I need to loose 30 pounds.


Well-known member
(Mods I just realized this needs to be in the Fitness Journals section, please move
sorry! )

Fuck. There I said it. In the past year I've gained twenty or so pounds, and I was still about 10 pounds over weight before.

Damn. So, here we go. It pisses me off that I'm at this point, because a year or so ago I lost about twenty pounds and I was in an awesome place. I met my boyfriend and got LAZY. Then I went on birth control, and boom, hello weight.

I will be going back to the routine that helped me loose the weight last year.

My plan will consist of:

- Making home made vegetarian food for myself every night - I'm a vegetarian, so this part isnt hard. I lovveee zee vegetablez. lol.

- Running every day. I love to run, its one of my favorite forms of exercise. I t relieves a lot of my stress. Which I've let build up lately.

- Walk every night after dinner. I used to love doing this and did it with my mom every night, but she recently has been in too much pain (she has spine issues) that she hasn't been able to do it, and its just not the same without her. So, I guess I should find someone who wants to take some walks with me in the evenings.

- Use the home gym we have at least 3 times a week on top of running.

- Drink 8 bottles of water a day. (I already do this.)

- Eat pasta only once a week.

- Stop going out for dinner. My parents don't like cooking and we get take out and dine out a lot, and since I live at home its so convenient just to fall into that routine. My parents are big meat eaters and don't like to eat my vegetarian food, and its hard to cook just for yourself
Especially when they are getting pizza and stuff. So I guess I need to make a conscience step not to gain any more weight and that means doing what I need to do, not what my parents need to do.

- Realize that if my boyfriend broke up with me today I would be miserable in the state that I am in and I am only living this way because someone still loves me.

Depressing isnt it? lol. I have a good humor about it but it still sucks.

Im considering getting a personal trainer. I don't weigh myself because I've found in the past that has only brought me down. I go by my clothing sizes.

Does anyone know any heathy meal ideas for breakfast? I have lunch and dinner down. If anyone wants to sub to this thread and we can support each other online I'm always up for it. I wanted to post this here to be held accountable to myself. Now I've put it in writing, its time to do it.

UPDATE: I just emailed a model who I have done makeup for, who works full time as a personal trainer. I told her "I looked in the mirror today, and I was fat. How the hell did I get fat? When did this happen? At some point I lost the fight with fat"

I asked her if she would take me on as a client.
Sigh. Thats a relief.

UPDATE: Many members have left posts with AWESOME information in the pages of this thread. Please do read through if you're interested, a lot of people have contributed some awesome info that I appreciate very much

UPDATE: OCTOBER 1ST 2009 - Hey everyone. Well, here we are, four months later, I've lost the 30 pounds I set out to loose. With lots of exercise and healthy eating, it came off quite quickly. My BMI is now in the "normal" category.
Thanks for all the support.


Well-known member
I normally have fruit and Qatmeal with fat free milk; egg whites with whole wheat toast or just a whole grain bagel w/fruit.

This is the only meal I really allow myself to have extra carbs at because I know I have all day to burn them off.

I have been really serious about my weight, workouts, etc for the past few months.

I weigh myself maybe once a month...only just to get a feel of where I am...But I go generally on how I look and feel as my guide.

I also find that my workouts are more effective if done first thing in the morning versus late evening...


Well-known member
SO - I'm going to try and create a seven day meal plan for dinners using my fav vegetarian and fish recipes (I eat fish as well.)

Monday Dinner: Pan fried salmon with brown rice and asparagus.

Tuesday Dinner: Vegetarian Chilli

Wednesday Dinner: Vegetarian Lasagna

Thursday Dinner: Eggplant Parmesan with steamed broccoli and carrots.

Friday Dinner: Oysters with brown rice and vegetables.

Saturday Dinner: Spaghetti and Tomato Sauce (our saturday family tradition).

Sunday: Vegetarian Sloppy Joes.


Well-known member
That sounds like a good plan....But I also eat 5-6 small meals a day...I take dinner and divide it between lunch and dinner...I have breakfast and 2-3 small mini meals thru the day

Most times I am not hungry but I force my self to eat every 2-3 hrs


Well-known member
I need to come up with some good lunch food too, I find it hard to find a happy medium between something thats prepaired enough to actually taste good... and then raw vegatables or something. I can never find that happy medium where its quick and yummy without being too much or too little.


Well-known member
I normally have a grilled chicken salad with Fat free dressing....it's easy and quick....and I don't bore of it too much ....


Well-known member
I like doing steamed vegetables a lot for lunch but I find I dont get enough protein so my body really slows down.


Well-known member
Ok....Are we the only weight watchers....

