MAC and Miss Piggy Discussion


Well-known member
I'm not a fan of Miss Piggy or the Muppets so I just hope there isn't piggy packaging. If they want to do special packaging, I wouldn't mind if it was just pink with Miss Piggy written on it or something not so obvious. I'm still interested to see what comes out though and hope there are some great products. I'd still buy them if they were great and had piggy packaging though.


Well-known member
I'm not a fan of Miss Piggy or the Muppets so I just hope there isn't piggy packaging. If they want to do special packaging, I wouldn't mind if it was just pink with Miss Piggy written on it or something not so obvious. I'm still interested to see what comes out though and hope there are some great products. I'd still buy them if they were great and had piggy packaging though.
That would be nice actually. I assume it will be a Miss Piggy imprint on the actual product (like fashion flower)


Well-known member
there weren't any photos of any lip products the product shown were only the eyeshadow eyelashes and mascara. it not going to be a full collection it will be just 3 products from what i have seen. i seriously doubt there will be more than that. and it will be super limited like pink friday was and like the bloggers collection was its really only 1 product that is new since the lashes looked like #36 lashes and it looked it gonna be a permanent mascara im sure of it


Well-known member
That would be nice actually. I assume it will be a Miss Piggy imprint on the actual product (like fashion flower)
That is a good idea, like they did with Barbie, like a little silhouette. It doesn't scream tacky like something emblazoned with Miss Piggy pictures all over the packaging because that is not good tacky in my opinion lol.


Well-known member
I'm not a fan of Miss Piggy or the Muppets so I just hope there isn't piggy packaging. If they want to do special packaging, I wouldn't mind if it was just pink with Miss Piggy written on it or something not so obvious. I'm still interested to see what comes out though and hope there are some great products. I'd still buy them if they were great and had piggy packaging though.
Oooh I'd love some pink packaging, I missed out on Heatherette.


Well-known member
Maybe everything will be packaged with little blonde curly wigs or little pig tails

maclovin baby

Well-known member
OMG how exciting now all i need is a MAC and Betsey Johnson collection...i would just die seriously can u imagine the packaging
ay dios


Well-known member
Awwww. I was hoping for some new lippies.

there weren't any photos of any lip products the product shown were only the eyeshadow eyelashes and mascara. it not going to be a full collection it will be just 3 products from what i have seen. i seriously doubt there will be more than that. and it will be super limited like pink friday was and like the bloggers collection was its really only 1 product that is new since the lashes looked like #36 lashes and it looked it gonna be a permanent mascara im sure of it


Well-known member
I've never been a huge Muppets fan, but a pig nose would actually be kinda cute.
I'm guessing they'll do something like the Venomous Villains packaging but with Miss Piggy? which really doesn't appeal to me, I guess it will come down to how interesting the actual colors are. I could use a nice pink eyeshadow
me too... I found them scaring when I was a child!! But now I'm older and a something inspired to them could be interesting ^^ In italy there is not a "muppets culture" and we almost get nothing from other companies that have done a muppets collection! We only get half of the muppets collection by OPI... no the balm here and probably noMiss piggy by MAC


Well-known member
it could be really cute! I like little pigs *__* 
me too... I found them scaring when I was a child!! But now I'm older and a something inspired to them could be interesting ^^ In italy there is not a  "muppets culture" and we almost get nothing from other companies that have done a muppets collection! We only get half of the muppets collection by OPI... no the balm here and probably noMiss piggy by MAC
Is there a Italian name for Miss Piggy? :)