I'm so behind...here go a bunch of fotds :D


Well-known member
The blending is just incredible in all of the looks. I am going to study each one of them! You are very talented and I love your creations.

Q o B

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MaddyMoo
i like the blending and the colours, but i think they are taken to far up and out for my liking.. but thats just me, im more subtle when it comes to makeup.
good job hun

Well, to each their own, ya know? I've alway gotten that I do take it too far up, you're not the only one. At least you put in a nice way instead of callin me a tranny or a clown, like others do... but in my eyes if I don't it, it just doesn't look complete. I hate having a whole bunch of highlight. It actually makes my crease-to-brow space look even more 'puffy' soooo ya.. oh well. Thanks, again, for the comment.

Q o B

Well-known member
Thank you to the rest of you loverly loverly folks. I do apologize for taking to long to check.. I thought my lil thread was done, but double checked anyway.

I just came back from Alabama, my grandfather passed away, and well..It's been a lil rough. It helps to come back to such wonderful and positive remarks, thanks you guys.


Omg I'm so sorry for your loss...I wish you and your family well! And to add, your skillz are crazy good! Please tell us your secrets to your perfect brows!