using a dry shampoo powder or spray thing.

I am very high maintenance and neurotic about my looks and I feel like no matter what I do I still look like crap so I feel like I always have to do more, put more makeup on or fix something else about my face. It always feels like there's something I need to fix; put more makeup on.

It's a long process.


Well-known member
3 hours for me, that includes everything from showering, thru makeup and hair, and getting dressed.

Yes, most of it is spent on makeup, because I'm slow at the whole blending thing.


Well-known member
2 hours really, 1 hour if I rush but I hate doing that because I get all flushed and I don't feel I do a very good job! To me rushing to go out and botching it up isn't a great start, I like the luxury to take my time, besides it's normally because it's the weekend so hey, what's the rush?!

That includes a shower (because I can't do showering in the morning - going to bed dirty doesn't make sense to me unless I'm reeeeeeeeeeeally tired or ill!), brushing teeth, cleansing my face, change contact lenses, moisturise (body and face), get dressed (I normally have an outfit in mind that day so don't spend time picking one out!) and then makeup & jewellery!

I do know some girls who take longer and some people who can look amazing in no time at all. I feel that however long it takes you to get ready is what you should be entitled to - it's your body and your presentation! Although 6 hours maybe pushing it LOL!


Well-known member
Since I don't do full makeup on weekdays, I only need about 1 1/2 hr to get ready - shower, wash/blow dry my hair, makeup, get dressed, breakfast and watch the morning news.


Well-known member
If i am going to work in the morning then it will take me 45 mins tops that includes;
chasing after my dog after he has run off with some of my make-up brushes/underwear etc!

On a night out the process takes between 2 and 3 hours but that includes,
glass of wine
80s music singalong
dry and curl hair
another glass of wine
friends hair and make-up
singstar and more wine


Well-known member
not sure if i posted on here yet...

1 hour w/o shower
2 hours w/ shower

in general I usually take about 45 min to put my face on.

everyone that knows me knows to give me the proper amount of time before inviting me anywhere. heh...

there are days when i don't wanna get ready so i won't go anywhere... i donno how the ladies do it with 3 hours! sometimes 2 kills!


Well-known member
For me ...on average -brush my teeth, wash my face, moisturize and do make up plus dressed in 20-30 mins.
but if i have to do my hair probably take about an 45-60 mins. (usually i shower at night but if i shower again 15-20 mins can increase)
special occasion maybe it will take more than an hour.


Well-known member
Couple easy ways I deal with this.

1.) Pick out clothes ahead of time. That way you don't spend 30 minutes going through your closet going, "I HATE EVERYTHING!!!!!111!!111" LOL.. Plus then you can blame him for how long it takes you to get ready because he didn't tell you ahead of time so you could play to be ready in advance!

2.) Have a "Get ready quick face" in neutrals that goes with everything. This way it's practiced and you know you look great and can put it on in minutes. New colors and creations always takes the most time. It's fun when you have the time, but stressful when you're rushed. This way you don't have to think about your makeup and can just put a face on fast if you're short on time.

3.) Do your laundry. Seriously. Nothing worse than having all your cute clothes in the dirty pile. Always harder to pick out an outfit in a pinch if there is nothing you want to wear in your closet and everything you want to wear is waiting for a wash.

That's my solution anyways. Can be showered, blowdried, dressed, and full faced in under an hour if needed. But prefer to take my time when I can.

Does anyone else deal with this issue? If so, what do you do about it??