Losing Make Up


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Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I lost my peachstock lipstick, and it is my favourite, I'm so bummed.


New member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

YES!!! I lost my lipglass for weeks and weeks I could not find it, so I finally broke down and bought another one so you know how it goes soon as I bought another one I found the one I thought I had lost, it was underneath the drivers seat in my car. I was so happy to have found


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

ugh i lost my miss dynamite dazzle glass and i thought i was gonna have a heart attack because i missed dazzle glasses the first time around but i searched every where and it ends up when my mom cleaned out her car it was in there.i guess my purse dumped over but i was so happy when i found it!!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I am soo heartbroken right now....

I went to MAC in Berkeley to turn in 3 sets of B2M. I got Satin Taupe, Silver Ring and Orb e/s. I also picked out Cream in my Coffee l/s, Penultimate e/l and Melt in my Mouth dazzleglass. I also picked up my HK purse mirror which I had ordered 2 weeks ago. I was soo excited!...

I got home and....the bag is missing!!!!!!! Everything lost....I'm crying right now..

I called both the MAC store and Peet's Coffee if anything was left or turned in...nada....I don't know what to do....Does MAC replace lost items? Or do I accept they're gone?



Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

Originally Posted by fash10nista
I am soo heartbroken right now....

I went to MAC in Berkeley to turn in 3 sets of B2M. I got Satin Taupe, Silver Ring and Orb e/s. I also picked out Cream in my Coffee l/s, Penultimate e/l and Melt in my Mouth dazzleglass. I also picked up my HK purse mirror which I had ordered 2 weeks ago. I was soo excited!...

I got home and....the bag is missing!!!!!!! Everything lost....I'm crying right now..

I called both the MAC store and Peet's Coffee if anything was left or turned in...nada....I don't know what to do....Does MAC replace lost items? Or do I accept they're gone?

Oh no!! I'm so sorry this happened to you!!
I can't imagine how awful you must have felt...

Did you speak to someone at your store? Were they able to do anything for you?


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

Originally Posted by MelodyAngel
Oh no!! I'm so sorry this happened to you!!
I can't imagine how awful you must have felt...

Did you speak to someone at your store? Were they able to do anything for you?

I did call them and left my info in the off-chance that a Good Samaritan returns it; also called Peet's Coffee since I went there next...I also put a craiglist posting for them, can you believe it?

Unfortunately, they can't replace the HK mirror since it's sold out everywhere but I'm not sure what their policy is on replacing stuff that customers lose. Has anyone else gone through this and might provide some insight?

Otherwise, I might just have to suck up the loss....


Active member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I recently lost Blow Dry Lipstick. I pretty much wore it on a daily basis and I reached for it one day to realize it was gone! Later I found it on my floor with a few subtle teeth marks on the cap. My dog got ahold of it but luckily he didnt do too much damage.


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I thought i lost my BLM Sweet & Single lipstick. The last time i could remember putting it on was in my boyfriend's BMW on the way to a birthday party. I was so upset and kept telling him to check the car but he kept forgetting. He said "We'll just go and buy you a new one!". Yeah try explaining that it was LE! Its not that easy to just go and buy a new one!!! But luckily i found it in my car! I guess i didn't remember i used it the day before! But i'm so happy that i found it!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I haven't been able to find my Feline for several months, now.


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I lost my kabuki brush before. I always used it in the moring and put it back in my drawer. One moring I was in a rush and didn't the next morning I realized it was missing. The new kitten we got at the time was to blame. She is very protective of my brushes when she gets a hold of one.


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

we seem to have a lip gloss thief where I work. Me and one of the other girls have lost 3 of our mac lipglosses. I can't find them anywhere :-(


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

well, I was really madd when I lost my c-thru and the next following week I went and bought another one. But I never found it. Yesterday I thought I lost my Hello Kitty blush and I looked for it about 5 hrs till I found it ( even my husnand wasmad because I was ignoring him). I know how it feels when you lose something that you like and especially make-up.


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I lost my nearly new Orpheus kohl power a couple weeks ago, I couldn't find it anywhere. Then the following week I was looking for my Venetian lipglass and couldn't find it either!! I was so frustrated until I thought....wait a second. I wore Orpheus AND Venetian at my work Christmas party!! So I checked the purse I used then and lo and behold...THERE THEY BOTH WERE! Hahaha. My obsessive memory regarding what I wear for makeup got me to find what I thought was gone forever hahaha


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I couldn't find my Viva Glam V lipstick anywhere! I was worried because I only had used it once
But I dug through all my purses and found it in a pocket of one of them yesterday!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

One or two of my housemates friends are horrible thieves. I always make sure to look my room door before I leave the house but last week I forgot to one day... not only did they take money out of one of my bags, they stole the following of my MAC collection ; smolder kohl pencil, carbon e/s, florabundance & russian red lipglass, studio fix compact, fluidline blacktrack, myth lipstick and my strada contour powder.

FUMING!!! And there's no way of getting it back, because the people I live with are insane. I'm more annoyed about my MAC than my money... I actually cried for half an hour on discovering that they were nicked.


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

That`s not nice, I would be very pissed.
A month ago when I started to read about the new collection of dazzleglasses I looked for my Baby sparks and it`s gone, i`m pretty sure it was stolen because I`m very neat about my makeup, always keep it in the same place


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

My Naked Space lipglass is missing.
I live alone so no one could have taken it. I'm so pissed because it's a LE & hard to find w/o paying an arm & leg for it.


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I can't find my Shygirl lippie and I've looked everywhere.
I think it may have rolled out of my purse somewhere. I really liked it but I know if I rebuy it, I'll find it that same day...


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

Right now my livingroom has ate my what a dame high light powder and snowscene lipglass. I'm raging they where both brand new and I really wanted to use snowscene today. I swear I've no idea where they have went they where sitting on my livingroom table for weeks and then when I went to get them they wheren't there!!