Losing Make Up


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I had lost my Smolder Eye Khol and it's the ONLY eyeliner I use. I was soooo depressed! Every other eyeliner that I had was crap compared! Lol..alas I found it was all better...


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

The best part is finding your lost treasures again in some random pocket, purse, drawer, whatever. I was so happy to find one of my fav lipsticks again! lol

Dani California

Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

Yep, I've got one of those mini pigment sets from Xmas before last, and do I heck know where I've put them? I hope they are lounging in my wardrobe or something in their box........please turn up!!

Ohh I hate when you lose stuff!!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

It's weird but I don't think I've ever lost any of my MAC!
I'm super anal about my makeup though, so maybe that's why. I rarely take anything out with me because when I do my makeup, I'm done for the day. I rarely re-apply lip stuff, so it's not necessary to take it with me.
I wouldn't be happy at all if I lost anything MAC, but then again, I can't stand to lose anything. I'm very organized and rarely misplace anything, so it drives me nuts if I can't find something!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

Lost my 266 brush and still MIA. My short term memory is going and for the life of me can't remember where it is. I went out and bought a Sephora brand and hate it. Oh how I wish I would find it. Just don't know. So off to spend another $20+ on a brush and watch it shows up afterwards. So pissed
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

i lost my 217 once...had to buy a new one...then later found it lol
i also lost my feline liner....bought another one...lost that one too...gave up lol i recently bought another one and havent lost it yet =)


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I am not sure if I am always loosing my back-ups of my favorite items or if My sister is taking them and thinking I won't notice or I will forget I have them...She's pretty sneaky ...But I did loose my fav paint pot last week looked for it for 5 days and then went into the bathroom and there it sat...I know I looked there 100 times....I think my house is haunted!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I lost a small makeup bag that held my #224 MAC brush from the Stylistics collection (LOVED that line!) and a couple Anitquitease items a few months ago and am still
about it! I have a sneaking suspicion that it didn't just accidentally walk about it either. Grrrr...

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I think I posted in this thread previously about losing Woodwinked e/s. I still haven't found it, so I just bought another one and I'm so glad I did. It had been so long since I lost it, I sort of forgot what it looked like on me. I did a look with it for the club on Friday and I was like "Ohhhhhh...so that's why I bought that color!" LOL

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I think I posted in this thread previously about losing Woodwinked e/s. I still haven't found it, so I just bought another one and I'm so glad I did. It had been so long since I lost it, I sort of forgot what it looked like on me. I did a look with it for the club on Friday and I was like "Ohhhhhh...so that's why I bought that color!" LOL


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I've never lost anything, but I have had several brushes stolen (not all at the same time). I'm a bridal MUA and frequently get home to find that some brushes have 'walked'! Just lately I've been missing my 194, 228 and 316 brushes.


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I was so surprised to see this post. Just recently I reached for my Frenzy Lipstick and nope it was not there. Neither was the CG lipgloss, I like to use over it. I am trying to be calm in hopes that they show up. Frenzy is one of my favourite almost natural lipsticks. I am using Honey Flower as a replacement. I am hoping that it shows up. MAC is pretty expensive for me as a student and I try my best to care for my treasure carefully. If I do not find it over the next week, I will go into full traumatized mode. I can definitely sympathize with you.

Patty0411 where did you order your Solar White from? I missed out and I heard that it is amazing.


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

My Sharkskin went missing once! And of course it was one of those "I *need* this product NOW 'cus I have an AMAZING idea and need to use it!"-moments... It was missing for a couple of days before I found it in my 10-year-old sisters room....!
My MOM had "borrowed" it for a costume my sister was wearing without asking me since "I wasn't home and it couldn't be that big a deal"...
Well, it wouldn't be that big a deal if they had just asked me Ö


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

Yea i never take makeup outside my room unless it's like a lipgloss with less than half remaining and that I won't be too heartbroken if i lost. and when i do it is stored in a very safe place where i can keep track of it at all times.



Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I'm one of those persons who always loses their keys, jewelry, phone, make up, well allmost anything that you can easily carry in your hands. I'm always freaking out when I realise that my keys/busticket/fav l/g is missing and then end up finding them under a chair/book/piece of paper or in my pocket/purse you name it. Luckily I haven't lost anything important (like MAC) permanently (yet).


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

Lost my 182 Buffer Brush. My fav. brush ever! Worst day of my life. lol.

Miss A

Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

oh how i feel for you all my fellow friends who have lost great inanimate friends......
its was not mac since i guard it with a passion but my urban decay heavy metal glitter liner in pyrotechnics GOT LOST!!! i love love loveeee this liner then i found out they dont make it in that color anymore, i cried hard and long tore up my room searched cars i had been in dumped every purse, no luck i found one online from some pharmacy website and i got ANOTHER!!
but the other one is still MIA i wonder if i will ever see it again


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

i finally found my immodest lippie! it was at the boyfriend's house... AGHH! His room is a disaster, no wonder we didn't find it the first time around. Right after I found my immodest, i found out I was missing my Heatherette bonus beat.. but I found it too! So now I think all my MAC is accounted for. I hope..


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I have lost a few items but I think I have so much that I dont realize it until I have one of those days that I actually look at everything I have and realized something is missing. Like yesterday..i was depotting some of my eyeshadows and i realized goldmine was missing. I think i saw it 2 weeks ago so I need to go through my Bf's house and see if its there. But i'm missing it so..


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

i lost my fafi sugar trance l/g the week that i got it and i was so mad. then i just bought 2 more later as backups. but i NEVER lose my MU. its too precious to me.