MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
Fzzzzuck yeah! I got everything I wanted except Soul Serenade, still said Coming Soon. BUT, my total was > $300. Oh noes. NEXT worked!!!!!!! for overnight shipping

I got Mythical x 2
PMP x 2
Refined Golden
both brushes


Well-known member
Yay! Got everything I wanted and still got plenty of sleep.


Well-known member
I admit, I cheat. I use a boxed base/mix. Add, chicken, corn, more roasted green chile, onions, beans and whatever randomness I decide on that day. This is the box I am using today. I also have the one without cheese, the chipolte potato ones, and the tortilla one. The Green Chile Cheese is the best ever.
Well, I am doing my nails now and I put some chicken on to boil. Green Chile Chicken Stew today. The food talk got to me.
thanks so much I'm going to try to make this I actually do like soup and stews u are a sweetheart thanks


Well-known member
Done. Siren Song and Golden... I went back and forth a bunch of times on the lipsticks. I almost didn't bother. I hope I like it.

Also threw in 3d black glitter for good measure ;-)