Lazy to wear makeup 4 work everyday.


Well-known member
I'm like this on most days. I work at an office and I really don't like my job anymore, so I don't put much effort into my appearance anymore, lol. Can't be bothered, most of the people here bloody annoy me anyway. Why bother?

I have a small makeup bag at work, which I sometimes use to apply sometime mid-morning, but it never goes beyond studio fix powder, blush, sometimes mascara and a bit of lipgloss.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I'm like this on most days. I work at an office and I really don't like my job anymore, so I don't put much effort into my appearance anymore, lol. Can't be bothered, most of the people here bloody annoy me anyway. Why bother?

i work at an office too and its exactly the same....the people annoy me and i really have to find another job


Well-known member
Oh thats totally me, Im embarassed to admit, but when i gotta be at college at 8-45 and spend 1 hour getting there, i totally prefer 20 extra minutes of sleep to make-up. And sometimes I just feel too lazy for that...


Yeah I'm like this most of the time. I'm so not a morning person. What helps is taking my makeup with me and doing it at work. I work about 30 miles from my house so I'm always at work about 30 minutes early for fear of traffic so I just do it (sometimes) when i get there and I do feel better about myself with it. If I wear my glasses I do a funky lip and extra blush and a eyeliner only. Too cute and really simple.


Well-known member
I feel like that ALL the time; which is really a problem, because I work in cosmetics, and putting on makeup is a part of my required dress for work. I think I get overwhelmed with all of the product I have to choose from, and it becomes mundane to me to HAVE to put makeup on all the time; I'm not putting it on for me anymore like I was before I started working in cosmetics. It's a little rut I've fallen into. I say as long as you're taking good care of your skin, it's okay to go without makeup for a little while (unless you work in makeup, in which case...find a way to get over it lol)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I'd love doing so, but my vanitée is in my bedroom and my man doesnt wake up until 8h30 and I'm gone at 7h.

I can't really put on my makeup in the bathroom, not enought lights

Hate that

me too - but i take what I need into the living room and do it by the window


Well-known member
Hell yeah.

Blush, mascara, ans chapstick is really all I wear to school.
I think sometimes it actually looks better when girls wear their lazy, fast makeup. It shows more of their natural beauty... if that makes any sense.


Well-known member
I'm like this every morning, but I take it to wirk with me and put it on when I get there. I'm definitly not a morning person.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I usually do a full makeup face for work, i just tone down my e/s colors. I work in an office full of men and they don't really care or comment on it so I just do what i want

Some times though, I do need more sleep in the morning. In which case I just do mascara, brown pencil liner, blush and leave the house. I haven't yet done my makeup at work ever...


Well-known member
Lazy doesn't even factor into it. I HAVE to do my makeup to look professional. My complexion is naturally horrible. In work situations - how you look makes a difference in how people perceive/treat you and whether they refer you for the next project. So I want my make up done... I like how much better I feel about my appearance after I've used an spf primer, concealed my redness and evened out my ruddy complexion, filled in my brows, lined my eyes and coated my lashes, and thrown on some blush - I apply it to look very natural... (since my real natural - is not cutting it for work) I do tend to neglect my lips... I figure it's just going to wear off when I drink or eat and I generally can not check myself in a mirror for hours - so I let that step go - except for spf lip balm if I'm outside. I enjoy putting makeup on... I don't enjoy having to wash it off every night for fears of acne!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE makeup and if it's between sleep and makeup - I'm late. ha!


Well-known member
im a brow pencil,bronzer,blush,mascara,lipglass girl on most takes me 5mins at the most and im out.

i just have to have my hair + brows perfect and im okay


I use to be to lazy to put my make up on in the morning!!Most of the time i will put it on in the bus! cos i need my sleep :p
But now i will just wake up earlier to put it on!! i just enjoy to put it on without hurry!! but most of the time i am still not be able to finish it :p cos i am to slow
and i have to do a lot of work!!! " base,foundation,highlight, blush, contouring, brows,eyeliner, eyeshadow,lipgloss and mascara! PFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!
And the funny thing is i like things to look natural, so when i am finish and look in the mirror, sometimes I will get frustrating cos it looks like i havent put any make up on but in fact I woke up 1 hour earlier on purpose to make this "natural" face!! hahahahaha BUT it does makes me look awake and beautiful :p!!!

someone wise once told me: there aint no UGLY woman in the world only LAZy woman!!

I am totally agree with this

every girl can look beautiful, you just have to work on it and make some afford :p



I use to be to lazy to put my make up on in the morning!!Most of the time i will put it on in the bus! cos i need my sleep :p
But now i will just wake up earlier to put it on!! i just enjoy to put it on without hurry!! but most of the time i am still not be able to finish it :p cos i am to slow
and i have to do a lot of work!!! " base,foundation,highlight, blush, contouring, brows,eyeliner, eyeshadow,lipgloss and mascara! PFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!
And the funny thing is i like things to look natural, so when i am finish and look in the mirror, sometimes I will get frustrating cos it looks like i havent put any make up on but in fact I woke up 1 hour earlier on purpose to make this "natural" face!! hahahahaha BUT it does makes me look awake and beautiful :p!!!

someone wise once told me: there aint no UGLY woman in the world only LAZy woman!!

I am totally agree with this

every girl can look beautiful, you just have to work on it and make some effort :p



Well-known member
i am always like this..i hate doing makeup in morning , i would rather sleep!!
i wash my face an tah dah :p
nuthing whatsoever, no powder no gloss no liner ..
thankgod, i have rosy cheeks and pink lips, looks like i am wearing makeup :-D


Well-known member
No one said anything about the kids, since I have them everything is on the rush and they are a huge factor in wearing or not make-up


Well-known member
I have been feeling really lazy the last few weeks. I love makeup but just can't be bothered to do it in the morning. I usually put on ricepaper, liner in waterline and mascara, and a little blush. It takes me about 10 min for that. I am really slow at doing my makeup.


Well-known member
I go out in full face and false eyelashes everyday because I always have my business cards on me and whenever someone goes "oh I really like your _____" I hand them a card. I'm like a walking advertisement! If it weren't for that I wouldn't wear makeup to school/work (I'm a tutor in the Student Center).