I also love Protein Drinks...I buy French Vanilla...and I buy the bags of frozen fresh fruit...(no time for chopping fresh..and can't find most year round) and I add it to it and it is so delish!!!!
I make Starwberry, Blueberry, peach...I change it up...I have so many bags of the fruit in my freezer
Those count for one of my meals....They are about 200 cals


Well-known member
I agree, protein drinks are AWESOME. I like making things in the blender, it makes me happy, I feel like I'm part of one of those magic bullet commercials.

I need to buy some protein, and also that vegetable powder stuff, that has a few servings of vegetables and you drink it with a big glass of juice or milk or water.


Well-known member
Haha all the weight watchers are doing what they should be, getting their 8 hours

Im shaking and crying from that Dustin thing (still lol!) so I'm still up. Shivering at a pretty intense rate from being so exhausted.


Well-known member
Ahhhh....I hope it gets better girl....you guys need to seriously have a long talk and you need to lay your cards out on the table...and be firm about what you will and will not tolerate....respect swings both ways


Well-known member
hey! well firstly you are a stunning looking lady even if you are heavier than what you used to be! and secondly it's not just you 2 watching weight! i am too and have been for a good few months. i've lost about 18lbs now but still have loads to go (i'm pretty chubby!!)

planning your meals in advance is the best thing you could have done! that's what i did and made sure that i always had that food in the house so i knew what i had to make and wouldn't be tempted to make anything else. my hubby also got on board by not buying so many cakes and sweets and fizzy drinks (which he loves!) he now eats that sort of thing at work so it's not in the house! also for my lunches at work i have made soups to rbing in and eat so i'mn not tempted to go out and buy a subway sandwich! even my guys at work have been doing this so that they don'#t bring tempting food in!

what i would say is that i set mini goals for loosing weight. like every 7lbs i'll have a treat like a pizza or something. just so i have the odd treat to look forward to.

exercise is something i need to step up on! because i'm so tired when i get in from work i don't go out and walk or run anywhere. i dance about the house to music but only do that for about 30 mins 3 times a week!

if you ever need any advice or just somebody to vent to you can always pm me!
good luck sweetie!


Well-known member
^ I agree about being tired in the evenings...that is why I wake up 45 mins earlier to exercise and get it over with in the mornings ...Plus it gets my metabolism going for the day


Well-known member
I just emailed a model who I have done makeup for, who works full time as a personal trainer. I told her "I looked in the mirror today, and I was fat. How the hell did I get fat? When did this happen? At some point I lost the fight with fat"

I asked her if she would take me on as a client.
Sigh. Thats a relief.


Well-known member
I'm wanting to lose about the same amount, but like you i go by dress sizes. I keep trying to do it then i lose a little weight and then i give in cos it reaches a plateau.
Having said that i dont want to be a (uk) size 16 for my 25th in october. My goal is to be a size 12 by xmas. I have an hourglass shape so all my weight goes straight to me stomach and hips

I have lost about 5 pounds so far without really doing much, i tend to snack when im bored so if i feel like snacking i keep myself busy and i cut out the really bad stuff, and my portion sizes have shrunk.

Exercise is my issue too, i work shifts and sometimes im so tired in the mornings i dont have the energy to do anything. Today for example im at work at 3 and im in bed now trying to muster up the energy to try out my new running shoes.
I noticed that you run, i am a total amateur and was thinking of starting out with 15 min, like 2 mins of brisk walking and 4 mins of running etc. Is this a good way to start?


Well-known member
Yes! Thats a perfect way to start.

I have asthma so I still do that, but its in longer intervals, like 6 minutes running and 1 minute walking, etc.

You will build up stamina really quickly if you do it often


Well-known member
You guys aren't the only ones - I just made a bargain with myself (with the support of my fiance) that for every four weeks I stick to my workouts (4 strength training sessions and 1 cardio plus an extra cardio every time I'm "bad" and eat things I shouldn't) I get an item from MAC! The MAC is motivating, and I'm hoping the extra cardio workouts for each thing I shouldn't eat will deter me from eating things I shouldn't. I'm hypoglycemic, and eating sugar and simple carbs like those in white rice is very bad for me - it causes my blood sugar to crash. I'm hoping that the reminder of extra exercises (which may prevent me from getting a lip gloss!) will help me break my sugary habits.

I'm trying to slowly build the cardio while monitoring the effect on my blood sugar - it's still too easy for my blood sugar to drop if I over-exert myself, so I'm trying to gradually work that one up, so that I can be sure I'm not causing damage. I learned the hard way that overdoing it will only keep you from progressing, or even cause you to backslide, because you're damaging your body and it has to repair itself - keep doing the damage by continuing to overdo your workouts, and you'll never see much improvement. I worked out in the overdoing it way for over a month, seeing no improvement, before I finally really understood that and starting working out at a comfortable level, instead of pushing my body to the limits of what it was capable of.